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Terms and conditions of use

Português Inglês

General Terms and Conditions of Website/Platform Use | BHub

Hi! BHUB SERVIÇOS E TECNOLOGIA LTDA. (“TECNOLOGIA”), headquartered at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, nº 2365, 3º andar, Pinheiros, CEP (Zip Code) 05407-003, registered with CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration) under No. 42.330.545/0001-06, as well as the other companies of BHub group (“BHUB” or “Group”) would like to welcome you!

Thank you for visiting our pages! However, before you start your journey on our websites/applications/platforms, experiencing all the best they have to offer, especially our products (“Products”) and services (“Services”), please read these General Terms and Conditions (“General Terms”) carefully, as well as the other Terms and Conditions of Use relating to specific BHUB platforms (“Specific Terms”).

The main purpose of these General Terms is to regulate the general conditions of access and use of our websites/applications/platforms, providing clarification, mainly, on the features, functionalities, Services, and Products offered by BHUB in its environments. These General Terms apply to all users who use our tools.

We thank you for your visit and wish you an unforgettable journey in our virtual environments!



BHUB hereby clarifies that, by accessing and/or using any features, functionalities, Services, Products, and/or benefits of its websites/applications/platforms, the user is hereby legally and formally bound by these General Terms, the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (“Privacy Policy”), the Cookies Policy (“Cookies Policy”), any Specific Terms and other regulations governing the BHUB’s activities, in particular, its Service provision, and the supply of its Products (“Acceptance”).


What does that mean?

Acceptance means that users declare and attest to their full and complete awareness of how their interaction with BHUB shall take place, including concerning the processing of personal data, when using the features, functionalities, Services, Products, and other benefits offered by BHUB on its websites/applications/platforms.



If you do not agree with these General Terms and/or the other terms, policies, and regulations of BHUB, please immediately stop using our websites/applications/platforms, registering in our environments, consuming any Products and Services offered, and/or otherwise providing any information to BHUB.

Please be aware that if you do not agree to our General Terms, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, or any Specific Terms and/or other regulations governing the activities of this company, such activities, including the supply of our Products and the provision of our Services, may not take place.

Although our joint journey cannot continue if the above documents are rejected, your opinion is extremely important to us! Therefore, we kindly ask you to let us know why you disagree so that we can continuously improve our activities.

We at BHUB hereby inform you that we make every reasonable effort, according to current technology, to ensure the security of our websites/applications/platforms, in short, our systems in general, in the interests of privacy and the protection of the data and information we process, in particular personal data.

Information on access, security, browsing, data processing, and cookies of third parties/partners may be found in their respective policies, terms, and/or regulations, and it is the sole liability of each party to adopt measures according to current legislation, in particular Law No. 13.709/2018 (“General Data Protection Law” or “LGPD”), for the protection of privacy and any data relating to identified or identifiable individuals. Under no circumstances is BHUB liable for the policies, terms, and/or regulations of third-party/partner websites/applications/platforms, nor for the processing of data carried out by them.

We would also like to clarify that these General Terms are mainly based on BHUB’s Privacy Policy, which in turn incorporates provisions of the LGPD, available at the following link: LGPD.



Without prejudice to the other provisions of these General Terms, our websites/applications/platforms are intended to offer our Services and Products, available mainly at the following link:, as well as allowing the user to access information and content related to BHUB, such as: services, products, news and various announcements, campaigns, career, blog, events, advertisements, launching of new services and/or products related to back office (“BACK OFFICE”).

That said, users of our environments declare full and complete knowledge that they may, subject to the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD, and other provisions contained in the policies and regulations of the BHUB and/or the competent authorities:

(i) receive, via e-mail and/or telephone/WhatsApp, information that has been requested on our websites/applications/platforms, as well as news, offers of products and services, announcements of campaigns and possible selection processes, launching of new BHUB services and/or products, and other related information;

(ii) receive calls and/or direct messages from BHUB employees to answer questions, carry out surveys, and/or provide information on products, services, campaigns, news, updates, events, and other related matters;

(iii) receive, via e-mail and/or telephone/WhatsApp, advertising, according to interests and preferences, including in a customized manner;

(iv) have contact with links from third parties/partners while browsing our sites/applications/platforms, related to topics of interest.

Notwithstanding the above, it is possible to unsubscribe from receiving advertising messages at any time. For more information on this, please visit our Privacy Policy.



Our websites/applications/platforms, as well as the Products, Services, and activities that we offer/perform through them, are administered/managed by BHUB, which may, from time to time, grant such powers and rights to third parties/partners, pursuant to the law and in accordance with the agreements signed between BHUB and the respective third parties/partners.

BHUB reserves the right to include, delete, or change the contents, features, and functionalities of its websites/applications/platforms, as well as to temporarily suspend them at any time, regardless of prior notice. Likewise, it may change these General Terms, as well as its other terms, policies, and regulations, the most recent versions of which shall always be available on our tools for consultation.

By continuing to access, use, or otherwise interact with our websites/applications/platforms after the publication of the aforementioned changes, users attest to their full and complete awareness of how they will interact with BHUB as of the update in question. If you do not agree with the new General Terms, policies, and/or regulations, please stop using our website/application/platform immediately and do not register on our tools, consume any Products and/or Services offered, and/or otherwise provide any information to BHUB.



Our websites/applications/platforms are only intended for people over the age of 18. Anyone who does not fit this classification shall be automatically banned from our platform.

By accessing, using or otherwise interacting with our websites/applications/platforms, the user declares to comply with the above conditions. If you are accessing, using or otherwise interacting with our environments on behalf of any organization, you hereby declare that you have all the legal powers to bind said organization to these General Terms, to the Privacy Policy, as well as to the other terms, policies, and regulations of BHUB.


3.1. Registration

Registration on our websites/applications/platforms is always optional. However, in order to take advantage of all the Products, Services, benefits, and/or other facilities offered by BHUB, it is essential to register.

For registration purposes, BHUB generally collects the following personal data: name/surname, e-mail address, and telephone number. BHUB may, at any time, at its sole and exclusive discretion, request the updating and/or provision of data to complete the registration.

The information provided at the time of registration must be true, complete, and kept up to date. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any result and/or damage arising from the falsity of the information provided and/or its failure to be updated. BHUB may, at any time, at its sole and exclusive discretion, request the updating and/or provision of data to complete the registration

Users are liable for the secrecy and confidentiality of all data they provide to BHUB, as well as for the actions and/or omissions carried out in our environments.


3.2. Use of our websites/applications/platforms

It is hereby declared and acknowledged that any and all actions or omissions during the use of our websites/applications/platforms shall be the user’s sole and full liability, and BHUB, its affiliates, and/or subsidiaries shall be held harmless from any claims and/or liabilities arising therefrom, as well as indemnified for any losses, damages and/or expenses incurred, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees and court costs, which they may suffer as a result of such actions or omissions.

Users are solely and exclusively liable for the means they use to access BHUB’s sites/applications/platforms, including but not limited to devices, internet providers, and/or browsers, and therefore exclusively assume the risk of any possible breach of privacy and/or security arising from such means.

Users declare and attest to full and complete knowledge that, due to the nature and purposes for which BHUB’s websites/applications/platforms are intended, BHUB may collect, access, process, store, reproduce, share, delete, in short, process personal data (“Processing”), under the LGPD, in particular art. 5, item X, in accordance with these General Terms, its Privacy Policy and its other terms, policies and regulations, subject to the applicable legislation and legal bases in force.

We also clarify that the Processing extends to all the Group’s companies, which may even be located and/or headquartered outside Brazil.



BHUB respects the rights to personality and privacy and hereby undertakes to use the data/information made available on its websites/applications/platforms as described in these General Terms, the Privacy Policy, the Specific Terms, the Cookies Policy, other BHUB regulations and in accordance with current legislation, in particular the LGPD.

Considering the nature and purpose of BHUB’s websites/applications/platforms, the following personal data shall generally be collected through these channels:

Registration information (“Registration Information”): name/surname, e-mail address, and telephone number.

Browsing/device information on our websites/applications (“Browsing/Device Information”): IP address, geographical location, reference source, type of browser, duration/frequency of visits, and pages visited. This information is usually obtained through cookies installed in your browser. For more information, please visit our Cookies Policy.

Without prejudice to the above, other personal data may also be collected, in accordance with the Specific Terms and other policies, terms, and regulations of BHUB, subject to the applicable legislation and legal bases in force. So be sure to check them out!

Registration Information, Browsing/Device Information, and/or other data collected and used by BHUB may be kept and stored by BHUB in the following cases: (i) for as long as the registration and/or account remain active; and (ii) for as long as necessary: (ii.i) for the purposes of the Products and Services, (ii.ii) for the resolution of any dispute or litigation, (ii.iii) by judicial determination and/or by an entity with jurisdiction over the activities of BHUB; (ii.iv) to comply with a specific legal provision, under the applicable legislation in force; (ii.v) for as long as they are necessary to maintain the legitimate interests of BHUB, under the law.



The data/information referred to in item 4 of these General Terms may be processed by BHUB for the following purposes, subject to the applicable legislation and legal bases in force:

(i) Service Provision and/or supply of Products, as well as for the launch of new Products and Services, campaigns, and selection processes, among other activities carried out by BHUB;

(ii) Sending information requested on our websites/applications/platforms;

(iii) Sending news, Products and Services offers, announcements, and/or other information, always related to topics of interest to the registered users;

(iv) Carrying out surveys, disclosing events, and other matters that may be of interest to the registered user;

(v) Advertising according to the interests and preferences of the registered users, as well as for the customization of the Services and Products in order to adapt them to such interests and preferences;

(vi) Customer support, service and/or related services.

Once again, we would like to point out that, despite the provisions of the previous sections, you can unsubscribe from receiving advertising messages at any time. For more information on canceling your registration and/or changing/deleting your personal data, please visit our Privacy Policy.

We also point out that BHUB may share personal data processed with companies located in other countries, such as Google, Microsoft, and/or Amazon, mainly for cloud storage, as stated in its Policy.

BHUB hereby informs that, in the event of an international data transfer, this shall take place according to the security measures necessary to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the personal data transferred, in compliance with the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD.



The data/information referred to in item 4 of these General Terms may also be processed by third parties/partners duly authorized by BHUB, located or with a registered office in Brazil or abroad, for the purposes set out in item 5 above.

For technical and operational reasons, the data/information referred to in item 4 of these General Terms may also be stored or operated in facilities, datacenters and servers owned by third parties/business partners of BHUB, located or with registered office in Brazil or abroad.

We hereby clarify that the aforementioned third parties/business partners, service providers, are subject to the rules, obligations and duties of confidentiality, secrecy and protection of the privacy of the information and personal data processed, consistent with the provisions of these General Terms, the Privacy Policy, other BHUB terms, policies and regulations and current applicable legislation, in particular the LGPD, without prejudice to any other applicable legislation, due to their location.



In order to improve your browsing experience on our websites/applications/platforms, these may contain links referring you to third-party websites, systems, applications, services and products. The indication of these links does not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship of the services and/or products of these third parties. Under no circumstances is BHUB liable for the policies, terms, and/or regulations of the websites/applications/platforms of these third parties, nor for the processing of data carried out by them and/or for any errors, faults, irregularities, or defects in the provision of their services and/or supply of their products. We therefore recommend that you carefully read the privacy policies, terms and conditions of use, and other regulations of these third parties.

Any complaints or doubts about the services and/or products of third parties, used and/or acquired by the user through links published on our websites/applications/platforms, should be directed to the respective third parties’ sectors/services.



Any and all techniques, ideas, concepts, methods, processes, software, utilities, data, documents, directories, designs, user interfaces, know-how, graphics, images, photographs, logos, slogans, sounds, trademarks, texts, statements, drawings, including domain names, user interfaces and color combinations used, incorporated and contained in our websites/applications/platforms constitute the sole and exclusive intellectual property of BHUB or are duly authorized and licensed by third parties/partners. The use, reproduction, distribution, or display, in whole or in part, of any intellectual property of BHUB by the user or by any third party is not permitted or authorized without their prior, express and written consent.

Any content, features, functionalities, and tools made available on our websites/applications/platforms are the property of BHUB and/or, where applicable, of third parties/partners, under the terms of any agreements signed between BHUB and the respective third party/partners, being understood that: (i) under no circumstances may such ownership be claimed by the user of our sites/applications; and (ii) if said content, features, functionalities, and tools are the property of third parties/partners, BHUB shall obtain the necessary rights, authorizations and licenses.

The user hereby undertakes not to carry out any of the activities listed below and, in the event of a breach, must fully indemnify BHUB, its affiliates, and/or subsidiaries for any and all damage caused, regardless of its nature, without prejudice to the applicable legal sanctions:

to copy, store, modify, prepare works, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, or exploit any software that is part of our websites/applications/platforms as well as any content owned by us, except to the extent expressly permitted by BHUB, due to the use of the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits made available by BHUB;

attempt to expose the source code or attempt to recreate any software that is part of our websites/applications/platforms;

use software, devices, scripts, manual or automated robots, or any other means or process to access or track any web pages or other services contained on our websites/applications/platforms;

violate the rights of any person or entity, including, without limitation, their intellectual property, privacy, publicity, and/or contractual rights;

attempt to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any BHUB system or network or breach any security or authentication measures;

avoid, ignore, remove, disable, impair, decrypt, or circumvent any technological measure implemented by BHUB, any of its suppliers, or any other third party to protect its websites/applications/platforms;

forge any TCP/IP packet elements or any parts of such elements in any e-mail posting or newsgroup, or in any way use our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, and/or the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits made available by BHUB to submit altered, misleading or false source identifying information;

attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any software used by BHUB for the supply of its products and/or the provision of its services;

advocate, encourage, or assist any third party to do any of the above;

use BHUB’s websites/applications/platforms for any activities not provided for herein and in BHUB’s other terms, policies, and regulations.

If there is evidence of any of the above activities, BHUB may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, suspend or close the account of the subversive user, being understood that any suspension or termination of the user’s account, under the terms indicated above, shall not exempt the user from any of their obligations.



BHUB always seeks to use adequate and appropriate processes, techniques, mechanisms, and prevention procedures, in accordance with current technology, to ensure proper protection against any security incidents, occurrences, or suspicions of unauthorized access, use, changes, appropriation, and/or destruction by third parties, which may compromise or threaten the integrity, confidentiality, authenticity, and/or availability of the information/data collected by us.

We make every effort, in accordance with current technology, to protect the personal data of users of our websites/applications/platforms against loss, unauthorized use, and/or other types of abuse. For this reason, not only do we store the data/information we collect in a secure operating environment, inaccessible to the general public, but we may also make anonymous or encrypt them for reasons of relevance, provided that this does not make it impossible for BHUB to use them in the supply of its Products and/or in the provision of its Services.

BHUB, at its sole and exclusive discretion, may ban from its environments users who attempt to damage or tamper with its websites/applications/platforms and/or its security mechanisms, whether through the use of viruses, cancellation bots, Trojan horses, harmful code, denial of service attacks, packet or IP falsification, forged routing or the use of any other method/technology capable of causing damage and/or tampering with BHUB’s environments. Any attempt to do so constitutes a violation of civil and criminal law, and the user must fully indemnify BHUB for any and all damage caused, regardless of its nature, without prejudice to other applicable legal sanctions.

Information on security mechanisms adopted by third parties or by our business partners can be found in their respective policies, terms, and/or regulations, and it is the sole responsibility of each party to adopt measures in accordance with current legislation, in particular the LGPD, for the protection of privacy and any data relating to identified or identifiable natural persons.



The information and personal data that we process may be reviewed, changed, and/or updated at any time by the registered user, who may even delete certain data and information, subject to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Use, the Policy, as well as BHUB’s other policies, regulations, and contractual relationships, in compliance with the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD.

Personal data shall be securely deleted/made anonymous if: (i) it is not being actively used; (ii) we have no legal obligation to retain it (e.g. for tax purposes); (iii) BHUB is not permitted to keep it for legal and/or compliance reasons; and/or (iv) it is not supported by BHUB’s legitimate interest.

Inaccurate or outdated personal data shall be destroyed or deleted as soon as possible unless it is required to be kept due to a legal obligation to retain it for a certain period and/or the regular exercise of rights.



Still have questions? Relax! BHUB allows you to ask questions at any time through the channel If BHUB acts as Controller of the processing of personal data, pursuant to the Policy, it shall also be available for the holder of said data to exercise directly, through its channel, the rights provided for in the LGPD, in particular in its art. 18. If this is not the case and BHUB acts as an Operator pursuant to the Privacy Policy, please directly contact the Controller of your personal data processing to exercise these rights.



These Terms and Conditions of Use may be revised and updated from time to time by BHUB. Any and all revisions and updates shall only be valid and enter into force at the time of their publication on our websites/applications. Don’t worry! You shall be informed of relevant revisions/updates.



This document is governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

The Judicial District of State of São Paulo, of the State of São Paulo, is hereby elected as competent to settle any questions arising from this document, with express waiver of any other, however privileged.

These Terms and Conditions of Use were last modified on December 12, 2022.

Terms and Conditions of Use Entrepreneur Hub

Hi! BHUB SERVIÇOS E TECNOLOGIA LTDA. (“TECNOLOGIA”), headquartered at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, nº 2365, 3º andar, Pinheiros, CEP (Zip Code) 05407-003, registered with CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration) under No. 42.330.545/0001-06, as well as the other companies of BHub group (“BHUB” or “Group”) would like to welcome you!

Thank you for visiting our pages! Before starting your journey on the Entrepreneur Hub platform (“Platform” or “Entrepreneur Hub”), please read these Entrepreneur Hub Terms and Conditions of Use (“Hub Terms”) carefully, as well as the other terms and policies of BHUB, in particular the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (“Privacy Policy”), the General Terms and Conditions (“General Terms”), the Cookie Policy (“Cookies Policy”), and the other regulations governing BHUB’s activities.

The main purpose of the Hub Terms is to regulate the conditions of access to and use of the Entrepreneur Hub, clarifying the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or benefits offered on the Platform, such as, for example, the provision of financial indexes capable of enabling you to better manage your business.

We thank you for your visit and wish you an unforgettable journey in our virtual environments!



BHUB hereby clarifies that, by accessing and/or using any features, functionalities, services, products, and/or benefits of the Entrepreneur Hub, the user is hereby formally bound by these Hub Terms, the Privacy Policy, the General Terms, the Cookies Policy and the other regulations governing the activities of BHUB, in particular the provision of its services and the supply of its products (“Acceptance”).


What does that mean?

Acceptance means that users declare and attest to their full and complete awareness of how their interaction with BHUB shall take place, including concerning the processing of personal data, when using the features, functionalities services, products, and/or other benefits offered on the Entrepreneur Hub.



If you do not agree with these Hub Terms and/or the other terms, policies, and regulations of BHUB, please immediately stop using the website, application, and/or Platform, not registering in said environments, not consuming any feature, functionality, service, product or other benefits offered and/or otherwise providing any information to BHUB.

Please be aware that if you do not agree to these Hub Terms, our Privacy Policy, General Terms, Cookies Policy, and/or the other regulations governing the activities of this company, the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits of the Entrepreneur Hub may not be provided to you.

Although our joint journey cannot continue if the documents above are rejected, your opinion is extremely important to us! Therefore, we kindly ask you to let us know why you disagree so that we can continuously improve our activities.

We at BHUB hereby inform you that we make every reasonable effort, according to current technology, to ensure the security of our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, in the interests of privacy and the protection of the data and information we process, in particular personal data.

Information on access, security, browsing, data processing, and cookies of third parties/partners may be found in their respective policies, terms, and/or regulations, and it is the sole liability of each party to adopt measures according to current legislation, in particular Law No. 13.709/2018 (“General Data Protection Law” or “LGPD”), for the protection of privacy and any data relating to identified or identifiable individuals. Under no circumstances is BHUB liable for the policies, terms, and/or regulations of third-party/partner websites/applications/platforms, nor for the processing of data carried out by them.

We also clarify that these Hub Terms are mainly based on the BHUB’s Privacy Policy <> and General Terms <>.



Through the Entrepreneur Hub, users have free access to financial indicators which, based on data automatically extracted from their bank account(s), allow them to gain greater visibility of their business, as well as greater financial control and more transparent and efficient business management.

By integrating the user’s company bank account(s) with the Entrepreneur Hub, BHub can provide them with financial indexes that automatically indicate, in a graphical, categorized, analytical and up-to-date way, among other information, history, inflows, outflows, and cashburn, enabling a quick analysis on the main transactions and the financial health of your business in real-time.

Without prejudice to the other provisions of these Hub Terms, our Entrepreneur Hub is also intended to allow the user to access information and content related to BHUB, including from third parties/partners, such as: services, products, news, and various announcements related mainly to the back office.

That said, users of Entrepreneur Hub declare full and complete knowledge that they may, subject to the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD, and other provisions contained in the policies and regulations of the BHUB and/or the competent authorities:

(i) receive, via e-mail and/or telephone/WhatsApp, information that has been requested on our websites/applications/platforms, as well as news, offers, and announcements of BHUB products and services, and other related information;

(ii) receive calls and/or direct messages from BHUB employees to answer questions, carry out surveys, and/or provide information on products, services, events, and other related matters;

(iii) receive, via e-mail and/or telephone/WhatsApp, advertising, according to interests and preferences, including in a customized manner;

(iv) have contact with links from third parties/partners while browsing our sites/applications/platforms, related to topics of interest.

Notwithstanding the above, it is possible to unsubscribe from receiving advertising messages at any time. For more information on this, please visit our Privacy Policy.



The Entrepreneur Hub, as well as the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or benefits offered on the Platform, are managed by BHUB, which may grant such powers and rights to third parties/partners, under the law and the agreements signed between BHUB and the respective third parties/partners.

BHUB reserves the right to include, delete, or change the contents, features, and functionalities of the Entrepreneur Hub, as well as to temporarily suspend it at any time, regardless of prior notice. Likewise, you may modify these Hub Terms, the latest version of which shall always be available on our tools for consultation.



Access to and use of our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, is restricted to persons over the age of 18. Anyone who does not fit this classification shall be automatically banned from our platform.

By accessing, using or otherwise interacting with our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, the user declares to comply with the above conditions. If you are accessing, using or otherwise interacting with our environments on behalf of any organization, you hereby declare that you have all the legal powers to bind said organization to these Hub Terms, to the Privacy Policy, as well as to the other terms, policies, and regulations of BHUB.


3.1. Registration

Registration on our websites/applications/platforms is always optional. However, in order to take advantage of all the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits offered by BHUB, including those of the Entrepreneur Hub, it is essential to register.

To register on the Entrepreneur Hub, BHUB collects personal data (name/surname, e-mail, telephone/WhatsApp), as well as business data (company name, CNPJ, and bank).

In order to access the Entrepreneur Hub, the user must also create a login and password, as well as carry out the procedures referred to in item 3.2 hereof.

The information provided at the time of registration must be true, complete, and kept up to date. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any result and/or damage arising from the falsity of the information provided and/or its failure to be updated. BHUB may, at any time, at its sole and exclusive discretion, request the updating and/or provision of data to complete the registration.

Users are liable for the secrecy and confidentiality of all data they provide to BHUB, as well as for the actions and/or omissions carried out in our environments, including regarding the use of login and password. So don’t share them with third parties. Sharing them with third parties is an express breach of these Hub Terms and other BHUB policies, terms, and regulations, and may compromise the security of both the data and our environments. If the user identifies or suspects that a third party has gained access to their login/password, they must immediately change it in our systems or request assistance to do so through the channels indicated in these Hub Terms.

If BHUB finds, through testing, that the user’s credentials (login/password) have been compromised (made accessible by third parties), for security reasons and in order to prevent inappropriate access to the user’s account and data, BHUB may preventively suspend said credentials. BHUB may also, at its sole and exclusive discretion, prevent the creation of new registrations or cancel those already made if it detects any adversity capable of compromising its environments and/or other users.


3.2. Use of our websites/applications/platforms

It is hereby declared and acknowledged that any and all actions or omissions during the use of our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub shall be the user’s sole and full liability, and BHUB, its affiliates, and/or subsidiaries shall be held harmless from any claims and/or liabilities arising therefrom, as well as indemnified for any losses, damages and/or expenses incurred, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees and court costs, which they may suffer as a result of such actions or omissions.

Users are solely and exclusively liable for the means they use to access BHUB’s sites/applications/platforms, including but not limited to devices, internet providers, and/or browsers, and therefore exclusively assume the risk of any possible breach of privacy and/or security arising from such means.


3.2.1. Connecting the user’s bank account(s) to the Entrepreneur Hub

In order to take advantage of the features and functionalities made available by the Entrepreneur Hub, users must authorize BHUB to connect to the bank accounts indicated by them and thus access/process the financial data associated with it, in accordance with these Hub Terms and other BHUB policies, terms and regulations, subject to the applicable legislation in force.

Users declare full and complete knowledge that, to connect the aforementioned bank account(s) to the Entrepreneur Hub, BHUB shall rely on the assistance of the partner Belvo., whose policies and terms of use can be accessed via the following link: Policies and Terms of Use

In order to connect the bank accounts indicated by the user to the Entrepreneur Hub, the user must:

expressly authorize BHUB to connect to said accounts, access the financial data associated with it and carry out

any periodic synchronizations;

expressly authorize Belvo. to carry out the integration between the bank accounts and the Entrepreneur Hub, via API, providing BHUB with access to the financial data associated with said accounts;

fill in certain fields for integrating said bank accounts and the Entrepreneur Hub, providing bank details such as: bank, branch, account, login, and/or password.

Users also declare that they are fully aware that they may revoke, at any time, the authorization referred to in the above items, and it is certain that, upon revocation, the Entrepreneur Hub, as well as its features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits shall be unavailable to the user. In order to access and use the Entrepreneur Hub again, the user must authorize a new connection to their bank account, under the terms set out herein.


3.2.2. User’s declarations

Users declare and attest that they are fully and completely aware that:

Access to the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits of the Entrepreneur Hub necessarily depends on the processes provided for in these Hub Terms, in particular, the processes referred to in item 3, according to this instrument, as well as the other terms, policies, and regulations of BHUB;

They shall keep their IDs, passwords, and/or other access codes relating to the API confidential and protected from all unauthorized persons, in accordance with good information security and privacy practices, and in accordance with the provisions set forth in these Hub Terms and BHUB’s other terms, policies and regulations;

BHUB does not carry out any transactions on the bank accounts integrated into the Entrepreneur Hub, nor does it interfere in any way with its assets or liabilities, access to which is restricted to the reading and processing of data, in accordance with this instrument and BHUB’s other terms, policies, and regulations;

Due to the nature and purposes for which the Entrepreneur Hub is intended, BHUB may access, collect, process, store, update, share, dispose of, in short, process personal data (“Processing”), under the LGPD, in particular art. 5, item X, in accordance with these Hub Terms, as well as the other terms, policies and regulations of BHUB, in particular the Privacy Policy, subject to the applicable legislation and legal bases in force. The Processing extends to all the Group’s companies, which may even be located and/or headquartered outside Brazil, in which case the legislation in force in the countries in which these companies are located and/or headquartered shall also be complied with;

The financial data obtained by BHUB depends on the services provided by the financial institutions to which the bank accounts indicated by the user are linked. Therefore, despite the efforts to maintain the timeliness and accuracy of the information available on the Entrepreneur Hub, BHUB does not guarantee that the data obtained from these institutions is free of flaws or inaccuracies. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any such faults or inaccuracies;

They are the sole and exclusive liable for checking any and all information made available on the Entrepreneur Hub, starting with the financial data referred to in item 5 above, before basing any decision on it. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be responsible for checking this information;

They are the sole and exclusive liable for making decisions based on the information available on the Entrepreneur Hub and for the results arising therefrom. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for such decisions and/or the results thereof.

Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any loss or damage caused by hackers and/or programs/codes harmful to the Platform, such as, but not limited to, viruses, worms, denial attacks;

Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for products and/or services offered by the financial institutions to which the accounts connected to the Platform, indicated by the user, are linked.

They must comply with this instrument, as well as the other terms, policies, and regulations of BHUB, as well as the applicable legislation in force.



BHUB respects the rights to personality and privacy and hereby undertakes to use the data/information made available on the Entrepreneur Hub as described in these Hub Terms, as well as in the General Terms, the Privacy Policy, the Cookies Policy, other regulations of this company and in compliance with current applicable legislation, in particular the LGPD, in the case of personal data.

Considering the nature and purpose of the Entrepreneur Hub, the following personal and business data shall be collected:

Identification/registration information (“Identification/Registration Information”): name/surname, e-mail address, telephone number, access data, as well as company name, and CNPJ.

The company’s banking/financial information (“Banking/Financial Information”): bank, branch, account, overdraft, balances, transactions, investments, loans, credit.

Browsing/device information on our websites/applications (“Browsing/Device Information”): IP address, geographical location, reference source, type of browser, duration/frequency of visits, and pages visited by the user. This information is usually obtained through cookies installed in your browser. For more information, please visit our Cookies Policy.

Identification/Registration Information, Banking/Financial Information, Browsing/Device Information and/or other data collected and used by BHUB may be kept and stored in the following cases: (i) for as long as the user’s registration, account, and/or use of the Entrepreneur Hub’s features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits remain active; and (ii) for as long as necessary: (ii.i) for the resolution of any dispute or litigation, (ii.ii) by judicial determination and/or by an entity with jurisdiction over the activities of BHUB; (ii.iii) to comply with a specific legal provision, under the legislation in force; and (ii.v) for as long as they are necessary to maintain the legitimate interests of BHUB, under the law.



The data/information referred to in item 4 of these Hub Terms may be processed by BHUB for the following purposes, subject to the applicable legislation and legal bases in force:

(i) To provide/use the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits of the Entrepreneur Hub, as well as to launch new products and/or services;

(ii) Sending information requested on our websites/applications/platforms, in particular through the Entrepreneur Hub;

(ii) Sending news, products and services offers, announcements, and/or other information, always related to topics of interest to the registered users;

(iv) Carrying out surveys/statistics, disclosing events, and other matters that may be of interest to the registered user;

(v) Advertising according to the interests and preferences of the registered users, as well as for the customization of the services, products, and/or other benefits, in order to adapt them to such interests and preferences;

(vi) Customer support, service and/or related services.


Once again, we would like to point out that, despite the provisions of the previous sections, you can unsubscribe from receiving advertising messages at any time. For more information on canceling your registration and/or changing/deleting your personal data, please visit our Privacy Policy.

We also point out that BHUB may share personal data processed with companies located in other countries, such as Google, Microsoft, and/or Amazon, mainly for cloud storage, as stated in its Privacy Policy.

BHUB hereby informs that, in the event of an international data transfer, this shall take place according to the security measures necessary to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the personal data transferred, in compliance with the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD.



The data/information referred to in item 4 of these Hub Terms may also be processed by third parties/business partners duly authorized by BHUB, located or with a registered office in Brazil or abroad, for the purposes set out in item 5 above.

The data/information referred to in item 4 of these Hub Terms may also be stored or operated in facilities, datacenters and servers owned by third parties an/or partners of BHUB, located or with registered office in Brazil or abroad.

We hereby clarify that the aforementioned third parties/partners are subject to the rules, obligations, and duties of confidentiality, secrecy, and protection of the privacy of the information and data processed, consistent with the provisions in this instrument, the Privacy Policy, other BHUB terms, policies and regulations, and current applicable legislation, in particular the LGPD, without prejudice to any other applicable legislation, due to their location.



In order to improve your browsing experience on our websites/applications/platforms, these, including the Entrepreneur Hub, may contain links referring you to third-party websites, systems, applications, services and products. The indication of these links does not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship of the services and/or products of these third parties. Under no circumstances is BHUB liable for the policies, terms, and/or regulations of the websites/applications/platforms of these third parties/partners, nor for the processing of data carried out by them and/or for any errors, faults, irregularities, or defects in the provision of their services and/or supply of their products. We therefore recommend that you carefully read the privacy policies, terms and conditions of use, and other regulations of these third parties.

Any complaints or doubts about the services and/or products of third parties, used and/or acquired by the user through links published on our websites/applications, should be directed to the respective third parties’ sectors/services.



Any and all techniques, ideas, concepts, methods, processes, software, utilities, data, documents, directories, designs, user interfaces, know-how, graphics, images, photographs, logos, slogans, sounds, trademarks, texts, statements, drawings, including domain names, user interfaces and color combinations used, incorporated and contained in our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, constitute the sole and exclusive intellectual property of BHUB or are duly authorized and licensed by third parties/partners. The use, reproduction, distribution, or display, in whole or in part, of any intellectual property of BHUB by the user or by any third party is not permitted or authorized without their prior, express and written consent.

Any content, features, functionalities, and tools made available on our websites/applications/platforms are the property of BHUB and/or, where applicable, of third parties/partners, under the terms of any agreements signed between BHUB and the respective third-party/partners, being understood that: (i) under no circumstances may such ownership be claimed by the user of our sites/applications; and (ii) if said content, features, functionalities, and tools are the property of third parties/partners, BHUB shall obtain the necessary rights, authorizations and licenses.

The user hereby undertakes not to carry out any of the activities listed below and, in the event of a breach, must fully indemnify BHUB, its affiliates, and/or subsidiaries for any and all damage caused, regardless of its nature, without prejudice to the applicable legal sanctions:

to copy, store, modify, prepare works, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, or exploit any software that is part of our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, as well as any content owned by us, except to the extent expressly permitted by BHUB, due to the use of the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits made available by BHUB;

attempt to expose the source code or attempt to recreate any software that is part of our websites/applications/platforms;

use software, devices, scripts, manual or automated robots, or any other means or process to access or track any web pages or other services contained on our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub;

violate the rights of any person or entity, including, without limitation, their intellectual property, privacy, publicity, and/or contractual rights;

attempt to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any BHUB system or network or breach any security or authentication measures;

avoid, ignore, remove, disable, impair, decrypt, or circumvent any technological measure implemented by BHUB, any of its suppliers, or any other third party to protect its websites/applications/platforms;

forge any TCP/IP packet elements or any parts of such elements in any e-mail posting or newsgroup, or in any way use our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, and/or the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits made available by BHUB to submit altered, misleading or false source identifying information;

attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any software used by BHUB for the supply of its products and/or the provision of its services;

advocate, encourage, or assist any third party to do any of the above;

use BHUB’s websites/applications/platforms for any activities not provided for herein and in BHUB’s other terms, policies, and regulations.

If there is evidence of any of the above activities, BHUB may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, suspend or close the account of the subversive user, being understood that any suspension or termination of the user’s account, under the terms indicated above, shall not exempt the user from any of their obligations.



BHUB always seeks to use adequate and appropriate processes, techniques, mechanisms, and prevention procedures, in accordance with current technology, to ensure proper protection against any security incidents, occurrences, or suspicions of unauthorized access, use, changes, appropriation, and/or destruction by third parties, which may compromise or threaten the integrity, confidentiality, authenticity, and/or availability of the information/data collected by us.

We make every effort, in accordance with current technology, to protect the personal data of users of our websites/applications/platforms against loss, unauthorized use, and/or other types of abuse. For this reason, not only do we store the data/information we collect in a secure operating environment, inaccessible to the general public, but we may also make anonymous or encrypt them for reasons of relevance, provided that this does not make it impossible for BHUB to use them in the supply of its Products and/or in the provision of its Services.

BHUB, at its sole and exclusive discretion, may ban from its environments users who attempt to damage or tamper with its websites/applications/platforms and/or its security mechanisms, whether through the use of viruses, cancellation bots, Trojan horses, harmful code, denial of service attacks, packet or IP falsification, forged routing or the use of any other method/technology capable of causing damage and/or tampering with BHUB’s environments. Any attempt to do so constitutes a violation of civil and criminal law, and the user must fully indemnify BHUB for any and all damage caused, regardless of its nature, without prejudice to other applicable legal sanctions.

Information on security mechanisms adopted by our partners can be found in their respective policies, terms, and/or regulations, and it is the sole responsibility of each party to adopt measures in accordance with current legislation, in particular the LGPD, for the protection of privacy and any data relating to identified or identifiable natural persons.



The information and personal data that we process may be reviewed, changed, and/or updated at any time by the registered user, who may even delete certain data and information, subject to the provisions of these Hub Terms, the Policy, as well as BHUB’s other policies, regulations and contractual relationships, in compliance with the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD.

Personal data shall be securely deleted/made anonymous if: (i) it is not being actively used; (ii) we have no legal obligation to retain it (e.g. for tax purposes); (iii) BHUB is not permitted to keep it for legal and/or compliance reasons; and/or (iv) it is not supported by BHUB’s legitimate interest.

Inaccurate or outdated personal data shall be destroyed or deleted as soon as possible unless it is required to be kept due to a legal obligation to retain it for a certain period and/or the regular exercise of rights.



Still have questions? Relax! BHUB allows you to ask questions at any time through the channel

If BHUB acts as Controller of the processing of personal data, pursuant to the Policy, it shall also be available for the holder of said data to exercise directly, through its channel, the rights provided for in the LGPD, in particular in its art. 18. If this is not the case and BHUB acts as an Operator pursuant to the Policy, please directly contact the Controller of your personal data processing to exercise these rights.



These Hub Terms may be revised and updated from time to time by BHUB. Any and all revisions and updates shall only be valid and enter into force at the time of their publication on our websites/applications. Don’t worry! You shall be informed of relevant revisions/updates.



In the event of any discrepancy between this instrument and the General Terms, the provisions of this instrument shall prevail.

This document is governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

The Judicial District of State of São Paulo, of the State of São Paulo, is hereby elected as competent to settle any questions arising from this document, with express waiver of any other, however privileged.

These Hub Terms were last modified on December 12, 2022.

Below you will find the terms and conditions that regulate how BHUB provides services to you and your company!


1.1. The expressions below, whenever used in this document, in the singular or plural, shall have the meaning attributed to them as follows:

(i)”BHUB” means BHub Serviços e Tecnologia Ltda, a limited liability company, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde n° 2365, Pinheiros, CEP (Zip Code) 05.407-003, registered with CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration) under No. 42.330.545/0001-06 (“BHub Tecnologia“) and, as applicable and when acting jointly with BHub Tecnologia (a) for the purposes of providing accounting and financial services, BHub Contabilidade Ltda., a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 43.618.130/0001-03, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 31, Pinheiros, CEP 05.407-003 (“BHub Contabilidade“)     ; and (b) for the purposes of providing paralegal services, BHub Serviços de Paralegal LTDA, a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 51.097.182/0001-00, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 33-Parte, Pinheiros, CEP 05.407-003 (“BHub Paralegal“);

(ii)       “CONTRACTING PARTY” means the individuals or legal entities indicated and qualified in Clause 1 of the Summary Table;

(iii)       “Agreement” jointly means these T&C, the Summary Table, the specific Terms & Conditions of the contracted product, as well as the Business Proposal sent to the CONTRACTING PARTY;

(iv)       “Party” or “Parties” means the CONTRACTING PARTY and the SERVICE PROVIDER, when mentioned jointly or individually, as the case may be;

(v)       “BHUB Platform” means the system (software) owned by BHUB, in which we store and manage the information made available by the CONTRACTING PARTY;

(vi)       “Intellectual Property” means BHUB’s copyrights involving its brands, images, software, products, way of providing services, formulas, and algorithms created to serve its clients, which are the exclusive property of BHUB; and

(vii)      “Summary Table” means the Summary Table of the Service Agreement signed by the CONTRACTING PARTY and BHUB.

2.1. The purpose of the Agreement is the provision of Services by BHUB to the CLIENT, according to the plans and products chosen, detailed in the Summary Table, according to the specific terms and conditions of each product, as well as those set out in this instrument.


3.1. This Service Agreement shall be in force for the period agreed between the CONTRACTING PARTY and BHUB in the Summary Table and shall be renewed successively for equal terms unless the Parties agree otherwise in writing.

3.2. After contracting the Services and signing the Agreement, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall have up to seven (7) days to withdraw from continuing with the Services (Agreement termination) free of charge, i.e. nothing shall be due, and termination shall be immediate. If the CONTRACTING PARTY decides to cancel the Agreement after this period of seven (7) days, it may be terminated, subject to the provisions of Clause 10, and the amounts relating to the Services already provided up to the date of termination shall be due.

3.2.1.   In the case of one-off/additional services, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall have up to seven (7) days to withdraw from said services. After this term, or if the Services have already been provided, the Agreement may be canceled, but the agreed amount shall be charged in full.

3.2.2.   In the case of paralegal services (“Paralegal as a Service” or “PaaS“), the cases of withdrawal/termination shall comply with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of Contract for PaaS Services (“PaaS T&C“).


4.1. The amounts owed by the CONTRACTING PARTY to the BHUB as a result of the Services contracted, as well as the description of said services and the payment method are specified in the Summary Table.

4.2. Should any change occur that influences costs and/or makes it economically unfeasible for BHUB to maintain the plans and/or the agreed amounts, BHUB may adjust the said amounts and/or the plans, or even terminate them.

4.2.1. If this happens, BHUB shall notify the CONTRACTING PARTY about this adjustment thirty (30) days in advance, so the CONTRACTING PARTY can choose one of the existing plans. If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not express its acceptance within the aforementioned term, i.e. within thirty (30) days from the date of communication, BHUB shall automatically migrate to the plan which, at its sole discretion, is the most appropriate, and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall be charged according to the new amounts.

4.2.2. If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not agree with the new plans, it may terminate this Agreement, without entailing any compensation and/or fine, at which time only the amounts relating to the services provided up to the date of termination shall be due.4.3. In the case of services based on previously established assumptions, according to the Summary Table, the amount(s) owed by the CONTRACTING PARTY to the BHUB may be revised automatically and at any time, should these assumptions change.

4.4. Additional services may, from time to time, at the sole discretion of BHUB, be contracted by e-mail, at the prior written request of the CONTRACTING PARTY, the provision of which is subject to collection by BHUB. It is the CONTRACTING PARTY’s sole responsibility to inform its members, agents, employees, and/or service providers about this form of contracting the additional services in question, understanding as a request duly formalized by the CONTRACTING PARTY, for all legal purposes, any requests for additional services forwarded to BHub.

4.5. All possible charges, costs, expenses, guides, taxes, fees, and other expenses paid by BHUB on behalf of the CONTRACTING PARTY, including, without limitation, those required by City Halls, the Internal Revenue Service, Trade Boards, State and Municipal Finance Departments, sworn translators, notary publics, among others that are not expressly included in the Price shall be charged to the CONTRACTING PARTY in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which payments are made.

4.6. Any amounts spent on materials to perform the Services, such as books, postage, stamps, file folders, CDS, copies, etc. may be paid in advance by BHUB, but must be reimbursed by the CONTRACTING PARTY in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which the payments are completed.

4.7. The CONTRACTING PARTY hereby declares and agrees that if the CONTRACTING PARTY fails to make the payments due under this Agreement, BHUB may terminate the Agreement and charge the overdue amounts and applicable fines.

4.8. The overdue amounts shall be subject to a late payment fine of two percent (2%), interest for late payment of one percent (1%) per month pro rata die, and BHUB shall not be liable under any circumstances for damages caused during the period of default.

4.9. Non-payment of two (2) consecutive monthly fees (in the case of services contracted in the form of a monthly fee) generates automatic termination of the Agreement, regardless of notification without prejudice to the provisions of item 4.8 above.

4.10. The CONTRACTING PARTY hereby authorizes BHUB to send notices and charges via the e-mail address it has provided for the Service provision, and this communication is sufficient to constitute the delay in payment, and the resumption of the Service provision by BHUB shall only be possible upon full payment of the annual plan.

4.11. BHUB may assign the credit rights of the Contract to third parties or outsource collection procedures, subject to the applicable legislation in force.


5.1. We work daily to automate our flows and guarantee new tools to make your life easier and, because of this, we offer the CONTRACTING PARTY the possibility of contracting directly with one of our partners for services such as Digital Accounts, Financial Services, Health Plans/Insurance, Insurance, Multi-Calculation Tools, Software, management systems and others that arise or are available during the term of our Agreement, with special conditions and sometimes with integration with our platform, so that the CONTRACTING PARTY can manage its business more easily (“Partner Services“).5.1.1 BHUB is not liable for the Partner Services, nor for issuing the corresponding invoices, but, with your authorization, we may forward your registration and (or) administrative and (or) accounting data so that they can contact the CONTRACTING PARTY to make offers or so that we can register you in their systems.

5.1.2. If you choose one of these Partner Services, we may, if this option is available, and with your authorization, include the amounts relating to these Partner Services in your billing slip / automatic debit / credit card charge, in which case you shall be responsible for passing them on to the contracted partner.

5.1.3. Regardless of whether or not our billing slip / automatic debit / credit card charge includes the charge for the Services in Partnership, the Service Invoice shall always be issued by the partner and not by BHUB.


6.1. The provision of services by BHUB (“Services“) and our communication shall take place primarily online and from the moment you complete and finalize your registration.6.1.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY may be contacted by WhatsApp and/or telephone. We may require prior registration of the number and e-mail address that the CONTRACTING PARTY will use to contact us and be contacted, as well as we may make registration confirmations to validate the identity of the CONTRACTING PARTY or the persons indicated by them to carry out communications with BHUB.

6.1.2. The CONTRACTING PARTY must keep the information requested up to date, truthful, and accurate at all times with BHUB, either through this Platform or through our BHUB service channels, in order to guarantee the proper provision of the contracted services.

6.1.3. We may request or use procedures to confirm the identification referred to in this section at our sole discretion.

6.2. By signing this Agreement, the CONTRACTING PARTY acknowledges and agrees that BHUB may access and use all the information provided during the registration process or our service and/or the provision of our Services, according to the applicable legislation in force, in particular, Federal Law No. 13.709/2018 (“General Personal Data Protection Law” or “LGPD”) and Law No. 12.965/14 (“Civil Rights Framework for Internet Use”), as well as according to our Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (“Policy”) and our other policies and terms and conditions relating to the matter, which are available on our website (

6.2.1.   The CONTRACTING PARTY hereby represents and warrants that all information, including that of third parties, shared with BHUB to provide the Services has been obtained lawfully, with due transparency, and with the appropriate authorizations, which are the CONTRACTING PARTY’s sole responsibility.

6.3. BHUB shall not share the information provided by the CONTRACTING PARTY with third parties, unless: (i) expressly authorized by the CONTRACTING PARTY; (ii) requested by public, governmental, administrative, or judicial authorities; (ii) requested by the OAB (Brazilian Bar Association), the CRC (Regional Accounting Council) or the CFC (Federal Accounting Council); (iv) necessary to instruct administrative or judicial proceedings; (v) indispensable for the fulfillment of legal or regulatory obligations; and (vi) are necessary – and within the limits of necessity – for hiring specialized collection companies, in the event of default on their part towards BHUB, and/or qualified companies, able to assist BHUB in providing the services contracted by the CONTRACTING PARTY.

6.4. The platform made available by BHUB shall be accessed through the username and password created by the CONTRACTING PARTY, and it is the CONTRACTING PARTY’s sole and exclusive responsibility to manage access to the information made available on the BHUB Platform, including the username and password created.

6.4.1. BHUB shall not be liable for any problems caused by people who have access to your username and password, through their responsibility, management, action, or omission.

6.4.2. The CONTRACTING PARTY is the sole responsible for signing and/or confirming any and all terms available on the BHUB Platform.

6.5. Confidential information (“Confidential Information“) means any and all information, verbal or written, data and/or process and/or procedure and/or idea that brings economic advantage and/or technological advantage and/or competitive advantage and/or commercial advantage, such as, but not limited to, staff information, technical information on platforms, software, devices, systems, products, service delivery methodology, information on costumers and potential customers, contacts, financial, sales, marketing and business model information, mode of operation, its plans and processes, know-how, operational flows, agreements, supplier data, customers, employees, confidential formulas, business information, trade and business secrets, and other information in the most diverse forms, inventions – regardless of whether they are patentable or not, intellectual creations in general, development systems, improvement or modification of projects.

6.6. The Receiving Party (“Receiving Party“) undertakes, for itself and any third parties related to it, to maintain in full and absolute secrecy any and all Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party (“Disclosing Party“), to which, under the Agreement, has had or will have access, unless disclosure is authorized by the Disclosing Party (“Disclosing Party“), in advance, expressly and in writing.

6.7. The Receiving Party, during the period in which it undertakes to maintain the confidentiality obligation, shall not use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of the Agreement.

6.8. The Receiving Party shall be exempt from any liability with regard to maintaining the confidentiality of the information it receives in the following cases:

i) information received which, at the time of disclosure, is already in the public domain;

ii) information received which, after the moment of disclosure, becomes public knowledge, except in the case of breach of the law or the Agreement, or breach by any third party who has a legal and/or contractual obligation of secrecy;

iii) information received which, demonstrably, is already in the possession of the Receiving Party at the time of its disclosure by the Disclosing Party, and has not been received by the Receiving Party, directly or indirectly, from the Disclosing Party or any other third party that has a legal and/or contractual obligation of secrecy;

iv) information received by the Receiving Party, but which, demonstrably, has already been developed by the Receiving Party, prior to and regardless of its disclosure by the Disclosing Party;

v) if its disclosure is required by a judicial or administrative order of a public authority, in which case the Receiving Party must notify the Disclosing Party in advance, expressly and in writing, of such request, in accordance with this clause, before disclosing the Confidential Information.

6.9. Upon termination of the relationship between the Parties, or upon a decision by either Party not to continue the provision of services or any existing relationship between the Parties, or if the Disclosing Party so requests, the Receiving Party shall promptly return to the Disclosing Party the Confidential Information or any physical or digital material containing Confidential Information.

6.9.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY may keep documents or copies of specific documents as proof of compliance with its obligations.

6.10. The Receiving Party undertakes to maintain the utmost secrecy regarding any and all Confidential Information to which it may have access or knowledge under the Agreement for the maximum period permitted by law and for as long as the information does not become public knowledge and is kept confidential.


7.1. In order for the Services to be provided with quality and in accordance with the law, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall need to provide BHUB with the data requested, as well as the information and documents necessary for the provision of the Services, within a period that shall be informed at the time of the request, and it is its sole and exclusive responsibility to keep them updated with BHUB. If the CONTRACTING PARTY has any questions, simply contact us through our channels.

7.2. The CONTRACTING PARTY must send the documents requested by BHUB within the terms set by our team (including collecting the physical and digital documents from the former accountant, if applicable, and sending them in digital format to BHUB), or, in the absence of a term set by the team, and in particular for the change of accountant and (or) the opening of the company, within a maximum of sixty (60) days from the date of the request.

7.2.1. BHUB’s technical liability shall begin upon receipt of all the documents requested.

7.2.2. Delays in submitting the documents may lead to legal issues for which BHUB is not liable. If the CONTRACTING PARTY needs our support in settling these issues, it shall have to hire our Additional Service to settle outstanding issues.

7.3. By accepting this Agreement, the CONTRACTING PARTY declares that the information that will be provided for the bookkeeping and preparation of accounting statements, ancillary obligations, calculation of taxes, and electronic files required by federal, state, municipal, labor, and social security inspections, as well as for the preparation of any documents, agreements, and/or various instruments, are reliable and accurate.

7.4.The CONTRACTING PARTY declares that: i) it is responsible for its business decisions and the internal controls of its company and that these are appropriate for the volume of transactions and the type of activity of its business; ii) its activity is not illegal under current laws; iii) all the documents that it generates and shall generate and forward to BHUB to provide the services are suitable and that the CONTRACTING PARTY is liable for their accuracy and legality; iv) it manages its stock, counting it, evaluating it and physically surveying it, and precisely informs us and shall continue to inform us in accordance with the law and with the correct measurement criteria that are consistent with reality v) the information recorded in the management and internal control system is controlled and validated with appropriate supporting documentation, and the CONTRACTING PARTY is fully liable for its accuracy and legality; vi) it is not aware of any fact that occurred during the period that could affect the financial statements or that could also affect the continuity of the company’s operations, being liable for keeping us informed of any and all events that may arise during our relationship contractual; vii) there has been no fraud or violation of laws, rules, or regulations whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements, or even give rise to the recording of a provision for liability contingencies, or, even, fraud involving third parties or committed by the CONTRACTING PARTY, by any member of management or an employee in a position of responsibility or trust whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements, or even give rise to the recording of a provision for liability contingencies; Viii) it is aware of its responsibility to issue invoices, as well as maintain and update its registration with municipal governments and on the BHUB platform – when and if applicable; ix) it is aware that it SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXERCISE BUSINESS ACTIVITY BEFORE COMPLETING THE REGISTRATION, pursuant to art. 966 of the Civil Code, and may not engage in any activity that requires prior licensing before obtaining the relevant license; x) it is aware that bookkeeping and the submission of ancillary statements must, by law, be carried out from the “Opening Date” shown on the CNPJ Card, and, if monthly advisory services are contracted (“Monthly Advisory“), BHUB shall have to issue retroactive statements of blocked transactions, thus being able to charge retroactive monthly fees (between the date of issuance of the CNPJ and the moment in which the CONTRACTING PARTY can operate), to guarantee its accounting and tax regularity; xi) BHUB is authorized to store and change its passwords, logins, and registrations with public authorities, as well as create new accesses required by law. This authorization includes the possibility for BHUB to generate and sign powers of attorney, including in favor of BHUB, and for the fulfillment of any regulatory, fiscal, or accounting obligation, including those subsequent to the signing of the Agreement, either on behalf of the company or its members (when necessary), in particular, but not limited to, municipal governments (this authorization does not transfer responsibility for issuing invoices to BHUB).


8.1. BHUB’s obligations are:

i) Provide the services under the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement;

ii) Dedicate its best efforts, expertise, and experience to ensure that the contracted services are provided satisfactorily and appropriately;

iii) Comply with all rules, policies, and laws applicable to the services provision when carrying out its activities;

iv) Provide the CONTRACTING PARTY with any clarifications and information necessary to monitor the progress of the services;

v) Return any writings, notes, and other physical or electronic data containing the CONTRACTING PARTY’s confidential information, either on termination of the Agreement or at the request of the CONTRACTING PARTY.

8.2. BHUB SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT LOSSES OR DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS, COST OF PROVIDING SUBSTITUTE GOODS, ALTERNATIVE SERVICES OR TECHNOLOGY, COST OF DOWNTIME. The total liability of BHUB for damages of any kind arising from the Services and the license of the BHUB Platform is limited to the direct damages incurred and proven by the CONTRACTING PARTY and in no case shall exceed the amount paid by the CONTRACTING PARTY during the term of this Agreement.


9.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY declares, accepts, and acknowledges that the BHUB Platform and the material available on it, as well as any modifications, updates, and new versions, are protected by copyright legislation and other Intellectual Property and software rights.

9.2. BHUB, as the legitimate licensor of the BHUB Platform, grants the CONTRACTING PARTY the temporary, free, non-exclusive, limited, and non-transferable right to use the BHUB Platform, under the terms and conditions contained herein, subject to any rights, including copyright and other Intellectual Property rights related to the BHUB Platform.
9.3. The use of the BHUB Platform shall be restricted to registered individuals and the number of users and/or accesses shall be restricted to the number informed at the time of contracting our services.

9.4. This Agreement does not generate acquisition rights or any other rights over the BHUB Platform, and it is expressly forbidden for the CONTRACTING PARTY and (or) third parties to: i) transfer, trade, sublicense, lend, rent, lease or, in any other way, dispose of the BHUB Platform; ii) make modifications, additions, or derivations of the BHUB Platform, either by themselves or by hiring third parties; iii) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the BHUB Platform, or take any other action that enables access to its source code, without the prior written consent of BHUB; and iv) copy, in whole or in part, the BHUB Platform, or use it in a manner other than that expressly stipulated in this Agreement.

9.5. Should the CONTRACTING PARTY introduce any modifications or amendments to the BHUB Platform, no liability can be directed to BHUB and the agreement shall be subject to immediate termination, without the CONTRACTING PARTY being entitled to prior notice.

9.6. Subject to applicable law, BHUB shall not offer any warranties or conditions other than those expressly identified in this Agreement, whether they are warranties or conditions of non-infringement of rights, suitability of the BHUB Platform or services for trade and/or for specific purposes.

9.7. BHUB guarantees that the BHUB Platform shall operate according to the Documentation provided by the CONTRACTING PARTY. This warranty shall not apply: i) If a failure in the BHUB Platform results from an accident, violation, misuse, or the sole fault of BHUB or third parties; ii) In the event of problems, errors, or damage caused by the concomitant use of other software that has not been licensed or developed by BHUB; and iii) As a result of any non-compliance of this Agreement by the CONTRACTING PARTY.

9.8. The CONTRACTING PARTY declares its awareness and agreement that the proper functioning of the BHUB Platform shall depend on operating systems and infrastructure, such as Internet access and telecommunications services, provided by third parties, whose contracting responsibility is exclusively its own. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for the improper functioning of the BHUB Platform due to problems arising from such operating systems and infrastructure provided by third parties, including equipment and internet browsers.

9.9. BHUB shall use its best efforts to solve, interrupt, or cease problems arising from modifications, additions, updates, customizations, and new versions of the BHUB Platform. The CONTRACTING PARTY, however, agrees and acknowledges that any problems on the BHUB Platform arising from attacks by third-party programs on the BHUB Platform, including viruses and the like, shall not be the responsibility of BHUB.


10.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY may request the termination of its agreement at any time by giving BHUB thirty (30) days’ notice (the period we need to transfer technical liability and bring your journey with us to an orderly end). In this case, the CONTRACTING PARTY must pay the monthly fee corresponding to the notice period. There are no fines or complications. We believe in good service and transparency.

10.2. If any payments are overdue during the notice period, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall have to pay all these amounts by the intended end date of our Agreement.


10.4. If we realize that the CONTRACTING PARTY is or if we have indications that the CONTRACTING PARTY is, in our sole judgment, practicing acts contrary to the law and contractual good faith, such as attempting and (or) carrying out tax evasion (tax dodging), the falsification of documents, the attempt and (or) making payments and (or) the offer of advantages to public agents to obtain an illicit advantage and (or) that prevent the regular exercise of accounting and (or) the accounting standards or the work of the accountant and (or) offering or making payments and (or) offering advantages to BHUB employees for them to carry out acts contrary to internal policies and (or) for them to violate laws, regulations, standards, instructions and the like, BHUB may and shall terminate the Agreement and remove the CONTRACTING PARTY from its client base and shall terminate the agreement, without the CONTRACTING PARTY having the right to 30 (thirty) days prior notice.

10.5. If BHUB finds that the CONTRACTING PARTY is not complying with the provisions of the Agreement, for example, by delaying document deliveries, providing inaccurate or erroneous information, or otherwise failing to comply with this instrument, BHUB shall notify the CONTRACTING PARTY so that, within five (5) days, it can fully comply with its obligations, respecting the other terms and conditions of the Agreement. If, after this period, the CONTRACTING PARTY remains in default of these obligations, BHUB may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, terminate the Agreement, as well as exclude the CONTRACTING PARTY from its client base, without prejudice to the applicable penalties and compensation for losses and damages suffered.

10.6. The Agreement shall also be terminated by operation of law, regardless of prior judicial or extrajudicial notification, in the following cases:

i) dissolution or any other form of extinction of the Parties, as provided for by law or by the respective articles of association or bylaws, except in the event of merger, consolidation, or spin-off, in which there is no prejudice to the fulfillment of the obligations provided for herein;

ii) decree of bankruptcy, judicial or extrajudicial reorganization, intervention, or extrajudicial liquidation of either Party;

iii) supervening technical or economic incapacity of either Party.

10.7. If your company becomes inactive (no transactions) or with low movement, your accounting, tax, and labor obligations shall continue to exist regardless of transactions and, therefore, our service shall continue to be provided normally until cancellation is requested.

10.8. In the event of an Agreement termination, according to the services contracted, your company’s documents and Ledgers shall be made available for delivery to the new technical manager, and it is your responsibility to carry out such delivery, and the technical liability of BHUB professionals shall not continue from the date of termination, pursuant to CFC Resolution 1590/2020.


11.1. For the purposes of providing the Services, BHUB shall process personal data (“Personal Data“) provided by the CONTRACTING PARTY (“Processing“), under the applicable legislation in force, in particular the “LGPD” and the Civil Rights Framework for Internet Use, as an operator (“Operator”), according to the provisions of the LGPD. In this case, when BHUB processes Personal Data for the execution of the Agreement, the provisions of this clause, as well as those of its Policy, shall apply, without prejudice to the other legal rules governing the matter.

11.2. The Processing shall be carried out pursuant to the Agreement, these T&C, and the BHUB Policy, without prejudice to the provisions of current legislation on the matter.

11.3. The CONTRACTING PARTY hereby acknowledges and agrees that BHUB may carry out the international transfer of Personal Data to execute the Agreement, being understood that this shall take place according to the security measures necessary to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the Personal Data transferred, in compliance with the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD.

11.4. BHUB manages access to the Personal Data processed, making reasonable efforts, according to current technology, to ensure the security of its systems, in order to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and traceability of said data, as well as restricted access, limited to the quantum necessary to provide the Services.

11.4.1. In order to make the provisions of item 11.4, BHUB adopts security measures aimed at: (i) protecting the CONTRACTING PARTY’s Personal Data assets in the context of the performance of the Services, against total or partial destruction or loss, damage, change, unauthorized disclosure or access, or any other form of unlawful processing, through the implementation of permanent, temporary, or corrective technical and organizational measures, according to best practices and local regulations; and (ii) ensuring compliance with the Client’s minimum security requirements.

11.4.2. BHUB also undertakes to make every reasonable effort to ensure: (i) notification to the CONTRACTING PARTY in a timely manner of any event that demonstrably violates the security of its information assets or exposes them to risk; (ii) assisting the CONTRACTING PARTY with the provision of information requested by the CONTRACTING PARTY, as reasonably required, in order to enable the CONTRACTING PARTY to comply with its obligations provided for by law; and (iii) compliance with the provisions set forth herein and with the other rules and policies governing this Agreement.

11.5. In the event of loss, destruction, change, disclosure, or unauthorized access to Personal Data, BHUB shall make reasonable efforts to restore said information in order to minimize any resulting impacts.

11.5.1. BHUB shall inform the CONTRACTING PARTY of the nature and scope of any impacts referred to in item 11.5, as well as any others arising, for example, from any hacker invasions, non-compliance, or suspected non-compliance with the security obligations mentioned in this Agreement, or even arising from situations of risk exposure.

11.5.2. In the cases provided for herein, BHUB shall assist the CONTRACTING PARTY by providing the means necessary to implement actions that allow for settling or responding to breaches, including, if applicable, through notifications to the competent Authorities and people involved in such breaches.

11.6. Personal Data processed by BHUB may be deleted from our database or made anonymous when requested by the CONTRACTING PARTY, at the end of the Agreement signed, by written agreement between the Parties, or when they are no longer necessary or relevant to the Service provision unless there is any another reason for its maintenance by BHUB, such as: (i) compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation; (ii) regular exercise of rights; and (iii) legitimate interests of BHUB, being certain that, in such cases, the data shall be kept for as long as the need and/or relevance that gave rise to the storage prevails.

11.7. BHUB has a customer service channel, through which the CONTRACTING PARTY may settle, among other doubts, those relating to the Processing carried out and security-related issues. BHUB shall assist the CONTRACTING PARTY in complying with requests made by data subjects concerning the Personal Data processed due to the Agreement, by providing the information requested by the CONTRACTING PARTY.

11.8. BHUB shall be liable for any direct damages arising from incidents occurring in environments owned by it, involving Personal Data processed by it as a result of the Agreement, provided that it has proven to have caused said incidents, subject to the provisions of item 8.2 herein. BHUB shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from: (i) force majeure; (ii) acts of God; (iii) events attributable to the CONTRACTING PARTY or third parties, and the CONTRACTING PARTY hereby acknowledges that it is entirely liable for any loss or damage arising from the actions or omissions of its members, representatives, employees or third party contractors, also undertaking to request the immediate exclusion of BHUB from any lawsuit brought cumulatively against the CONTRACTING PARTY, exempting the CONTRACTING PARTY and immediately reimbursing the CONTRACTING PARTY for any costs incurred, including attorney’s fees, within five (5) days from the receipt of a formal request in this sense, under penalty of BHUB suspending the services provided, regardless of prior notification to the CONTRACTING PARTY, until this obligation is fulfilled.


12.1. Any and all harmful acts, especially against the public administration and assets, national or foreign, or that violate the principles of public administration or international commitments assumed by Brazil, must be rejected by the CONTRACTING PARTY, which undertakes to guide its activities and relationships in the highest legality and morality, subject to the provisions of current legislation, including, but not limited to, the Decree-Law No. 2.848/1940 (Criminal Code), Law No. 8.429/1992, Law No.. 8.666/1993 (Administrative Misconduct), Law No. 9.613/1998 (Crime of “money laundering” or concealment of assets, rights and values), Law No. 12.529/2011 (Brazilian System for Protection of Competition), in addition to all the international anti-corruption commitments made by Brazil, especially Law No. 12.846/2013 (Brazilian Business Anti-Corruption Law), which provides for the administrative and civil liability of legal entities for the practice of acts against the public administration (i) national, direct and indirect, of any of the Powers of the Government, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, or (ii) foreign, without prejudice to the individual liability of its officers, directors or any person co-authoring or participating in the illicit act. The CONTRACTING PARTY shall refrain from any and all practices that involve undue advantage to a public agent, fraud in contracts and/or bidding procedures, manipulation of the financial-economic balance of the agreement, blocking or obstructing investigative or supervisory activity by the competent authorities, fraudulent internal accounting controls, forgery of accounting books or records or the existence of any fund or asset that is not duly registered in BHUB’s accounting books or records, or any other related act.

12.2. Failure to comply with the provisions of this clause shall entitle BHUB to immediately terminate this instrument, as well as to be indemnified by the offending Party for any and all costs, fines, and/or damages it may be proven to have suffered as a result of such actions and/or omissions.


13.1. The Parties recognize the importance of (i) protecting and preserving the environment; and (ii) fighting negative discrimination and racial segregation, and undertake to adopt corporate practices to protect and preserve the environment, as well as to include and respect diversity, and also demand this from their officers, employees, suppliers, service providers, and/or related third parties.

13.2. The Parties declare that they comply with the provisions of Article 7, XXXIII, of the Federal Constitution, and demand the same of their officers, employees, suppliers, service providers, and/or third parties declare that they do not employ, either directly or indirectly, even through subcontractors, minors under eighteen (18) years of age in night-time, hazardous, or unhealthy activities and/or minors under sixteen (16) years of age in any type of work, except as apprentices, from the age of fourteen (14). The Parties also recognize the importance of eradicating any form of work analogous to slavery in the national territory, undertaking to fight it in any of its forms.


14.1. The Agreement reflects the entirety of the understandings and agreements entered into between the Parties concerning its purpose. Therefore, the Agreement revokes and replaces any understanding, agreement, or contract, whether oral or written, entered into prior to the signing of the Agreement, which refers to the same purpose herein.

14.2. The Agreement may only be validly amended, modified, or supplemented by express agreement of the Parties, through a duly written amendment signed by the Parties’ legal representatives.

14.3. The partial invalidity of the Agreement shall not affect the part considered valid, provided that the obligations are separated from each other. If the provision of this clause occurs, the Parties hereby undertake to negotiate, as soon as possible, the inclusion of valid terms and conditions that reflect the terms and conditions of the invalid clause, subject to the purpose and intention of the Parties when negotiating the invalid clause and the context in which it is inserted.

14.4. The tolerance of either Party concerning the requirement of regular and timely compliance with the obligations of the other Party shall not constitute a waiver, alteration, modification, or novation of any of the rights or obligations set forth in the Agreement, constituting mere freedom, which shall not prevent the other Party from demanding the faithful and full compliance with this Agreement.

14.5. No waiver of any right granted in this Agreement shall be valid unless formalized in writing by the waiving Party.

14.6. This Agreement binds the Parties and their successors in any capacity, irrevocably and irreversibly, to the faithful fulfillment of this Agreement.

14.7. The Contract may be amended if necessary. BHUB reserves the right to cancel or modify these T&C when it deems it appropriate, notifying this situation through a publication on the website

14.8. The Parties hereby declare, for all purposes, that they are independent and autonomous, so that this Agreement does not create any other type of bond between them, including, but not limited to, any mandate, company, association, partnership, consortium, joint venture, or commercial representation between the Parties. Each Party is fully liable for its acts and obligations undertaken in this Agreement. The Parties acknowledge that they have no authority or power to, directly or indirectly, negotiate, hire, assume any kind of obligation, or create liability on behalf of the other Party under any circumstances.

14.9. All taxes and fiscal charges due under this Agreement shall be the sole liability of the taxpayer as defined by tax legislation.

14.10. The Parties acknowledge that there is no labor relationship and/or legal and economic subordination in this relationship between the Parties, as well as between its employees and/or service providers, and each Party is fully liable for the labor, insurance, accident, and social security charges of all labor contracted for the performance of the purpose of this Agreement.
14.10.1. Suppose either Party is held liable for any obligations or disputes of a labor, insurance, accident, tax, and social security nature involving the employees or service providers of the other Party. In that case, the latter undertakes to immediately request the exclusion of the innocent Party from the defendant’s side of the lawsuit and if the innocent party is forced to provide its own defense, the innocent party shall be indemnified by the other party for all amounts that the innocent party has spent to provide such defense, including amounts arising from convictions, court costs and expenses, expert fees, attorneys’ fees and contracted fees (in the latter case, provided that they are reasonable). The innocent Party can further use any of the third-party intervention methods established by the civil procedural law.

14.11. All notices and communications required or permitted in the Agreement shall be sent in writing and delivered to each Party at the e-mail addresses mentioned in the Summary Table as informed in the CONTRACTING PARTY’s registration, with acknowledgment or proof of receipt.

14.12. The Parties are responsible for keeping their information for the submission of notifications duly updated, under the penalty of otherwise a notification sent to an address not updated being considered delivered.

14.13. The Parties declare, under penalty of law, that they are legally constituted and exist according to Brazilian law, that they are duly accredited to carry out their business, and that they are in good standing, under the applicable legislation, including regarding the necessary licenses and authorizations. They further declare that the signatories to this Agreement are their legal representatives, duly constituted in the form of their respective Articles of Association, with powers to assume the obligations contracted in the Agreement.

14.14. The Parties declare and acknowledge that they have perfectly understood the meaning and scope of all clauses and conditions agreed upon in this Agreement, undertaking to faithfully comply with them in accordance with the principles of good faith and loyalty, refraining from invoking, in the future, caveats, oppositions, or exceptions that imply modification of the agreements entered into or that intend to construct them in a manner different from that literally agreed.

14.15. The Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties and their successors in any capacity.

14.16. The Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws applicable and in force in the Federative Republic of Brazil.

14.17. The courts of the Judicial District of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, are hereby elected to settle any doubts or disputes arising from the Agreement, expressly waiving any other, however privileged.


15.1. These T&C shall be valid for an indefinite period from September 25, 2023, until their general termination is published via the website



1.1.      The expressions below, whenever used in this document, in the singular or plural, shall have the meaning attributed to them as follows:

(i)        “BHUB” means BHub Serviços e Tecnologia Ltda, a limited liability company, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde n° 2365, Pinheiros, CEP (Zip Code) 05407-003, registered with CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration) under No. 42.330.545/0001-06 (“BHub Tecnologia“) and, as applicable and when acting jointly with BHub Tecnologia (a) for the purposes of providing accounting and financial products, BHub Contabilidade Ltda., a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 43.618.130/0001-03, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 31, Pinheiros, CEP 05407-003 (“BHub Contabilidade“)     ; and (b) for the purposes of providing paralegal services, BHub Serviços de Paralegal LTDA, a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 51.097.182/0001-00, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 33-Parte, Pinheiros, CEP 05.407-003 (“BHub Paralegal“);

(ii)       “CONTRACTING PARTY” means the individuals or legal entities indicated and qualified in Clause 1 of the Summary Table ;

(iii)       “Agreement” jointly means these T&C, the BHUB T&C, the Summary Table and the Business Proposal sent to the CONTRACTING PARTY; and

(iii)       “Summary Table” means the Summary Table of the Service Agreement signed by the CONTRACTING PARTY and BHUB.


2.1.      Accounting as a Service (“CaaS“)


3.1.      The CaaS services to be provided by BHUB to the CONTRACTING PARTY (“Services“) comprise the activities described in Clause 3 of the Summary Table, and may include, among others, those indicated below, according to the contracted scope:

(a) Personnel Department (“DP“):

  • Generates information and calculations relating to Payroll and Salary Advances, as well as their respective charges within their terms: Payroll, Net Wages, Receipts, and Vacation Scheduling.
  • Provision of severance calculations, according to the collective agreement and legislation: TRCT (Termination Agreement), GRRF (Payment Slip for Termination) FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Length of Service) FINE (when applicable), FGTS Statement, FGTS Movement Key, SD – Unemployment Insurance (via web since 04/01/2015) and Homologation (when requested by the CONTRACTING PARTY – Consult Amounts for this service).
  • Carry out recalculations when requested by the CONTRACTING PARTY (for an additional charge): FGTS, Payroll, Salary Advance, Vacation, Termination, etc.
  • Availability of vacation calculations and Vacation Receipts.
  • Provision of admission contracts: Admission KIT (registration form, employment contract, and label) as provided for by Law.
  • Forward the income report of employees, interns, and freelancers who have been processed through the payroll.
  • Transmitting eSocial events.

(b) Accounting:

  • Bookkeeping;
  • Reconciliation of tax, DP and Financial Integrations;
  • Trial Balance Sheet Preparation;
  • Preparation of DRE (Income Statement);
  • Balance Sheet Preparation;
  • Delivery of Monthly Closing Documentation;
  • Delivery of the Annual Closing Documentation;
  • Delivery of accessory obligations (ECD/ECF/DIRF/IBGE Equivalent Circulation Density/Equivalent Circulation Density/Individual Income Tax Return/Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics).

(c) Tax:

  • Importing invoices (Services taken, services provided, goods receipt and issue invoices, bills of lading);
  • Bookkeeping of invoices in the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning);
  • Calculation of federal/state/municipal taxes (ISSQN – Tax On Services of Any Nature, PIS – Social Integration Program, COFINS – Contribution for the Financing of Social Security, ICMS – State Goods and Services Tax, ICMS ST – Tax Substitution, IRRF – Individual Tax Return, CSRF, INSS – National Institute of Social Securit), CSLL – Social C ontribution on Net Income, IRPJ – Legal Entity Tax Return, IOF – Tax on Financial Operations, CIDE – Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Domain, IPI – Tax on Manufactured Products, TFE – Operating Tax, Fees);
  • Preparation and delivery of accessory obligations at federal, state, and municipal levels (Sped fiscal EFD ICMS/IPI, EFD Contribuições, EFD Reinf, GIA, DCTF Web, DCTF Original, DIRF, DSTDA, Sintegra, Assessment of the Simples Nacional, DASN, DEFIS, GIA ST).


4.1.      The amount referred to in clause 4 of the Summary Table (“Price“) considers the following criteria: (i) number of employees; (ii) tax regime; (iii) type of activity carried out; (iv) number of tax documents (relating to sales, purchases and services); (v) monthly turnover; (vi) number of branches, among others, previously communicated by the CONTRACTING PARTY, and may be adjusted according to the business proposal sent to the CONTRACTING PARTY.

4.2.      In the case of services based on previously established assumptions, according to the Summary Table, the amount(s) owed by the CONTRACTING PARTY to the BHUB may be revised automatically and at any time, should these assumptions change.

4.3.      The Price may be readjusted annually at the beginning of each fiscal year by the positive variation of the IPCA (National Extended Consumer Price Index)/IBGE or another that replaces it and is appropriate, as understood by BHUB to correct the Services.

4.4.      Should any change occur that influences costs and/or makes it economically unfeasible for BHUB to maintain the plans and/or the agreed amounts, BHUB may adjust the said amounts and/or the plans, or even terminate them.

4.4.1.   If this happens, BHUB shall notify the CONTRACTING PARTY about this adjustment thirty (30) days in advance, so the CONTRACTING PARTY can choose one of the existing plans. If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not express its acceptance within the aforementioned term, i.e. within thirty (30) days from the date of communication, BHUB shall automatically migrate to the plan which, at its sole discretion, is the most appropriate, and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall be charged according to the new amounts.

4.4.2.   If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not agree with the new plans, it may terminate this Agreement, without entailing any compensation and/or fine, at which time only the amounts relating to the services provided up to the date of termination shall be due.

4.5.      If the CONTRACTING PARTY becomes inactive (no movement) or has low movement, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall not be exempt from paying the monthly fee, nor shall it be entitled to rebates. This happens because the accounting, tax, and labor obligations continue to exist, regardless of movement, and, therefore, BHUB shall continue to provide the aforementioned Services as usual, until their cancellation is requested and/or any contractual termination occurs.

4.6.      The CONTRACTING PARTY acknowledges and agrees that if the CONTRACTING PARTY fails to make the payments due under this Agreement, the SERVICE PROVIDER may terminate the Agreement and charge the CONTRACTING PARTY the overdue amounts and applicable fines.

4.7.      The overdue amounts shall be subject to a late payment fine of two percent (2%), interest on arrears of one percent (1%) per month, and monetary restatement by the IPCA/IBGE, all calculated pro rata die, and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall not be liable under any circumstances for damages caused during the period of default.

4.8.      Non-payment of two (2) consecutive monthly fees (in the case of services contracted in the form of a monthly fee) shall result in automatic termination of the Agreement, regardless of notification without prejudice to the provisions of item 4.6 above.


5.1.      All possible charges, costs, expenses, guides, taxes, fees, and other expenses paid by BHUB on behalf of the CONTRACTING PARTY, including, without limitation, those required by City Halls, the Internal Revenue Service, Trade Boards, State and Municipal Finance Departments, sworn translators, notary publics, among others that are not expressly included in the Price shall be charged to the CONTRACTING PARTY in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which payments are made.

5.2.      Any amounts spent on materials to perform the Services, such as books, postage, stamps, file folders, CDS, copies, etc. may be paid in advance by BHUB, but must be reimbursed by the CONTRACTING PARTY in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which the payments are completed.

5.3.        Additional services may, from time to time, at the sole discretion of BHub, be contracted by e-mail, at the prior written request of the CONTRACTING PARTY, the provision of which is subject to collection by BHUB. It is the CONTRACTING PARTY’s sole responsibility to inform its members, agents, employees, and/or service providers about this form of contracting the additional services in question, understanding as a request duly formalized by the CONTRACTING PARTY, for all legal purposes, any requests for additional services forwarded to BHub.

5.4.      Demands that are not described in Clause 3 of the Summary Table and that involve monitoring inspections, Due Diligence, and/or delivery of any written document related to social security, accounting, and/or tax consultations are not included in the scope of the Services, nor the Price, and shall be charged separately to the CONTRACTING PARTY in the month immediately following the month in which they are completed.


6.1.      The Services shall not be provided to companies: (i) trading in import and export activities; (ii) whose employees’ pay is calculated in hours (hourly), days (daily), weeks, or intermittent agreements.

6.2.1.   Should any of the conditions listed in Clause 6.1 come into existence during the performance of the Agreement, BHUB reserves the right to terminate the Agreement immediately, regardless of prior notice.

6.2.2.   If, during the performance of the Agreement, the CONTRACTING PARTY sets up new subsidiaries, the CONTRACTING PARTY hereby acknowledges that the performance by BHUB of the Services related to such new subsidiaries shall be subject to additional costs in the amount of the Agreement.

6.3.      BHUB shall not be liable for the understandings given by class representation or regulatory authorities regarding the activities carried out by the CONTRACTING PARTY.


7.1.      For the proper and correct provision of the Services, the CONTRACTING PARTY undertakes to:

(i) Acquire the Digital Certificate Template A1, if it doesn’t have one yet. Without it, BHUB is unable to provide the Services that depend on it, in particular, to deliver a statement, the failure of which shall subject the CONTRACTING PARTY to penalties which, under no circumstances, shall be reimbursed by BHUB;

(ii) Provide, MONTHLY OR WHEN REQUESTED BY BHUB, the tax-accounting documentation requested, electronically, through the BHUB Platform or other means indicated by BHUB, within the term previously informed by BHUB.

(iii) Send electronic invoices via the BHUB Platform (if available for your location) or import said invoices into the BHUB Platform, where applicable;

(iv) Import into the BHUB Platform or other means indicated by BHUB the monthly bank statement, in OFX format or another applicable format, as directed by BHUB;

(v) Send proof of payment of taxes and other expenses through the BHUB Platform or other means indicated by BHUB;

(vi) Respond to all requests from the BHUB for documents and information relating to financial transactions that may have an impact on the accounting information. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for the transmission of incomplete or inaccurate information in the event of not receiving the necessary and/or requested information in time;

(vii) Keep available and up to date with BHUB, especially on the BHUB Platform, all your users and passwords for the City Hall and Internal Revenue Service systems, and the Digital Certificate for transmitting the company’s accounting information to the necessary authorities. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for the failure to send said information if the CONTRACTING PARTY changes the user data and passwords of the systems referred to in this item (vii), including the Digital Certificate, and/or fails to update them with BHUB, in particular on the BHUB Platform.

(viii) Respect all terms indicated by BHUB to enable the correct provision of accounting Services or pay the amounts related to processes for “reopening” the provision of Services due to non-compliance with the term.

(ix) Report every month on payments received, taxes paid and invoices issued;

(x) Before the end of each financial year, read and accept the Management Responsibility Charter, according to Article 3 of CFC Resolution No. 1,590/2020 of the Federal Accounting Council, which shall be made available on the BHUB Platform or other means indicated by BHUB;

(xi) Accessing the BHUB Platform monthly to check the information and communications relating to the company, as well as complying with all the requirements of the terms signed with the BHUB Platform;

(xii) Send employee payrolls to the BHUB Platform or other means indicated by BHUB, where applicable;

(xiii) Take responsibility for the correct filing of all documents, including receipts for expenses and invoices received;

(xiv) Take responsibility for identifying the income and expenditure corresponding to the imported documents;

(xv) Comply with any and all requirements, whenever necessary and requested by any public authorities, within the term allowed by the competent authority;

(xvi) If necessary, register the company with the authorities that regulate its commercial activity;

(xvii) Keeping your registration active and up to date with City Halls and other public authorities.

7.2.      If the BHUB Platform is unavailable, the CONTRACTING PARTY must send its documentation, within the term set out in Clause 7.1, item (ii), by e-mail to This shall only be accepted in exceptional cases of systemic unavailability. The unavailability does not, under any circumstances, extend the term for delivery or the CONTRACTING PARTY’s obligation to deliver the documents.

7.3.      BHUB shall be liable for any fines arising from the submission of statements after the legal term and the payment of late taxes, in case its due to the failure to provide the Services, due to the sole and proven fault of the BHUB.

7.3.1.   BHUB is exempt from paying the fines referred to in Clause 7.3 if the CONTRACTING PARTY has given cause, for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to delays in the delivery of documents and statements or the actions and omissions of external entities and persons who are not employees or service providers of the BHUB, as well as in cases where there is not enough time to perform the Services and/or BHUB does not own the information and documentation necessary to carry out the activity, within the term indicated by BHUB.

7.4.      The CONTRACTING PARTY hereby declares that:

(i) is responsible for its business decisions and its company’s internal controls, and that these are appropriate for the volume of transactions and the type of business activity;

(ii) its activity is not illegal according to the current laws;

(iii) all the documents it generates and shall generate and forward to BHUB for the provision of the Services are suitable, and the CONTRACTING PARTY is liable for the accuracy and legality of each one of them;

(iv) manages stock, counting it, evaluating it, and physically surveying it, and informs and shall continue to inform the BHUB about said stock, accurately, according to the law and with the correct measurement criteria, consistent with reality;

(v) the information recorded in the management and internal control system is controlled and validated with appropriate supporting documentation, and the CONTRACTING PARTY is fully liable for all the contents of the database and electronic files generated;

(vi) is not aware of any facts that have occurred during the period that may affect the financial statements or that may affect the continuity of the company’s operations and undertakes to keep BHUB informed of any and all events that may arise during the contractual relationship to which this instrument refers;

(vii) there was no fraud or violation of laws, rules, or regulations whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements, or even give rise to the recording of a provision for contingent liabilities, or even fraud involving third parties or practiced by the CONTRACTING PARTY, by any member of the administration or employee in a position of responsibility or trust whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements, or even give rise to the recording of a provision for contingent liabilities;

(viii) is aware that it is its responsibility to issue invoices, as well as to maintain and update its registration with the municipal authorities and on the BHUB Platform – when and if applicable;

(ix) is aware that it SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXERCISE BUSINESS ACTIVITY BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE REGISTRATION, pursuant to art. 966 of the Civil Code, nor shall it be able to exercise activity that requires prior licensing before obtaining the respective necessary license.

(x) is aware that bookkeeping and the submission of ancillary statements must, by law, be carried out from the “Date of Opening” shown on the CNPJ Card, and, if monthly advisory services are contracted (“Monthly Advisory Services“), BHUB will have to issue retroactive declarations of non-movement, and may therefore charge retroactive monthly fees (between the date the CNPJ was issued and the moment you can operate), to guarantee your accounting and tax regularity.

(xi) BHUB is authorized to store and change the CONTRACTING PARTY’s passwords, logins, and/or registrations with public bodies, as well as to create new accesses required by law. This authorization includes the possibility for BHUB to generate and sign powers of attorney, including in favor of BHUB, and for the fulfillment of any regulatory, fiscal, or accounting obligation, including those subsequent to the signing of the Agreement, either on behalf of the company or its members (when necessary), in particular, but not limited to, municipal governments (this authorization does not transfer responsibility for issuing invoices to BHUB).

7.5.      Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any investment, costs, lost profits, third-party claims, or costs of supplying substitute goods or services, should the CONTRACTING PARTY commence the activities referred to in item ix above prior to the conclusion of the company opening process, nor shall BHUB be liable for any downtime costs, or any event which may result in damage to the CONTRACTING PARTY.



8.1.      In the event of termination, the CONTRACTING PARTY’s documents and Accounting Books, as applicable, shall be made available for delivery to the new technical manager, and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall be responsible for carrying out such delivery, and the technical responsibility of BHUB’s professionals shall not persist from the date of termination, pursuant to CFC Resolution 1590/2020.

8.2      The CONTRACTING PARTY acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for the payment of any and all fees to be paid before any and all public or governmental authorities whenever necessary for the regular operation of the company, and its attendance and external personal services (due diligence) in these authorities (notary offices, trade boards, city halls) are not included in the services provided by BHUB and may, if available in your area of activity, be contracted separately.

8.3.      BHUB reserves the right to cancel or modify these T&C when it deems it appropriate, notifying this situation through a publication on the website


9.1.      These T&C shall be valid for an indefinite period from September 25, 2023, until their general termination is published via the website



1.1. The expressions below, whenever used in this document, in the singular or plural, shall have the meaning attributed to them as follows:

(i) “BHUB” means BHub Serviços e Tecnologia Ltda, a limited liability company, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde n° 2365, Pinheiros, CEP (Zip Code) 05407-003, registered with CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration) under No. 42.330.545/0001-06 (“BHub Tecnologia“) and, as applicable and when acting jointly with BHub Tecnologia (a) for the purposes of providing accounting and financial products, BHub Contabilidade Ltda., a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 43.618.130/0001-03, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 31, Pinheiros, CEP 05407-003 (“BHub Contabilidade“)     ; and (b) for the purposes of providing paralegal services, BHub Serviços de Paralegal LTDA, a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 51.097.182/0001-00, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 33-Parte, Pinheiros, CEP 05.407-003 (“BHub Paralegal“);

(ii) “CONTRACTING PARTY” means the individuals or legal entities indicated and qualified in Clause 1 of the Summary Table;

(iii) “Agreement” jointly means these T&C, the BHUB T&C, the Summary Table and the Business Proposal sent to the CONTRACTING PARTY; and

(iii) “Summary Table” means the Summary Table of the Service Agreement signed by the CONTRACTING PARTY and BHUB.


2.1. Finance as a Service (“FaaS“)


3.1. The FaaS services to be provided by BHUB to the CONTRACTING PARTY (“Services“) comprise the activities described in Clause 3 of the Summary Table, and may include, among others, those indicated below, according to the contracted scope:

(a) Daily Accounts Payable activities, including:

  • Including payments in the bank for approval;
  • Classification of the nature of payments for accounting purposes.

(b) Bank reconciliation of bank accounts informed at the time of hiring.


4.1. The amount referred to in clause 4 of the Summary Table (“Price“) considers the following criteria: (i) monthly revenue; (ii) number of accounts payable (“CP”) and accounts receivable (“CR”) entries; (iii) number of credit card payments; (iv) number of checking accounts; (v) number of service invoices and slips issued; (vi) number of gateways; (vii) number of transactions on gateways, among others, previously communicated to the CONTRACTING PARTY, and may be adjusted according to the business proposal sent to the CONTRACTING PARTY.

4.2. In the case of services based on previously established assumptions, according to the Summary Table, the amount(s) owed by the CONTRACTING PARTY to the BHUB may be revised automatically and at any time, should these assumptions change.

4.3. The Price may be readjusted annually at the beginning of each fiscal year by the positive variation of the IPCA (National Extended Consumer Price Index)/IBGE or another that replaces it and is appropriate, as understood by BHUB to correct the Services.

4.4. Should any change occur that influences costs and/or makes it economically unfeasible for BHUB to maintain the plans and/or the agreed amounts, BHUB may adjust the said amounts and/or the plans, or even terminate them.

4.4.1. If this happens, BHUB shall notify the CONTRACTING PARTY about this adjustment thirty (30) days in advance, so the CONTRACTING PARTY can choose one of the existing plans. If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not express its acceptance within the aforementioned term, i.e. within thirty (30) days from the date of communication, BHUB shall automatically migrate to the plan which, at its sole discretion, is the most appropriate, and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall be charged according to the new amounts.

4.4.2. If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not agree with the new plans, it may terminate this Agreement, without entailing any compensation and/or fine, at which time only the amounts relating to the services provided up to the date of termination shall be due.

4.5. If the CONTRACTING PARTY becomes inactive (no movement) or has low movement, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall not be exempt from paying the monthly fee, nor shall it be entitled to rebates. The accounting, tax, and labor obligations continue to exist, regardless of movement, and, therefore, BHUB shall continue to provide the aforementioned Services as usual, until their cancellation is requested and/or any contractual termination occurs.

4.6. The CONTRACTING PARTY acknowledges and agrees that if the CONTRACTING PARTY fails to make the payments due under this Agreement, the SERVICE PROVIDER may terminate the Agreement and charge the CONTRACTING PARTY the overdue amounts and applicable fines.

4.7. The overdue amounts shall be subject to a late payment fine of two percent (2%), interest on arrears of one percent (1%) per month, and monetary restatement by the IPCA/IBGE, all calculated pro rata die, and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall not be liable under any circumstances for damages caused during the period of default.

4.8. Non-payment of two (2) consecutive monthly fees (in the case of services contracted in the form of a monthly fee) shall result in automatic termination of the Agreement, regardless of notification without prejudice to the provisions of item 4.7 above.


5.1. All possible charges, costs, expenses, guides, taxes, fees, and other expenses paid by BHUB on behalf of the CONTRACTING PARTY, including, without limitation, those required by City Halls, the Internal Revenue Service, Trade Boards, State and Municipal Finance Departments, sworn translators, notary publics, among others that are not expressly included in the Price shall be charged to the CONTRACTING PARTY in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which payments are made.

5.2. Any amounts spent on materials to perform the Services, such as books, postage, stamps, file folders, CDS, copies, etc. may be paid in advance by BHUB, but must be reimbursed by the CONTRACTING PARTY in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which the payments are completed.

5.3. Additional services may, from time to time, at the sole discretion of BHub, be contracted by e-mail, at the prior written request of the CONTRACTING PARTY, the provision of which is subject to collection by BHUB. It is the CONTRACTING PARTY’s sole responsibility to inform its members, agents, employees, and/or service providers about this form of contracting the additional services in question, understanding as a request duly formalized by the CONTRACTING PARTY, for all legal purposes, any requests for additional services forwarded to BHub.

5.4. Demands that are not described in Clause 3 of the Summary Table and that involve monitoring inspections, Due Diligence, and/or delivery of any written document related to financial consultations are not included in the scope of the Services, nor the Price, and shall be charged separately in the month immediately following the month in which they are completed.


6.1. The Services can be provided to trade companies provided that: (i) they are opting for the simple national system; (ii) they issue electronic invoices (nfc-e and nf-e); (iii) they have active state registration; and (iv) they operate within the area served by BHUB (available on our website).

6.2. The Services shall not be provided to companies: (i) trading in import and export activities; (ii) whose employees’ remuneration is calculated in hours (hourly workers), days (daily workers), weeks, or intermittent agreements; (iii) that carry out industrial activities or activities treated as industrial; (iv) that operate on a cash basis.

6.2.1. Should any of the conditions listed in Clauses 6.1 and 6.2 above change during the performance of the Agreement and provision of the Services, BHUB reserves the right to terminate the Agreement immediately, regardless of prior notice.

6.3. BHUB shall not be liable for the understandings given by class representation or regulatory authorities regarding the activities carried out by the CONTRACTING PARTY.


7.1. For the proper and correct provision of the Services, the CONTRACTING PARTY undertakes to:

(i) Provide, MONTHLY OR WHEN REQUESTED BY BHUB, the tax-accounting documentation necessary for each payment and receipt carried out, electronically, through the BHUB Platform or other means indicated by BHUB, within the term previously informed by BHUB.

(ii) Respond to all requests from the BHUB for documents and information relating to financial transactions. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for the transmission of incomplete or inaccurate information in the event of not receiving the necessary and/or requested information in time.

(iii) Respect all terms indicated by BHUB to enable the correct provision of financial services or pay the amounts related to processes for “reopening” the provision of services due to non-compliance with the term.

(iv) Accessing the BHUB Platform monthly to check the information and communications relating to the company, as well as complying with all the requirements of the terms signed with the BHUB Platform;

(v) Take responsibility for the correct filing of all documents, including receipts for expenses and invoices received.

(vi) Take responsibility for identifying the income and expenditure corresponding to the imported documents.

(vii) Comply with any and all requirements, whenever necessary and requested by any public authorities, within the term allowed by the competent authority.

(viii) If necessary, register the company with the authorities that regulate its commercial activity.

(ix) Keeping your registration active and up to date with City Halls and other public authorities.

7.2. If the BHUB Platform is unavailable, the CONTRACTING PARTY must send its documentation, within the terms described in Clause 7.1, item (ii), by e-mail to This shall only be accepted in exceptional cases of systemic unavailability. The unavailability does not, under any circumstances, extend the term for delivery or the CONTRACTING PARTY’s obligation to deliver the documents.

7.3. BHUB shall be liable for any fines arising from the submission of statements after the legal term and the payment of late taxes, which are due to the failure to provide the Services, due to the sole and proven fault of the BHUB.

7.3.1. BHUB is exempt from paying the fines referred to in clause 7.3 if the CONTRACTING PARTY has given cause, for any reason whatsoever, including delays in the delivery of documents and statements or the actions and omissions of external entities and persons who are not employees or service providers of the BHUB, as well as in cases where there is not enough time to perform the Services and/or BHUB does not own the information and documentation necessary to carry out the activity, within the term indicated by BHUB.

7.4. The CONTRACTING PARTY hereby declares that:

i) is responsible for its business decisions and its company’s internal controls, and that these are appropriate for the volume of transactions and the type of business activity;

ii) its activity is not illegal according to the current laws;

iii) all the documents it generates and shall generate and forward to BHUB for the provision of the Services are suitable, and the CONTRACTING PARTY is liable for the accuracy and legality of each one of them;

iv) the information recorded in the management and internal control system is controlled and validated with appropriate supporting documentation, and the CONTRACTING PARTY is fully liable for all the contents of the database and electronic files generated;

v) is aware that it is its responsibility to issue invoices, as well as to maintain and update its registration with the municipal authorities and on the BHUB Platform – when and if applicable;

vi) is aware that it SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXERCISE BUSINESS ACTIVITY BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE REGISTRATION, pursuant to art. 966 of the Civil Code, nor shall it be able to exercise activity that requires prior licensing before obtaining the respective necessary license.

7.5. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any investment, costs, lost profits, third-party claims, or costs of supplying substitute goods or services, should the CONTRACTING PARTY commence the activities referred to in item vi above prior to the conclusion of the company opening process, nor shall BHUB be liable for any downtime costs, or any event which may result in damage to the CONTRACTING PARTY.

7.6. The CONTRACTING PARTY declares that it is fully aware that bookkeeping and the submission of accessory declarations must, by law, be carried out from the “Date of Opening” shown on the CNPJ Card.


8.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for the payment of any and all fees to be paid before any and all public or governmental authorities whenever necessary for the regular operation of the company, and its attendance and external personal services (due diligence) in these authorities (notary offices, trade boards, city halls) are not included in the services provided by BHUB and may, if available in your area of activity, be contracted separately.

8.2. BHUB reserves the right to cancel or modify these T&C when it deems it appropriate, notifying this situation through a publication on the website


9.1. These T&C shall be valid for an indefinite period from September 25, 2023, until their general termination is published via the website




1.1. The expressions below, whenever used in this document, in the singular or plural, shall have the meaning attributed to them as follows:

(i) “BHUB” means BHub Serviços e Tecnologia Ltda, a limited liability company, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde n° 2365, Pinheiros, CEP (Zip Code) 05.407-003, registered with CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration) under No. 42.330.545/0001-06 (“BHub Tecnologia“) and, as applicable and when acting jointly with BHub Tecnologia (a) for the purposes of providing accounting and financial services, BHub Contabilidade Ltda., a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 43.618.130/0001-03, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 31, Pinheiros, CEP 05.407-003 (“BHub Contabilidade“)     ; and (b) for the purposes of providing paralegal services, BHub Serviços de Paralegal LTDA, a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 51.097.182/0001-00, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 33-Parte, Pinheiros, CEP 05.407-003 (“BHub Paralegal“);

(ii) “CLIENT” means the individuals or legal entities indicated and qualified in Clause 1 of the Summary Table;

(iii) “Agreement” jointly means these T&C, the BHUB T&C, the Summary Table and the Business Proposal sent to the CLIENT; and

(iii) “Summary Table” means the Summary Table of the Service Agreement signed by the CLIENT and BHUB.


2.1. Paralegal as a Service (“PaaS“).


3.1. The PaaS services to be provided by BHUB to the CLIENT (“Services“) comprise the activities described in Clause 3 of the Summary Table, and may include, among others, those indicated below, according to the contracted scope:

(a) Opening of a company;

(b) Paralegal records and diligence;

(c) Accompanying registrations and paralegal proceedings;

(d) Trademark registration and procedural steps;

(e) Monitoring trademark registration;

(f) Virtual office;

(g) Legal representation.


4.1. The amount to be paid by the CLIENT for the Service provision is indicated in clause 4 of the Summary Table (“Price“).

4.2. In the case of services based on previously established assumptions, according to the Summary Table, the amounts owed by the CLIENT to BHUB may be revised automatically and at any time, should these assumptions change.

4.3. The Price may be readjusted annually at the beginning of each fiscal year by the positive variation of the IPCA (National Extended Consumer Price Index)/IBGE or another that replaces it and is appropriate, as understood by BHUB to correct the Services.

4.4. In the event of any change that affects costs and/or makes it economically unfeasible for BHUB to maintain the agreed plans and/or values, it may adjust the plans, or revise the Services, or even terminate them.

4.4.1. If this happens, BHUB shall notify the CLIENT of the fact, reasonably in advance, so that the CLIENT, in the event of an adjustment to the Price or revision of the Services, may choose one of the existing plans. The CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that, if the CLIENT does not express its acceptance within thirty (30) days from the date of the communication, in the case of Services provided in the form of a monthly fee, and within five (5) days for other “PaaS” services, BHUB may, at its sole discretion:

(i) automatically migrate to the plan that, according to BHUB’s technical criteria, is the most appropriate, and the CLIENT shall then be charged according to the new values; or

(ii) not provide the Services, without this implying any breach of the Agreement or incidence of any penalty, with BHUB being exempt from any consequences, losses, and/or damages that may be caused to the CLIENT, with BHUB being owed the amounts related to the Services already provided.

4.4.2. If the Services are provided by BHUB after the terms referred to in item 4.4.1, they shall be performed and charged according to the amounts and conditions set out in said communication.

4.4.3. If the CLIENT does not agree with the new plans, amounts, and/or conditions, it may terminate the Agreement, without entailing any compensation and/or fine, at which time only the amounts relating to the Services provided up to the date of termination shall be due.

4.5. The CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that if the CLIENT fails to make the payments due under this Agreement, the SERVICE PROVIDER may terminate the Agreement and charge the CLIENT the overdue amounts and applicable fines.

4.6. Late payment fines of two percent (2%), interest on arrears of one percent (1%) per month, and monetary restatement by the IPCA/IBGE (Consumer Price Index/Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), calculated pro rata die, shall be charged on the overdue amounts. Under no circumstances shall the SERVICE PROVIDER be liable for any damage caused during the default period.

4.7. Non-payment of two (2) consecutive monthly fees (in the case of services contracted in the form of a monthly fee) shall result in automatic termination of the Agreement, regardless of notification without prejudice to the provisions of item 4.6 above. 


5.1. All possible charges, costs, expenses, guides, taxes, fees, and other expenses paid by BHUB on behalf of the CLIENT, including, without limitation, those required by City Halls, the Internal Revenue Service, Trade Boards, State and Municipal Finance Departments, sworn translators, notary publics, among others that are not expressly included in the Price shall be charged to the CLIENT in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which payments are made.

5.2. Any amounts spent on materials to perform the Services, such as books, postage, stamps, file folders, CDS, copies, etc. may be paid in advance by BHUB, but must be reimbursed by the CLIENT in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which the payments are completed.

5.3. Additional services may, from time to time, at the sole discretion of Bhub, be contracted by e-mail, at the prior written request of the CLIENT, the provision of which is subject to collection by BHUB. It is the CLIENT’s sole responsibility to inform its members, agents, employees, and/or service providers about this form of contracting the additional services in question, understanding as a request duly formalized by the CLIENT, for all legal purposes, any requests for additional services forwarded to BHub.

5.4. Demands not described in Clause 3 of the Summary Table are not included in the scope of the Services nor the Price. If provided by BHUB, they shall be charged separately to the CLIENT in the month immediately following the month in which they are completed.


6.1. The CLIENT shall have up to seven (7) days to withdraw (terminate) from the contracted Services, free of charge. After this term, or if the Services have already been provided, the Agreement may be canceled, but the agreed amount shall be charged in full.

6.2. In the case of Services contracted under a monthly fee, the CLIENT may withdraw (terminate) from the Services at any time by giving BHUB thirty (30) days’ notice (the period we need to bring your journey with us to an orderly end). In this case, the CLIENT must pay the monthly fee corresponding to the notice period. There are no fines or complications. We believe in good service and transparency.

6.2.1. If any payments are overdue during the notice period, the CLIENT shall have to pay all these amounts by the intended end date of our Agreement.

6.2.2. In the case of virtual office services, if the CLIENT chooses to terminate the aforementioned Services, it must provide, at its own expense, (i) the registration of the contractual amendment before the Trade Board, which shall reflect the change of its business address, as well as (ii) all the necessary registrations and updates before the competent bodies and authorities.

6.2.3. Once the contractual amendment has been registered and the registration updates mentioned above have been made, the CLIENT must present the protocol receipts to BHUB so that the price agreed with BHUB and the provision of the aforementioned Services may be terminated;

6.2.4. The CLIENT declares that it agrees and is aware that the termination of the provision of Virtual Office services by BHUB and, consequently, the collection of the amount agreed between the Parties, shall only take place upon presentation of the protocol receipts indicated above. If this is not the case, the price agreed shall continue to be due until you submit the protocols to BHUB.

6.3. BHUB shall not be held liable for the understandings given by class representation or regulatory authorities regarding the activities carried out by the CLIENT nor for any delays and/or requirements and/or terms for/in verification at trade boards or any other bodies where the process of opening companies or any other diligence is required.

6.4. The CLIENT assumes full liability for the name (Corporate and Trade Name) given to the company opened by BHUB, as well as the description of the economic activities that it will exploit, even in cases where the BHUB team makes suggestions, these shall only be implemented with the CLIENT’s authorization, which shall occur with its acceptance or signature on the Articles of Association.

6.5. The following services are NOT INCLUDED in the Agreement: i) filing of documents and processes with the City Hall (except for the feasibility request); ii) filing of documents and processes with the Internal Revenue Service (except for obtaining the DBE – Basic Document for Registration for the incorporation of the company); iii) registration of the company and/or members with class representative bodies (e.g.: CRA, CRC, CREA, CRQ, OAB, etc.); iv) coordination or monitoring of inspections and evaluations by the Fire Department and other bodies; v) technical project to obtain a license; vi) other services or activities not described in the Summary Table.


6.7. The CLIENT declares that it is fully aware that it SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXERCISE BUSINESS ACTIVITY BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE REGISTRATION, pursuant to art. 966 of the Civil Code, nor shall it be able to exercise activity that requires prior licensing before obtaining the respective necessary license.

6.7.1. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any investment, damages, costs, loss of profits, claims by third parties, or cost of supplying substitute goods or services, nor shall it be liable for any downtime costs, or any fact that may result in damage to the CLIENT, should the CLIENT commence activities prior to the conclusion of the business opening process.

6.8. The CLIENT declares that it is fully aware that bookkeeping and the submission of accessory declarations must, by law, be carried out from the “Date of Opening” shown on the CNPJ Card.

6.9. The CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that the Legal Representation services may be provided by a third party/partner of BHUB, and hereby declares complete knowledge that the latter may have access to information provided by the CLIENT to the quantum necessary for the execution of the Agreement.


7.1. The Legal Representation Service provided by BHUB, either independently or through third parties, is conditioned and limited to the supply of documents and information that are duly requested and required from the CLIENT.

7.2. BHUB shall not be held liable for any other obligation related to this Service that is not expressly mentioned in these Terms. The Legal Representation services do not, at any time, encompass the making of administrative or strategic decisions of any kind, nor do they include the recommendation of any actions on the part of the CLIENT, being limited solely to the execution of measures aimed at fulfilling the CLIENT’s legal and bureaucratic obligations.

7.3. BHUB shall not be held responsible for any delays or abstention in the provision of the agreed services that result from delays, omissions, or failures on the part of the CLIENT or third parties, and BHUB shall not be responsible for any claims, damages, fines, or losses of any kind that do not result from its exclusive fault, as per these Terms.

7.4. The CLIENT undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless any third party or partner of BHUB who may act as the actual legal representative, with BHUB remaining solely legally responsible, regardless of any successor that may replace it, pursuant to the limitations set forth in this Terms.

7.5. Similarly, all acts and services performed by BHUB, as well as by third parties/partners who may act as effective legal representatives, shall be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions provided by the CLIENT, and they shall not be held liable for any losses, damages, or harms that may directly result from the contents, guidance, or information provided by the CLIENT, including, but not limited to, losses resulting from false, incorrect, or incomplete information provided by the CLIENT.


8.1. In order for the Services to be provided with quality and in accordance with the law, the CLIENT shall need to provide BHUB with the data requested, as well as the information and documents necessary for the provision of the Services, within a period that shall be informed at the time of the request, and it is the CLIENT’s sole and exclusive responsibility to keep them updated with BHUB.

8.2. The CLIENT undertakes to:

(i) Acquire the Digital Certificate Template A1, when applicable, if it doesn’t have one yet. Without it, BHUB shall not be able to provide the services that depend on it, such as, but not limited to, municipal registration, licensing, and DBE issuance. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any delays, expenses, and/or penalties arising from the non-issuance/availability of said certificate or the change of password by the CLIENT, without notifying BHUB.

(ii) Provide and respond to all requests from BHUB for information and documents necessary for Service provision. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for the transmission of incomplete or inaccurate information in the event of not receiving the necessary and/or requested information in time.

(iii) Keep logins/passwords for the City Hall and Federal Revenue systems and the Digital Certificate available and up to date required to provide the contracted Services. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for the failure to send said information if the CLIENT changes the user data and/or passwords of the systems referred to in this item (iii), including the Digital Certificate, and/or fails to update them with BHUB.

(iv) Respect all terms indicated by BHUB to enable the correct provision of Services or pay the amounts related to processes for “reopening” the provision of Services due to non-compliance with the term.

(iv) Take responsibility for the correct filing of all documents, including receipts and protocols received.

(v) Comply with any and all requirements, whenever necessary and requested by any public authorities, within the term allowed by the competent authority.

(vi) To engage in business activity ONLY AFTER COMPLETION OF THE REGISTRATION, pursuant to article 966 of the Civil Code, as well as to engage in activity that requires prior licensing only after obtaining the respective necessary license.

(vii) Carrying out bookkeeping and submitting accessory statements from the date of opening on the CNPJ Card, as required by law.

(viii) If necessary, register the company with the authorities that regulate its commercial activity;

(ix) Keeping your registration active and up to date with City Halls and other public authorities.

8.3. Any fines resulting from the delay in sending the requested documents after the legal deadline, which are due to the non-provision of the Services, due to the exclusive and proven fault of BHUB, shall be BHUB’s responsibility.

8.3.1. BHUB is exempt from paying the fines referred to in clause 7.3 if the CLIENT has given cause, for any reason whatsoever, including delays in the delivery of documents and statements or the actions and omissions of external entities and persons who are not employees or service providers of the BHUB, as well as in cases where there is not enough time to perform the Services and/or BHUB does not own the information and documentation necessary to carry out the activity, within the term indicated by BHUB.

8.4. The CLIENT declares that:

i) it is responsible for its business decisions and its company’s internal controls;

ii) its activity is not illegal according to the current laws;

iii) all the documents it generates and shall generate and forward to BHUB to provide the services are suitable, and the CLIENT is liable for the accuracy and legality of each one of them;

iv) is aware that it is its responsibility to issue Invoices, as well as to maintain and update its registration with the municipal authorities and on the BHUB Platform – when and if applicable;

v) is aware that it SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXERCISE BUSINESS ACTIVITY BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE REGISTRATION, pursuant to art. 966 of the Civil Code, nor shall it be able to exercise activity that requires prior licensing before obtaining the respective necessary license.

vi) is aware that it must keep logins/passwords up-to-date and available for the City Hall and Internal Revenue Service systems and the Digital Certificate required to provide the contracted Services, and BHUB is authorized, due to the Agreement purpose, to store them, as well as change them with public authorities, and may also create new accesses required by law. This authorization includes the possibility for BHUB to generate and sign powers of attorney and for the fulfillment of any legal obligation, including those subsequent to the signing of the Agreement, either on behalf of the company or its members (when necessary), in particular, but not limited to, municipal governments (this authorization does not transfer responsibility for issuing invoices to BHUB).

8.5. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any investment, costs, lost profits, third-party claims, or costs of supplying substitute goods or services, should the CLIENT commence the activities referred to in item vi above prior to the conclusion of the company opening process, nor shall BHUB be liable for any downtime costs, or any event which may result in damage to the CLIENT.


9.1. The CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for the payment of any and all fees to be settled before any and all public or governmental authorities whenever necessary for the regular operation of the company, and its attendance and external personal services (due diligence) in these authorities (notary offices, trade boards, city halls) are not included in the Services provided by BHUB and may, if available in your area of activity, be contracted separately.

9.2. BHUB reserves the right to cancel or modify these T&C when it deems it appropriate, notifying this situation through a publication on the website


10.1. These T&C shall be valid for an indefinite period from September 25, 2023, until their general termination is published via the website

General Terms and Conditions of Website/Platform Use | BHub

Hi! BHUB SERVIÇOS E TECNOLOGIA LTDA. (“TECNOLOGIA”), headquartered at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, nº 2365, 3º andar, Pinheiros, CEP (Zip Code) 05407-003, registered with CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration) under No. 42.330.545/0001-06, as well as the other companies of BHub group (“BHUB” or “Group”) would like to welcome you!

Thank you for visiting our pages! However, before you start your journey on our websites/applications/platforms, experiencing all the best they have to offer, especially our products (“Products”) and services (“Services”), please read these General Terms and Conditions (“General Terms”) carefully, as well as the other Terms and Conditions of Use relating to specific BHUB platforms (“Specific Terms”).

The main purpose of these General Terms is to regulate the general conditions of access and use of our websites/applications/platforms, providing clarification, mainly, on the features, functionalities, Services, and Products offered by BHUB in its environments. These General Terms apply to all users who use our tools.

We thank you for your visit and wish you an unforgettable journey in our virtual environments!



BHUB hereby clarifies that, by accessing and/or using any features, functionalities, Services, Products, and/or benefits of its websites/applications/platforms, the user is hereby legally and formally bound by these General Terms, the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (“Privacy Policy”), the Cookies Policy (“Cookies Policy”), any Specific Terms and other regulations governing the BHUB’s activities, in particular, its Service provision, and the supply of its Products (“Acceptance”).


What does that mean?

Acceptance means that users declare and attest to their full and complete awareness of how their interaction with BHUB shall take place, including concerning the processing of personal data, when using the features, functionalities, Services, Products, and other benefits offered by BHUB on its websites/applications/platforms.



If you do not agree with these General Terms and/or the other terms, policies, and regulations of BHUB, please immediately stop using our websites/applications/platforms, registering in our environments, consuming any Products and Services offered, and/or otherwise providing any information to BHUB.

Please be aware that if you do not agree to our General Terms, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, or any Specific Terms and/or other regulations governing the activities of this company, such activities, including the supply of our Products and the provision of our Services, may not take place.

Although our joint journey cannot continue if the above documents are rejected, your opinion is extremely important to us! Therefore, we kindly ask you to let us know why you disagree so that we can continuously improve our activities.

We at BHUB hereby inform you that we make every reasonable effort, according to current technology, to ensure the security of our websites/applications/platforms, in short, our systems in general, in the interests of privacy and the protection of the data and information we process, in particular personal data.

Information on access, security, browsing, data processing, and cookies of third parties/partners may be found in their respective policies, terms, and/or regulations, and it is the sole liability of each party to adopt measures according to current legislation, in particular Law No. 13.709/2018 (“General Data Protection Law” or “LGPD”), for the protection of privacy and any data relating to identified or identifiable individuals. Under no circumstances is BHUB liable for the policies, terms, and/or regulations of third-party/partner websites/applications/platforms, nor for the processing of data carried out by them.

We would also like to clarify that these General Terms are mainly based on BHUB’s Privacy Policy, which in turn incorporates provisions of the LGPD, available at the following link: LGPD.



Without prejudice to the other provisions of these General Terms, our websites/applications/platforms are intended to offer our Services and Products, available mainly at the following link:, as well as allowing the user to access information and content related to BHUB, such as: services, products, news and various announcements, campaigns, career, blog, events, advertisements, launching of new services and/or products related to back office (“BACK OFFICE”).

That said, users of our environments declare full and complete knowledge that they may, subject to the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD, and other provisions contained in the policies and regulations of the BHUB and/or the competent authorities:

(i) receive, via e-mail and/or telephone/WhatsApp, information that has been requested on our websites/applications/platforms, as well as news, offers of products and services, announcements of campaigns and possible selection processes, launching of new BHUB services and/or products, and other related information;

(ii) receive calls and/or direct messages from BHUB employees to answer questions, carry out surveys, and/or provide information on products, services, campaigns, news, updates, events, and other related matters;

(iii) receive, via e-mail and/or telephone/WhatsApp, advertising, according to interests and preferences, including in a customized manner;

(iv) have contact with links from third parties/partners while browsing our sites/applications/platforms, related to topics of interest.

Notwithstanding the above, it is possible to unsubscribe from receiving advertising messages at any time. For more information on this, please visit our Privacy Policy.



Our websites/applications/platforms, as well as the Products, Services, and activities that we offer/perform through them, are administered/managed by BHUB, which may, from time to time, grant such powers and rights to third parties/partners, pursuant to the law and in accordance with the agreements signed between BHUB and the respective third parties/partners.

BHUB reserves the right to include, delete, or change the contents, features, and functionalities of its websites/applications/platforms, as well as to temporarily suspend them at any time, regardless of prior notice. Likewise, it may change these General Terms, as well as its other terms, policies, and regulations, the most recent versions of which shall always be available on our tools for consultation.

By continuing to access, use, or otherwise interact with our websites/applications/platforms after the publication of the aforementioned changes, users attest to their full and complete awareness of how they will interact with BHUB as of the update in question. If you do not agree with the new General Terms, policies, and/or regulations, please stop using our website/application/platform immediately and do not register on our tools, consume any Products and/or Services offered, and/or otherwise provide any information to BHUB.



Our websites/applications/platforms are only intended for people over the age of 18. Anyone who does not fit this classification shall be automatically banned from our platform.

By accessing, using or otherwise interacting with our websites/applications/platforms, the user declares to comply with the above conditions. If you are accessing, using or otherwise interacting with our environments on behalf of any organization, you hereby declare that you have all the legal powers to bind said organization to these General Terms, to the Privacy Policy, as well as to the other terms, policies, and regulations of BHUB.


3.1. Registration

Registration on our websites/applications/platforms is always optional. However, in order to take advantage of all the Products, Services, benefits, and/or other facilities offered by BHUB, it is essential to register.

For registration purposes, BHUB generally collects the following personal data: name/surname, e-mail address, and telephone number. BHUB may, at any time, at its sole and exclusive discretion, request the updating and/or provision of data to complete the registration.

The information provided at the time of registration must be true, complete, and kept up to date. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any result and/or damage arising from the falsity of the information provided and/or its failure to be updated. BHUB may, at any time, at its sole and exclusive discretion, request the updating and/or provision of data to complete the registration

Users are liable for the secrecy and confidentiality of all data they provide to BHUB, as well as for the actions and/or omissions carried out in our environments.


3.2. Use of our websites/applications/platforms

It is hereby declared and acknowledged that any and all actions or omissions during the use of our websites/applications/platforms shall be the user’s sole and full liability, and BHUB, its affiliates, and/or subsidiaries shall be held harmless from any claims and/or liabilities arising therefrom, as well as indemnified for any losses, damages and/or expenses incurred, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees and court costs, which they may suffer as a result of such actions or omissions.

Users are solely and exclusively liable for the means they use to access BHUB’s sites/applications/platforms, including but not limited to devices, internet providers, and/or browsers, and therefore exclusively assume the risk of any possible breach of privacy and/or security arising from such means.

Users declare and attest to full and complete knowledge that, due to the nature and purposes for which BHUB’s websites/applications/platforms are intended, BHUB may collect, access, process, store, reproduce, share, delete, in short, process personal data (“Processing”), under the LGPD, in particular art. 5, item X, in accordance with these General Terms, its Privacy Policy and its other terms, policies and regulations, subject to the applicable legislation and legal bases in force.

We also clarify that the Processing extends to all the Group’s companies, which may even be located and/or headquartered outside Brazil.



BHUB respects the rights to personality and privacy and hereby undertakes to use the data/information made available on its websites/applications/platforms as described in these General Terms, the Privacy Policy, the Specific Terms, the Cookies Policy, other BHUB regulations and in accordance with current legislation, in particular the LGPD.

Considering the nature and purpose of BHUB’s websites/applications/platforms, the following personal data shall generally be collected through these channels:

Registration information (“Registration Information”): name/surname, e-mail address, and telephone number.

Browsing/device information on our websites/applications (“Browsing/Device Information”): IP address, geographical location, reference source, type of browser, duration/frequency of visits, and pages visited. This information is usually obtained through cookies installed in your browser. For more information, please visit our Cookies Policy.

Without prejudice to the above, other personal data may also be collected, in accordance with the Specific Terms and other policies, terms, and regulations of BHUB, subject to the applicable legislation and legal bases in force. So be sure to check them out!

Registration Information, Browsing/Device Information, and/or other data collected and used by BHUB may be kept and stored by BHUB in the following cases: (i) for as long as the registration and/or account remain active; and (ii) for as long as necessary: (ii.i) for the purposes of the Products and Services, (ii.ii) for the resolution of any dispute or litigation, (ii.iii) by judicial determination and/or by an entity with jurisdiction over the activities of BHUB; (ii.iv) to comply with a specific legal provision, under the applicable legislation in force; (ii.v) for as long as they are necessary to maintain the legitimate interests of BHUB, under the law.



The data/information referred to in item 4 of these General Terms may be processed by BHUB for the following purposes, subject to the applicable legislation and legal bases in force:

(i) Service Provision and/or supply of Products, as well as for the launch of new Products and Services, campaigns, and selection processes, among other activities carried out by BHUB;

(ii) Sending information requested on our websites/applications/platforms;

(iii) Sending news, Products and Services offers, announcements, and/or other information, always related to topics of interest to the registered users;

(iv) Carrying out surveys, disclosing events, and other matters that may be of interest to the registered user;

(v) Advertising according to the interests and preferences of the registered users, as well as for the customization of the Services and Products in order to adapt them to such interests and preferences;

(vi) Customer support, service and/or related services.

Once again, we would like to point out that, despite the provisions of the previous sections, you can unsubscribe from receiving advertising messages at any time. For more information on canceling your registration and/or changing/deleting your personal data, please visit our Privacy Policy.

We also point out that BHUB may share personal data processed with companies located in other countries, such as Google, Microsoft, and/or Amazon, mainly for cloud storage, as stated in its Policy.

BHUB hereby informs that, in the event of an international data transfer, this shall take place according to the security measures necessary to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the personal data transferred, in compliance with the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD.



The data/information referred to in item 4 of these General Terms may also be processed by third parties/partners duly authorized by BHUB, located or with a registered office in Brazil or abroad, for the purposes set out in item 5 above.

For technical and operational reasons, the data/information referred to in item 4 of these General Terms may also be stored or operated in facilities, datacenters and servers owned by third parties/business partners of BHUB, located or with registered office in Brazil or abroad.

We hereby clarify that the aforementioned third parties/business partners, service providers, are subject to the rules, obligations and duties of confidentiality, secrecy and protection of the privacy of the information and personal data processed, consistent with the provisions of these General Terms, the Privacy Policy, other BHUB terms, policies and regulations and current applicable legislation, in particular the LGPD, without prejudice to any other applicable legislation, due to their location.



In order to improve your browsing experience on our websites/applications/platforms, these may contain links referring you to third-party websites, systems, applications, services and products. The indication of these links does not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship of the services and/or products of these third parties. Under no circumstances is BHUB liable for the policies, terms, and/or regulations of the websites/applications/platforms of these third parties, nor for the processing of data carried out by them and/or for any errors, faults, irregularities, or defects in the provision of their services and/or supply of their products. We therefore recommend that you carefully read the privacy policies, terms and conditions of use, and other regulations of these third parties.

Any complaints or doubts about the services and/or products of third parties, used and/or acquired by the user through links published on our websites/applications/platforms, should be directed to the respective third parties’ sectors/services.



Any and all techniques, ideas, concepts, methods, processes, software, utilities, data, documents, directories, designs, user interfaces, know-how, graphics, images, photographs, logos, slogans, sounds, trademarks, texts, statements, drawings, including domain names, user interfaces and color combinations used, incorporated and contained in our websites/applications/platforms constitute the sole and exclusive intellectual property of BHUB or are duly authorized and licensed by third parties/partners. The use, reproduction, distribution, or display, in whole or in part, of any intellectual property of BHUB by the user or by any third party is not permitted or authorized without their prior, express and written consent.

Any content, features, functionalities, and tools made available on our websites/applications/platforms are the property of BHUB and/or, where applicable, of third parties/partners, under the terms of any agreements signed between BHUB and the respective third party/partners, being understood that: (i) under no circumstances may such ownership be claimed by the user of our sites/applications; and (ii) if said content, features, functionalities, and tools are the property of third parties/partners, BHUB shall obtain the necessary rights, authorizations and licenses.

The user hereby undertakes not to carry out any of the activities listed below and, in the event of a breach, must fully indemnify BHUB, its affiliates, and/or subsidiaries for any and all damage caused, regardless of its nature, without prejudice to the applicable legal sanctions:

to copy, store, modify, prepare works, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, or exploit any software that is part of our websites/applications/platforms as well as any content owned by us, except to the extent expressly permitted by BHUB, due to the use of the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits made available by BHUB;

attempt to expose the source code or attempt to recreate any software that is part of our websites/applications/platforms;

use software, devices, scripts, manual or automated robots, or any other means or process to access or track any web pages or other services contained on our websites/applications/platforms;

violate the rights of any person or entity, including, without limitation, their intellectual property, privacy, publicity, and/or contractual rights;

attempt to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any BHUB system or network or breach any security or authentication measures;

avoid, ignore, remove, disable, impair, decrypt, or circumvent any technological measure implemented by BHUB, any of its suppliers, or any other third party to protect its websites/applications/platforms;

forge any TCP/IP packet elements or any parts of such elements in any e-mail posting or newsgroup, or in any way use our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, and/or the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits made available by BHUB to submit altered, misleading or false source identifying information;

attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any software used by BHUB for the supply of its products and/or the provision of its services;

advocate, encourage, or assist any third party to do any of the above;

use BHUB’s websites/applications/platforms for any activities not provided for herein and in BHUB’s other terms, policies, and regulations.

If there is evidence of any of the above activities, BHUB may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, suspend or close the account of the subversive user, being understood that any suspension or termination of the user’s account, under the terms indicated above, shall not exempt the user from any of their obligations.



BHUB always seeks to use adequate and appropriate processes, techniques, mechanisms, and prevention procedures, in accordance with current technology, to ensure proper protection against any security incidents, occurrences, or suspicions of unauthorized access, use, changes, appropriation, and/or destruction by third parties, which may compromise or threaten the integrity, confidentiality, authenticity, and/or availability of the information/data collected by us.

We make every effort, in accordance with current technology, to protect the personal data of users of our websites/applications/platforms against loss, unauthorized use, and/or other types of abuse. For this reason, not only do we store the data/information we collect in a secure operating environment, inaccessible to the general public, but we may also make anonymous or encrypt them for reasons of relevance, provided that this does not make it impossible for BHUB to use them in the supply of its Products and/or in the provision of its Services.

BHUB, at its sole and exclusive discretion, may ban from its environments users who attempt to damage or tamper with its websites/applications/platforms and/or its security mechanisms, whether through the use of viruses, cancellation bots, Trojan horses, harmful code, denial of service attacks, packet or IP falsification, forged routing or the use of any other method/technology capable of causing damage and/or tampering with BHUB’s environments. Any attempt to do so constitutes a violation of civil and criminal law, and the user must fully indemnify BHUB for any and all damage caused, regardless of its nature, without prejudice to other applicable legal sanctions.

Information on security mechanisms adopted by third parties or by our business partners can be found in their respective policies, terms, and/or regulations, and it is the sole responsibility of each party to adopt measures in accordance with current legislation, in particular the LGPD, for the protection of privacy and any data relating to identified or identifiable natural persons.



The information and personal data that we process may be reviewed, changed, and/or updated at any time by the registered user, who may even delete certain data and information, subject to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Use, the Policy, as well as BHUB’s other policies, regulations, and contractual relationships, in compliance with the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD.

Personal data shall be securely deleted/made anonymous if: (i) it is not being actively used; (ii) we have no legal obligation to retain it (e.g. for tax purposes); (iii) BHUB is not permitted to keep it for legal and/or compliance reasons; and/or (iv) it is not supported by BHUB’s legitimate interest.

Inaccurate or outdated personal data shall be destroyed or deleted as soon as possible unless it is required to be kept due to a legal obligation to retain it for a certain period and/or the regular exercise of rights.



Still have questions? Relax! BHUB allows you to ask questions at any time through the channel If BHUB acts as Controller of the processing of personal data, pursuant to the Policy, it shall also be available for the holder of said data to exercise directly, through its channel, the rights provided for in the LGPD, in particular in its art. 18. If this is not the case and BHUB acts as an Operator pursuant to the Privacy Policy, please directly contact the Controller of your personal data processing to exercise these rights.



These Terms and Conditions of Use may be revised and updated from time to time by BHUB. Any and all revisions and updates shall only be valid and enter into force at the time of their publication on our websites/applications. Don’t worry! You shall be informed of relevant revisions/updates.



This document is governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

The Judicial District of State of São Paulo, of the State of São Paulo, is hereby elected as competent to settle any questions arising from this document, with express waiver of any other, however privileged.

These Terms and Conditions of Use were last modified on December 12, 2022.

Terms and Conditions of Use Entrepreneur Hub

Hi! BHUB SERVIÇOS E TECNOLOGIA LTDA. (“TECNOLOGIA”), headquartered at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, nº 2365, 3º andar, Pinheiros, CEP (Zip Code) 05407-003, registered with CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration) under No. 42.330.545/0001-06, as well as the other companies of BHub group (“BHUB” or “Group”) would like to welcome you!

Thank you for visiting our pages! Before starting your journey on the Entrepreneur Hub platform (“Platform” or “Entrepreneur Hub”), please read these Entrepreneur Hub Terms and Conditions of Use (“Hub Terms”) carefully, as well as the other terms and policies of BHUB, in particular the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (“Privacy Policy”), the General Terms and Conditions (“General Terms”), the Cookie Policy (“Cookies Policy”), and the other regulations governing BHUB’s activities.

The main purpose of the Hub Terms is to regulate the conditions of access to and use of the Entrepreneur Hub, clarifying the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or benefits offered on the Platform, such as, for example, the provision of financial indexes capable of enabling you to better manage your business.

We thank you for your visit and wish you an unforgettable journey in our virtual environments!



BHUB hereby clarifies that, by accessing and/or using any features, functionalities, services, products, and/or benefits of the Entrepreneur Hub, the user is hereby formally bound by these Hub Terms, the Privacy Policy, the General Terms, the Cookies Policy and the other regulations governing the activities of BHUB, in particular the provision of its services and the supply of its products (“Acceptance”).


What does that mean?

Acceptance means that users declare and attest to their full and complete awareness of how their interaction with BHUB shall take place, including concerning the processing of personal data, when using the features, functionalities services, products, and/or other benefits offered on the Entrepreneur Hub.



If you do not agree with these Hub Terms and/or the other terms, policies, and regulations of BHUB, please immediately stop using the website, application, and/or Platform, not registering in said environments, not consuming any feature, functionality, service, product or other benefits offered and/or otherwise providing any information to BHUB.

Please be aware that if you do not agree to these Hub Terms, our Privacy Policy, General Terms, Cookies Policy, and/or the other regulations governing the activities of this company, the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits of the Entrepreneur Hub may not be provided to you.

Although our joint journey cannot continue if the documents above are rejected, your opinion is extremely important to us! Therefore, we kindly ask you to let us know why you disagree so that we can continuously improve our activities.

We at BHUB hereby inform you that we make every reasonable effort, according to current technology, to ensure the security of our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, in the interests of privacy and the protection of the data and information we process, in particular personal data.

Information on access, security, browsing, data processing, and cookies of third parties/partners may be found in their respective policies, terms, and/or regulations, and it is the sole liability of each party to adopt measures according to current legislation, in particular Law No. 13.709/2018 (“General Data Protection Law” or “LGPD”), for the protection of privacy and any data relating to identified or identifiable individuals. Under no circumstances is BHUB liable for the policies, terms, and/or regulations of third-party/partner websites/applications/platforms, nor for the processing of data carried out by them.

We also clarify that these Hub Terms are mainly based on the BHUB’s Privacy Policy <> and General Terms <>.



Through the Entrepreneur Hub, users have free access to financial indicators which, based on data automatically extracted from their bank account(s), allow them to gain greater visibility of their business, as well as greater financial control and more transparent and efficient business management.

By integrating the user’s company bank account(s) with the Entrepreneur Hub, BHub can provide them with financial indexes that automatically indicate, in a graphical, categorized, analytical and up-to-date way, among other information, history, inflows, outflows, and cashburn, enabling a quick analysis on the main transactions and the financial health of your business in real-time.

Without prejudice to the other provisions of these Hub Terms, our Entrepreneur Hub is also intended to allow the user to access information and content related to BHUB, including from third parties/partners, such as: services, products, news, and various announcements related mainly to the back office.

That said, users of Entrepreneur Hub declare full and complete knowledge that they may, subject to the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD, and other provisions contained in the policies and regulations of the BHUB and/or the competent authorities:

(i) receive, via e-mail and/or telephone/WhatsApp, information that has been requested on our websites/applications/platforms, as well as news, offers, and announcements of BHUB products and services, and other related information;

(ii) receive calls and/or direct messages from BHUB employees to answer questions, carry out surveys, and/or provide information on products, services, events, and other related matters;

(iii) receive, via e-mail and/or telephone/WhatsApp, advertising, according to interests and preferences, including in a customized manner;

(iv) have contact with links from third parties/partners while browsing our sites/applications/platforms, related to topics of interest.

Notwithstanding the above, it is possible to unsubscribe from receiving advertising messages at any time. For more information on this, please visit our Privacy Policy.



The Entrepreneur Hub, as well as the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or benefits offered on the Platform, are managed by BHUB, which may grant such powers and rights to third parties/partners, under the law and the agreements signed between BHUB and the respective third parties/partners.

BHUB reserves the right to include, delete, or change the contents, features, and functionalities of the Entrepreneur Hub, as well as to temporarily suspend it at any time, regardless of prior notice. Likewise, you may modify these Hub Terms, the latest version of which shall always be available on our tools for consultation.



Access to and use of our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, is restricted to persons over the age of 18. Anyone who does not fit this classification shall be automatically banned from our platform.

By accessing, using or otherwise interacting with our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, the user declares to comply with the above conditions. If you are accessing, using or otherwise interacting with our environments on behalf of any organization, you hereby declare that you have all the legal powers to bind said organization to these Hub Terms, to the Privacy Policy, as well as to the other terms, policies, and regulations of BHUB.


3.1. Registration

Registration on our websites/applications/platforms is always optional. However, in order to take advantage of all the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits offered by BHUB, including those of the Entrepreneur Hub, it is essential to register.

To register on the Entrepreneur Hub, BHUB collects personal data (name/surname, e-mail, telephone/WhatsApp), as well as business data (company name, CNPJ, and bank).

In order to access the Entrepreneur Hub, the user must also create a login and password, as well as carry out the procedures referred to in item 3.2 hereof.

The information provided at the time of registration must be true, complete, and kept up to date. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any result and/or damage arising from the falsity of the information provided and/or its failure to be updated. BHUB may, at any time, at its sole and exclusive discretion, request the updating and/or provision of data to complete the registration.

Users are liable for the secrecy and confidentiality of all data they provide to BHUB, as well as for the actions and/or omissions carried out in our environments, including regarding the use of login and password. So don’t share them with third parties. Sharing them with third parties is an express breach of these Hub Terms and other BHUB policies, terms, and regulations, and may compromise the security of both the data and our environments. If the user identifies or suspects that a third party has gained access to their login/password, they must immediately change it in our systems or request assistance to do so through the channels indicated in these Hub Terms.

If BHUB finds, through testing, that the user’s credentials (login/password) have been compromised (made accessible by third parties), for security reasons and in order to prevent inappropriate access to the user’s account and data, BHUB may preventively suspend said credentials. BHUB may also, at its sole and exclusive discretion, prevent the creation of new registrations or cancel those already made if it detects any adversity capable of compromising its environments and/or other users.


3.2. Use of our websites/applications/platforms

It is hereby declared and acknowledged that any and all actions or omissions during the use of our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub shall be the user’s sole and full liability, and BHUB, its affiliates, and/or subsidiaries shall be held harmless from any claims and/or liabilities arising therefrom, as well as indemnified for any losses, damages and/or expenses incurred, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees and court costs, which they may suffer as a result of such actions or omissions.

Users are solely and exclusively liable for the means they use to access BHUB’s sites/applications/platforms, including but not limited to devices, internet providers, and/or browsers, and therefore exclusively assume the risk of any possible breach of privacy and/or security arising from such means.


3.2.1. Connecting the user’s bank account(s) to the Entrepreneur Hub

In order to take advantage of the features and functionalities made available by the Entrepreneur Hub, users must authorize BHUB to connect to the bank accounts indicated by them and thus access/process the financial data associated with it, in accordance with these Hub Terms and other BHUB policies, terms and regulations, subject to the applicable legislation in force.

Users declare full and complete knowledge that, to connect the aforementioned bank account(s) to the Entrepreneur Hub, BHUB shall rely on the assistance of the partner Belvo., whose policies and terms of use can be accessed via the following link: Policies and Terms of Use

In order to connect the bank accounts indicated by the user to the Entrepreneur Hub, the user must:

expressly authorize BHUB to connect to said accounts, access the financial data associated with it and carry out

any periodic synchronizations;

expressly authorize Belvo. to carry out the integration between the bank accounts and the Entrepreneur Hub, via API, providing BHUB with access to the financial data associated with said accounts;

fill in certain fields for integrating said bank accounts and the Entrepreneur Hub, providing bank details such as: bank, branch, account, login, and/or password.

Users also declare that they are fully aware that they may revoke, at any time, the authorization referred to in the above items, and it is certain that, upon revocation, the Entrepreneur Hub, as well as its features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits shall be unavailable to the user. In order to access and use the Entrepreneur Hub again, the user must authorize a new connection to their bank account, under the terms set out herein.


3.2.2. User’s declarations

Users declare and attest that they are fully and completely aware that:

Access to the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits of the Entrepreneur Hub necessarily depends on the processes provided for in these Hub Terms, in particular, the processes referred to in item 3, according to this instrument, as well as the other terms, policies, and regulations of BHUB;

They shall keep their IDs, passwords, and/or other access codes relating to the API confidential and protected from all unauthorized persons, in accordance with good information security and privacy practices, and in accordance with the provisions set forth in these Hub Terms and BHUB’s other terms, policies and regulations;

BHUB does not carry out any transactions on the bank accounts integrated into the Entrepreneur Hub, nor does it interfere in any way with its assets or liabilities, access to which is restricted to the reading and processing of data, in accordance with this instrument and BHUB’s other terms, policies, and regulations;

Due to the nature and purposes for which the Entrepreneur Hub is intended, BHUB may access, collect, process, store, update, share, dispose of, in short, process personal data (“Processing”), under the LGPD, in particular art. 5, item X, in accordance with these Hub Terms, as well as the other terms, policies and regulations of BHUB, in particular the Privacy Policy, subject to the applicable legislation and legal bases in force. The Processing extends to all the Group’s companies, which may even be located and/or headquartered outside Brazil, in which case the legislation in force in the countries in which these companies are located and/or headquartered shall also be complied with;

The financial data obtained by BHUB depends on the services provided by the financial institutions to which the bank accounts indicated by the user are linked. Therefore, despite the efforts to maintain the timeliness and accuracy of the information available on the Entrepreneur Hub, BHUB does not guarantee that the data obtained from these institutions is free of flaws or inaccuracies. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any such faults or inaccuracies;

They are the sole and exclusive liable for checking any and all information made available on the Entrepreneur Hub, starting with the financial data referred to in item 5 above, before basing any decision on it. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be responsible for checking this information;

They are the sole and exclusive liable for making decisions based on the information available on the Entrepreneur Hub and for the results arising therefrom. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for such decisions and/or the results thereof.

Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any loss or damage caused by hackers and/or programs/codes harmful to the Platform, such as, but not limited to, viruses, worms, denial attacks;

Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for products and/or services offered by the financial institutions to which the accounts connected to the Platform, indicated by the user, are linked.

They must comply with this instrument, as well as the other terms, policies, and regulations of BHUB, as well as the applicable legislation in force.



BHUB respects the rights to personality and privacy and hereby undertakes to use the data/information made available on the Entrepreneur Hub as described in these Hub Terms, as well as in the General Terms, the Privacy Policy, the Cookies Policy, other regulations of this company and in compliance with current applicable legislation, in particular the LGPD, in the case of personal data.

Considering the nature and purpose of the Entrepreneur Hub, the following personal and business data shall be collected:

Identification/registration information (“Identification/Registration Information”): name/surname, e-mail address, telephone number, access data, as well as company name, and CNPJ.

The company’s banking/financial information (“Banking/Financial Information”): bank, branch, account, overdraft, balances, transactions, investments, loans, credit.

Browsing/device information on our websites/applications (“Browsing/Device Information”): IP address, geographical location, reference source, type of browser, duration/frequency of visits, and pages visited by the user. This information is usually obtained through cookies installed in your browser. For more information, please visit our Cookies Policy.

Identification/Registration Information, Banking/Financial Information, Browsing/Device Information and/or other data collected and used by BHUB may be kept and stored in the following cases: (i) for as long as the user’s registration, account, and/or use of the Entrepreneur Hub’s features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits remain active; and (ii) for as long as necessary: (ii.i) for the resolution of any dispute or litigation, (ii.ii) by judicial determination and/or by an entity with jurisdiction over the activities of BHUB; (ii.iii) to comply with a specific legal provision, under the legislation in force; and (ii.v) for as long as they are necessary to maintain the legitimate interests of BHUB, under the law.



The data/information referred to in item 4 of these Hub Terms may be processed by BHUB for the following purposes, subject to the applicable legislation and legal bases in force:

(i) To provide/use the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits of the Entrepreneur Hub, as well as to launch new products and/or services;

(ii) Sending information requested on our websites/applications/platforms, in particular through the Entrepreneur Hub;

(ii) Sending news, products and services offers, announcements, and/or other information, always related to topics of interest to the registered users;

(iv) Carrying out surveys/statistics, disclosing events, and other matters that may be of interest to the registered user;

(v) Advertising according to the interests and preferences of the registered users, as well as for the customization of the services, products, and/or other benefits, in order to adapt them to such interests and preferences;

(vi) Customer support, service and/or related services.


Once again, we would like to point out that, despite the provisions of the previous sections, you can unsubscribe from receiving advertising messages at any time. For more information on canceling your registration and/or changing/deleting your personal data, please visit our Privacy Policy.

We also point out that BHUB may share personal data processed with companies located in other countries, such as Google, Microsoft, and/or Amazon, mainly for cloud storage, as stated in its Privacy Policy.

BHUB hereby informs that, in the event of an international data transfer, this shall take place according to the security measures necessary to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the personal data transferred, in compliance with the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD.



The data/information referred to in item 4 of these Hub Terms may also be processed by third parties/business partners duly authorized by BHUB, located or with a registered office in Brazil or abroad, for the purposes set out in item 5 above.

The data/information referred to in item 4 of these Hub Terms may also be stored or operated in facilities, datacenters and servers owned by third parties an/or partners of BHUB, located or with registered office in Brazil or abroad.

We hereby clarify that the aforementioned third parties/partners are subject to the rules, obligations, and duties of confidentiality, secrecy, and protection of the privacy of the information and data processed, consistent with the provisions in this instrument, the Privacy Policy, other BHUB terms, policies and regulations, and current applicable legislation, in particular the LGPD, without prejudice to any other applicable legislation, due to their location.



In order to improve your browsing experience on our websites/applications/platforms, these, including the Entrepreneur Hub, may contain links referring you to third-party websites, systems, applications, services and products. The indication of these links does not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship of the services and/or products of these third parties. Under no circumstances is BHUB liable for the policies, terms, and/or regulations of the websites/applications/platforms of these third parties/partners, nor for the processing of data carried out by them and/or for any errors, faults, irregularities, or defects in the provision of their services and/or supply of their products. We therefore recommend that you carefully read the privacy policies, terms and conditions of use, and other regulations of these third parties.

Any complaints or doubts about the services and/or products of third parties, used and/or acquired by the user through links published on our websites/applications, should be directed to the respective third parties’ sectors/services.



Any and all techniques, ideas, concepts, methods, processes, software, utilities, data, documents, directories, designs, user interfaces, know-how, graphics, images, photographs, logos, slogans, sounds, trademarks, texts, statements, drawings, including domain names, user interfaces and color combinations used, incorporated and contained in our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, constitute the sole and exclusive intellectual property of BHUB or are duly authorized and licensed by third parties/partners. The use, reproduction, distribution, or display, in whole or in part, of any intellectual property of BHUB by the user or by any third party is not permitted or authorized without their prior, express and written consent.

Any content, features, functionalities, and tools made available on our websites/applications/platforms are the property of BHUB and/or, where applicable, of third parties/partners, under the terms of any agreements signed between BHUB and the respective third-party/partners, being understood that: (i) under no circumstances may such ownership be claimed by the user of our sites/applications; and (ii) if said content, features, functionalities, and tools are the property of third parties/partners, BHUB shall obtain the necessary rights, authorizations and licenses.

The user hereby undertakes not to carry out any of the activities listed below and, in the event of a breach, must fully indemnify BHUB, its affiliates, and/or subsidiaries for any and all damage caused, regardless of its nature, without prejudice to the applicable legal sanctions:

to copy, store, modify, prepare works, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, or exploit any software that is part of our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, as well as any content owned by us, except to the extent expressly permitted by BHUB, due to the use of the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits made available by BHUB;

attempt to expose the source code or attempt to recreate any software that is part of our websites/applications/platforms;

use software, devices, scripts, manual or automated robots, or any other means or process to access or track any web pages or other services contained on our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub;

violate the rights of any person or entity, including, without limitation, their intellectual property, privacy, publicity, and/or contractual rights;

attempt to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any BHUB system or network or breach any security or authentication measures;

avoid, ignore, remove, disable, impair, decrypt, or circumvent any technological measure implemented by BHUB, any of its suppliers, or any other third party to protect its websites/applications/platforms;

forge any TCP/IP packet elements or any parts of such elements in any e-mail posting or newsgroup, or in any way use our websites/applications/platforms, including the Entrepreneur Hub, and/or the features, functionalities, services, products, and/or other benefits made available by BHUB to submit altered, misleading or false source identifying information;

attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any software used by BHUB for the supply of its products and/or the provision of its services;

advocate, encourage, or assist any third party to do any of the above;

use BHUB’s websites/applications/platforms for any activities not provided for herein and in BHUB’s other terms, policies, and regulations.

If there is evidence of any of the above activities, BHUB may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, suspend or close the account of the subversive user, being understood that any suspension or termination of the user’s account, under the terms indicated above, shall not exempt the user from any of their obligations.



BHUB always seeks to use adequate and appropriate processes, techniques, mechanisms, and prevention procedures, in accordance with current technology, to ensure proper protection against any security incidents, occurrences, or suspicions of unauthorized access, use, changes, appropriation, and/or destruction by third parties, which may compromise or threaten the integrity, confidentiality, authenticity, and/or availability of the information/data collected by us.

We make every effort, in accordance with current technology, to protect the personal data of users of our websites/applications/platforms against loss, unauthorized use, and/or other types of abuse. For this reason, not only do we store the data/information we collect in a secure operating environment, inaccessible to the general public, but we may also make anonymous or encrypt them for reasons of relevance, provided that this does not make it impossible for BHUB to use them in the supply of its Products and/or in the provision of its Services.

BHUB, at its sole and exclusive discretion, may ban from its environments users who attempt to damage or tamper with its websites/applications/platforms and/or its security mechanisms, whether through the use of viruses, cancellation bots, Trojan horses, harmful code, denial of service attacks, packet or IP falsification, forged routing or the use of any other method/technology capable of causing damage and/or tampering with BHUB’s environments. Any attempt to do so constitutes a violation of civil and criminal law, and the user must fully indemnify BHUB for any and all damage caused, regardless of its nature, without prejudice to other applicable legal sanctions.

Information on security mechanisms adopted by our partners can be found in their respective policies, terms, and/or regulations, and it is the sole responsibility of each party to adopt measures in accordance with current legislation, in particular the LGPD, for the protection of privacy and any data relating to identified or identifiable natural persons.



The information and personal data that we process may be reviewed, changed, and/or updated at any time by the registered user, who may even delete certain data and information, subject to the provisions of these Hub Terms, the Policy, as well as BHUB’s other policies, regulations and contractual relationships, in compliance with the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD.

Personal data shall be securely deleted/made anonymous if: (i) it is not being actively used; (ii) we have no legal obligation to retain it (e.g. for tax purposes); (iii) BHUB is not permitted to keep it for legal and/or compliance reasons; and/or (iv) it is not supported by BHUB’s legitimate interest.

Inaccurate or outdated personal data shall be destroyed or deleted as soon as possible unless it is required to be kept due to a legal obligation to retain it for a certain period and/or the regular exercise of rights.



Still have questions? Relax! BHUB allows you to ask questions at any time through the channel

If BHUB acts as Controller of the processing of personal data, pursuant to the Policy, it shall also be available for the holder of said data to exercise directly, through its channel, the rights provided for in the LGPD, in particular in its art. 18. If this is not the case and BHUB acts as an Operator pursuant to the Policy, please directly contact the Controller of your personal data processing to exercise these rights.



These Hub Terms may be revised and updated from time to time by BHUB. Any and all revisions and updates shall only be valid and enter into force at the time of their publication on our websites/applications. Don’t worry! You shall be informed of relevant revisions/updates.



In the event of any discrepancy between this instrument and the General Terms, the provisions of this instrument shall prevail.

This document is governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

The Judicial District of State of São Paulo, of the State of São Paulo, is hereby elected as competent to settle any questions arising from this document, with express waiver of any other, however privileged.

These Hub Terms were last modified on December 12, 2022.

Below you will find the terms and conditions that regulate how BHUB provides services to you and your company!


1.1. The expressions below, whenever used in this document, in the singular or plural, shall have the meaning attributed to them as follows:

(i)”BHUB” means BHub Serviços e Tecnologia Ltda, a limited liability company, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde n° 2365, Pinheiros, CEP (Zip Code) 05.407-003, registered with CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration) under No. 42.330.545/0001-06 (“BHub Tecnologia“) and, as applicable and when acting jointly with BHub Tecnologia (a) for the purposes of providing accounting and financial services, BHub Contabilidade Ltda., a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 43.618.130/0001-03, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 31, Pinheiros, CEP 05.407-003 (“BHub Contabilidade“)     ; and (b) for the purposes of providing paralegal services, BHub Serviços de Paralegal LTDA, a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 51.097.182/0001-00, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 33-Parte, Pinheiros, CEP 05.407-003 (“BHub Paralegal“);

(ii)       “CONTRACTING PARTY” means the individuals or legal entities indicated and qualified in Clause 1 of the Summary Table;

(iii)       “Agreement” jointly means these T&C, the Summary Table, the specific Terms & Conditions of the contracted product, as well as the Business Proposal sent to the CONTRACTING PARTY;

(iv)       “Party” or “Parties” means the CONTRACTING PARTY and the SERVICE PROVIDER, when mentioned jointly or individually, as the case may be;

(v)       “BHUB Platform” means the system (software) owned by BHUB, in which we store and manage the information made available by the CONTRACTING PARTY;

(vi)       “Intellectual Property” means BHUB’s copyrights involving its brands, images, software, products, way of providing services, formulas, and algorithms created to serve its clients, which are the exclusive property of BHUB; and

(vii)      “Summary Table” means the Summary Table of the Service Agreement signed by the CONTRACTING PARTY and BHUB.

2.1. The purpose of the Agreement is the provision of Services by BHUB to the CLIENT, according to the plans and products chosen, detailed in the Summary Table, according to the specific terms and conditions of each product, as well as those set out in this instrument.


3.1. This Service Agreement shall be in force for the period agreed between the CONTRACTING PARTY and BHUB in the Summary Table and shall be renewed successively for equal terms unless the Parties agree otherwise in writing.

3.2. After contracting the Services and signing the Agreement, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall have up to seven (7) days to withdraw from continuing with the Services (Agreement termination) free of charge, i.e. nothing shall be due, and termination shall be immediate. If the CONTRACTING PARTY decides to cancel the Agreement after this period of seven (7) days, it may be terminated, subject to the provisions of Clause 10, and the amounts relating to the Services already provided up to the date of termination shall be due.

3.2.1.   In the case of one-off/additional services, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall have up to seven (7) days to withdraw from said services. After this term, or if the Services have already been provided, the Agreement may be canceled, but the agreed amount shall be charged in full.

3.2.2.   In the case of paralegal services (“Paralegal as a Service” or “PaaS“), the cases of withdrawal/termination shall comply with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of Contract for PaaS Services (“PaaS T&C“).


4.1. The amounts owed by the CONTRACTING PARTY to the BHUB as a result of the Services contracted, as well as the description of said services and the payment method are specified in the Summary Table.

4.2. Should any change occur that influences costs and/or makes it economically unfeasible for BHUB to maintain the plans and/or the agreed amounts, BHUB may adjust the said amounts and/or the plans, or even terminate them.

4.2.1. If this happens, BHUB shall notify the CONTRACTING PARTY about this adjustment thirty (30) days in advance, so the CONTRACTING PARTY can choose one of the existing plans. If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not express its acceptance within the aforementioned term, i.e. within thirty (30) days from the date of communication, BHUB shall automatically migrate to the plan which, at its sole discretion, is the most appropriate, and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall be charged according to the new amounts.

4.2.2. If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not agree with the new plans, it may terminate this Agreement, without entailing any compensation and/or fine, at which time only the amounts relating to the services provided up to the date of termination shall be due.4.3. In the case of services based on previously established assumptions, according to the Summary Table, the amount(s) owed by the CONTRACTING PARTY to the BHUB may be revised automatically and at any time, should these assumptions change.

4.4. Additional services may, from time to time, at the sole discretion of BHUB, be contracted by e-mail, at the prior written request of the CONTRACTING PARTY, the provision of which is subject to collection by BHUB. It is the CONTRACTING PARTY’s sole responsibility to inform its members, agents, employees, and/or service providers about this form of contracting the additional services in question, understanding as a request duly formalized by the CONTRACTING PARTY, for all legal purposes, any requests for additional services forwarded to BHub.

4.5. All possible charges, costs, expenses, guides, taxes, fees, and other expenses paid by BHUB on behalf of the CONTRACTING PARTY, including, without limitation, those required by City Halls, the Internal Revenue Service, Trade Boards, State and Municipal Finance Departments, sworn translators, notary publics, among others that are not expressly included in the Price shall be charged to the CONTRACTING PARTY in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which payments are made.

4.6. Any amounts spent on materials to perform the Services, such as books, postage, stamps, file folders, CDS, copies, etc. may be paid in advance by BHUB, but must be reimbursed by the CONTRACTING PARTY in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which the payments are completed.

4.7. The CONTRACTING PARTY hereby declares and agrees that if the CONTRACTING PARTY fails to make the payments due under this Agreement, BHUB may terminate the Agreement and charge the overdue amounts and applicable fines.

4.8. The overdue amounts shall be subject to a late payment fine of two percent (2%), interest for late payment of one percent (1%) per month pro rata die, and BHUB shall not be liable under any circumstances for damages caused during the period of default.

4.9. Non-payment of two (2) consecutive monthly fees (in the case of services contracted in the form of a monthly fee) generates automatic termination of the Agreement, regardless of notification without prejudice to the provisions of item 4.8 above.

4.10. The CONTRACTING PARTY hereby authorizes BHUB to send notices and charges via the e-mail address it has provided for the Service provision, and this communication is sufficient to constitute the delay in payment, and the resumption of the Service provision by BHUB shall only be possible upon full payment of the annual plan.

4.11. BHUB may assign the credit rights of the Contract to third parties or outsource collection procedures, subject to the applicable legislation in force.


5.1. We work daily to automate our flows and guarantee new tools to make your life easier and, because of this, we offer the CONTRACTING PARTY the possibility of contracting directly with one of our partners for services such as Digital Accounts, Financial Services, Health Plans/Insurance, Insurance, Multi-Calculation Tools, Software, management systems and others that arise or are available during the term of our Agreement, with special conditions and sometimes with integration with our platform, so that the CONTRACTING PARTY can manage its business more easily (“Partner Services“).5.1.1 BHUB is not liable for the Partner Services, nor for issuing the corresponding invoices, but, with your authorization, we may forward your registration and (or) administrative and (or) accounting data so that they can contact the CONTRACTING PARTY to make offers or so that we can register you in their systems.

5.1.2. If you choose one of these Partner Services, we may, if this option is available, and with your authorization, include the amounts relating to these Partner Services in your billing slip / automatic debit / credit card charge, in which case you shall be responsible for passing them on to the contracted partner.

5.1.3. Regardless of whether or not our billing slip / automatic debit / credit card charge includes the charge for the Services in Partnership, the Service Invoice shall always be issued by the partner and not by BHUB.


6.1. The provision of services by BHUB (“Services“) and our communication shall take place primarily online and from the moment you complete and finalize your registration.6.1.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY may be contacted by WhatsApp and/or telephone. We may require prior registration of the number and e-mail address that the CONTRACTING PARTY will use to contact us and be contacted, as well as we may make registration confirmations to validate the identity of the CONTRACTING PARTY or the persons indicated by them to carry out communications with BHUB.

6.1.2. The CONTRACTING PARTY must keep the information requested up to date, truthful, and accurate at all times with BHUB, either through this Platform or through our BHUB service channels, in order to guarantee the proper provision of the contracted services.

6.1.3. We may request or use procedures to confirm the identification referred to in this section at our sole discretion.

6.2. By signing this Agreement, the CONTRACTING PARTY acknowledges and agrees that BHUB may access and use all the information provided during the registration process or our service and/or the provision of our Services, according to the applicable legislation in force, in particular, Federal Law No. 13.709/2018 (“General Personal Data Protection Law” or “LGPD”) and Law No. 12.965/14 (“Civil Rights Framework for Internet Use”), as well as according to our Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy (“Policy”) and our other policies and terms and conditions relating to the matter, which are available on our website (

6.2.1.   The CONTRACTING PARTY hereby represents and warrants that all information, including that of third parties, shared with BHUB to provide the Services has been obtained lawfully, with due transparency, and with the appropriate authorizations, which are the CONTRACTING PARTY’s sole responsibility.

6.3. BHUB shall not share the information provided by the CONTRACTING PARTY with third parties, unless: (i) expressly authorized by the CONTRACTING PARTY; (ii) requested by public, governmental, administrative, or judicial authorities; (ii) requested by the OAB (Brazilian Bar Association), the CRC (Regional Accounting Council) or the CFC (Federal Accounting Council); (iv) necessary to instruct administrative or judicial proceedings; (v) indispensable for the fulfillment of legal or regulatory obligations; and (vi) are necessary – and within the limits of necessity – for hiring specialized collection companies, in the event of default on their part towards BHUB, and/or qualified companies, able to assist BHUB in providing the services contracted by the CONTRACTING PARTY.

6.4. The platform made available by BHUB shall be accessed through the username and password created by the CONTRACTING PARTY, and it is the CONTRACTING PARTY’s sole and exclusive responsibility to manage access to the information made available on the BHUB Platform, including the username and password created.

6.4.1. BHUB shall not be liable for any problems caused by people who have access to your username and password, through their responsibility, management, action, or omission.

6.4.2. The CONTRACTING PARTY is the sole responsible for signing and/or confirming any and all terms available on the BHUB Platform.

6.5. Confidential information (“Confidential Information“) means any and all information, verbal or written, data and/or process and/or procedure and/or idea that brings economic advantage and/or technological advantage and/or competitive advantage and/or commercial advantage, such as, but not limited to, staff information, technical information on platforms, software, devices, systems, products, service delivery methodology, information on costumers and potential customers, contacts, financial, sales, marketing and business model information, mode of operation, its plans and processes, know-how, operational flows, agreements, supplier data, customers, employees, confidential formulas, business information, trade and business secrets, and other information in the most diverse forms, inventions – regardless of whether they are patentable or not, intellectual creations in general, development systems, improvement or modification of projects.

6.6. The Receiving Party (“Receiving Party“) undertakes, for itself and any third parties related to it, to maintain in full and absolute secrecy any and all Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party (“Disclosing Party“), to which, under the Agreement, has had or will have access, unless disclosure is authorized by the Disclosing Party (“Disclosing Party“), in advance, expressly and in writing.

6.7. The Receiving Party, during the period in which it undertakes to maintain the confidentiality obligation, shall not use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of the Agreement.

6.8. The Receiving Party shall be exempt from any liability with regard to maintaining the confidentiality of the information it receives in the following cases:

i) information received which, at the time of disclosure, is already in the public domain;

ii) information received which, after the moment of disclosure, becomes public knowledge, except in the case of breach of the law or the Agreement, or breach by any third party who has a legal and/or contractual obligation of secrecy;

iii) information received which, demonstrably, is already in the possession of the Receiving Party at the time of its disclosure by the Disclosing Party, and has not been received by the Receiving Party, directly or indirectly, from the Disclosing Party or any other third party that has a legal and/or contractual obligation of secrecy;

iv) information received by the Receiving Party, but which, demonstrably, has already been developed by the Receiving Party, prior to and regardless of its disclosure by the Disclosing Party;

v) if its disclosure is required by a judicial or administrative order of a public authority, in which case the Receiving Party must notify the Disclosing Party in advance, expressly and in writing, of such request, in accordance with this clause, before disclosing the Confidential Information.

6.9. Upon termination of the relationship between the Parties, or upon a decision by either Party not to continue the provision of services or any existing relationship between the Parties, or if the Disclosing Party so requests, the Receiving Party shall promptly return to the Disclosing Party the Confidential Information or any physical or digital material containing Confidential Information.

6.9.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY may keep documents or copies of specific documents as proof of compliance with its obligations.

6.10. The Receiving Party undertakes to maintain the utmost secrecy regarding any and all Confidential Information to which it may have access or knowledge under the Agreement for the maximum period permitted by law and for as long as the information does not become public knowledge and is kept confidential.


7.1. In order for the Services to be provided with quality and in accordance with the law, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall need to provide BHUB with the data requested, as well as the information and documents necessary for the provision of the Services, within a period that shall be informed at the time of the request, and it is its sole and exclusive responsibility to keep them updated with BHUB. If the CONTRACTING PARTY has any questions, simply contact us through our channels.

7.2. The CONTRACTING PARTY must send the documents requested by BHUB within the terms set by our team (including collecting the physical and digital documents from the former accountant, if applicable, and sending them in digital format to BHUB), or, in the absence of a term set by the team, and in particular for the change of accountant and (or) the opening of the company, within a maximum of sixty (60) days from the date of the request.

7.2.1. BHUB’s technical liability shall begin upon receipt of all the documents requested.

7.2.2. Delays in submitting the documents may lead to legal issues for which BHUB is not liable. If the CONTRACTING PARTY needs our support in settling these issues, it shall have to hire our Additional Service to settle outstanding issues.

7.3. By accepting this Agreement, the CONTRACTING PARTY declares that the information that will be provided for the bookkeeping and preparation of accounting statements, ancillary obligations, calculation of taxes, and electronic files required by federal, state, municipal, labor, and social security inspections, as well as for the preparation of any documents, agreements, and/or various instruments, are reliable and accurate.

7.4.The CONTRACTING PARTY declares that: i) it is responsible for its business decisions and the internal controls of its company and that these are appropriate for the volume of transactions and the type of activity of its business; ii) its activity is not illegal under current laws; iii) all the documents that it generates and shall generate and forward to BHUB to provide the services are suitable and that the CONTRACTING PARTY is liable for their accuracy and legality; iv) it manages its stock, counting it, evaluating it and physically surveying it, and precisely informs us and shall continue to inform us in accordance with the law and with the correct measurement criteria that are consistent with reality v) the information recorded in the management and internal control system is controlled and validated with appropriate supporting documentation, and the CONTRACTING PARTY is fully liable for its accuracy and legality; vi) it is not aware of any fact that occurred during the period that could affect the financial statements or that could also affect the continuity of the company’s operations, being liable for keeping us informed of any and all events that may arise during our relationship contractual; vii) there has been no fraud or violation of laws, rules, or regulations whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements, or even give rise to the recording of a provision for liability contingencies, or, even, fraud involving third parties or committed by the CONTRACTING PARTY, by any member of management or an employee in a position of responsibility or trust whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements, or even give rise to the recording of a provision for liability contingencies; Viii) it is aware of its responsibility to issue invoices, as well as maintain and update its registration with municipal governments and on the BHUB platform – when and if applicable; ix) it is aware that it SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXERCISE BUSINESS ACTIVITY BEFORE COMPLETING THE REGISTRATION, pursuant to art. 966 of the Civil Code, and may not engage in any activity that requires prior licensing before obtaining the relevant license; x) it is aware that bookkeeping and the submission of ancillary statements must, by law, be carried out from the “Opening Date” shown on the CNPJ Card, and, if monthly advisory services are contracted (“Monthly Advisory“), BHUB shall have to issue retroactive statements of blocked transactions, thus being able to charge retroactive monthly fees (between the date of issuance of the CNPJ and the moment in which the CONTRACTING PARTY can operate), to guarantee its accounting and tax regularity; xi) BHUB is authorized to store and change its passwords, logins, and registrations with public authorities, as well as create new accesses required by law. This authorization includes the possibility for BHUB to generate and sign powers of attorney, including in favor of BHUB, and for the fulfillment of any regulatory, fiscal, or accounting obligation, including those subsequent to the signing of the Agreement, either on behalf of the company or its members (when necessary), in particular, but not limited to, municipal governments (this authorization does not transfer responsibility for issuing invoices to BHUB).


8.1. BHUB’s obligations are:

i) Provide the services under the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement;

ii) Dedicate its best efforts, expertise, and experience to ensure that the contracted services are provided satisfactorily and appropriately;

iii) Comply with all rules, policies, and laws applicable to the services provision when carrying out its activities;

iv) Provide the CONTRACTING PARTY with any clarifications and information necessary to monitor the progress of the services;

v) Return any writings, notes, and other physical or electronic data containing the CONTRACTING PARTY’s confidential information, either on termination of the Agreement or at the request of the CONTRACTING PARTY.

8.2. BHUB SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT LOSSES OR DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS, COST OF PROVIDING SUBSTITUTE GOODS, ALTERNATIVE SERVICES OR TECHNOLOGY, COST OF DOWNTIME. The total liability of BHUB for damages of any kind arising from the Services and the license of the BHUB Platform is limited to the direct damages incurred and proven by the CONTRACTING PARTY and in no case shall exceed the amount paid by the CONTRACTING PARTY during the term of this Agreement.


9.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY declares, accepts, and acknowledges that the BHUB Platform and the material available on it, as well as any modifications, updates, and new versions, are protected by copyright legislation and other Intellectual Property and software rights.

9.2. BHUB, as the legitimate licensor of the BHUB Platform, grants the CONTRACTING PARTY the temporary, free, non-exclusive, limited, and non-transferable right to use the BHUB Platform, under the terms and conditions contained herein, subject to any rights, including copyright and other Intellectual Property rights related to the BHUB Platform.
9.3. The use of the BHUB Platform shall be restricted to registered individuals and the number of users and/or accesses shall be restricted to the number informed at the time of contracting our services.

9.4. This Agreement does not generate acquisition rights or any other rights over the BHUB Platform, and it is expressly forbidden for the CONTRACTING PARTY and (or) third parties to: i) transfer, trade, sublicense, lend, rent, lease or, in any other way, dispose of the BHUB Platform; ii) make modifications, additions, or derivations of the BHUB Platform, either by themselves or by hiring third parties; iii) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the BHUB Platform, or take any other action that enables access to its source code, without the prior written consent of BHUB; and iv) copy, in whole or in part, the BHUB Platform, or use it in a manner other than that expressly stipulated in this Agreement.

9.5. Should the CONTRACTING PARTY introduce any modifications or amendments to the BHUB Platform, no liability can be directed to BHUB and the agreement shall be subject to immediate termination, without the CONTRACTING PARTY being entitled to prior notice.

9.6. Subject to applicable law, BHUB shall not offer any warranties or conditions other than those expressly identified in this Agreement, whether they are warranties or conditions of non-infringement of rights, suitability of the BHUB Platform or services for trade and/or for specific purposes.

9.7. BHUB guarantees that the BHUB Platform shall operate according to the Documentation provided by the CONTRACTING PARTY. This warranty shall not apply: i) If a failure in the BHUB Platform results from an accident, violation, misuse, or the sole fault of BHUB or third parties; ii) In the event of problems, errors, or damage caused by the concomitant use of other software that has not been licensed or developed by BHUB; and iii) As a result of any non-compliance of this Agreement by the CONTRACTING PARTY.

9.8. The CONTRACTING PARTY declares its awareness and agreement that the proper functioning of the BHUB Platform shall depend on operating systems and infrastructure, such as Internet access and telecommunications services, provided by third parties, whose contracting responsibility is exclusively its own. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for the improper functioning of the BHUB Platform due to problems arising from such operating systems and infrastructure provided by third parties, including equipment and internet browsers.

9.9. BHUB shall use its best efforts to solve, interrupt, or cease problems arising from modifications, additions, updates, customizations, and new versions of the BHUB Platform. The CONTRACTING PARTY, however, agrees and acknowledges that any problems on the BHUB Platform arising from attacks by third-party programs on the BHUB Platform, including viruses and the like, shall not be the responsibility of BHUB.


10.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY may request the termination of its agreement at any time by giving BHUB thirty (30) days’ notice (the period we need to transfer technical liability and bring your journey with us to an orderly end). In this case, the CONTRACTING PARTY must pay the monthly fee corresponding to the notice period. There are no fines or complications. We believe in good service and transparency.

10.2. If any payments are overdue during the notice period, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall have to pay all these amounts by the intended end date of our Agreement.


10.4. If we realize that the CONTRACTING PARTY is or if we have indications that the CONTRACTING PARTY is, in our sole judgment, practicing acts contrary to the law and contractual good faith, such as attempting and (or) carrying out tax evasion (tax dodging), the falsification of documents, the attempt and (or) making payments and (or) the offer of advantages to public agents to obtain an illicit advantage and (or) that prevent the regular exercise of accounting and (or) the accounting standards or the work of the accountant and (or) offering or making payments and (or) offering advantages to BHUB employees for them to carry out acts contrary to internal policies and (or) for them to violate laws, regulations, standards, instructions and the like, BHUB may and shall terminate the Agreement and remove the CONTRACTING PARTY from its client base and shall terminate the agreement, without the CONTRACTING PARTY having the right to 30 (thirty) days prior notice.

10.5. If BHUB finds that the CONTRACTING PARTY is not complying with the provisions of the Agreement, for example, by delaying document deliveries, providing inaccurate or erroneous information, or otherwise failing to comply with this instrument, BHUB shall notify the CONTRACTING PARTY so that, within five (5) days, it can fully comply with its obligations, respecting the other terms and conditions of the Agreement. If, after this period, the CONTRACTING PARTY remains in default of these obligations, BHUB may, at its sole and exclusive discretion, terminate the Agreement, as well as exclude the CONTRACTING PARTY from its client base, without prejudice to the applicable penalties and compensation for losses and damages suffered.

10.6. The Agreement shall also be terminated by operation of law, regardless of prior judicial or extrajudicial notification, in the following cases:

i) dissolution or any other form of extinction of the Parties, as provided for by law or by the respective articles of association or bylaws, except in the event of merger, consolidation, or spin-off, in which there is no prejudice to the fulfillment of the obligations provided for herein;

ii) decree of bankruptcy, judicial or extrajudicial reorganization, intervention, or extrajudicial liquidation of either Party;

iii) supervening technical or economic incapacity of either Party.

10.7. If your company becomes inactive (no transactions) or with low movement, your accounting, tax, and labor obligations shall continue to exist regardless of transactions and, therefore, our service shall continue to be provided normally until cancellation is requested.

10.8. In the event of an Agreement termination, according to the services contracted, your company’s documents and Ledgers shall be made available for delivery to the new technical manager, and it is your responsibility to carry out such delivery, and the technical liability of BHUB professionals shall not continue from the date of termination, pursuant to CFC Resolution 1590/2020.


11.1. For the purposes of providing the Services, BHUB shall process personal data (“Personal Data“) provided by the CONTRACTING PARTY (“Processing“), under the applicable legislation in force, in particular the “LGPD” and the Civil Rights Framework for Internet Use, as an operator (“Operator”), according to the provisions of the LGPD. In this case, when BHUB processes Personal Data for the execution of the Agreement, the provisions of this clause, as well as those of its Policy, shall apply, without prejudice to the other legal rules governing the matter.

11.2. The Processing shall be carried out pursuant to the Agreement, these T&C, and the BHUB Policy, without prejudice to the provisions of current legislation on the matter.

11.3. The CONTRACTING PARTY hereby acknowledges and agrees that BHUB may carry out the international transfer of Personal Data to execute the Agreement, being understood that this shall take place according to the security measures necessary to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the Personal Data transferred, in compliance with the applicable legislation in force, in particular the LGPD.

11.4. BHUB manages access to the Personal Data processed, making reasonable efforts, according to current technology, to ensure the security of its systems, in order to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and traceability of said data, as well as restricted access, limited to the quantum necessary to provide the Services.

11.4.1. In order to make the provisions of item 11.4, BHUB adopts security measures aimed at: (i) protecting the CONTRACTING PARTY’s Personal Data assets in the context of the performance of the Services, against total or partial destruction or loss, damage, change, unauthorized disclosure or access, or any other form of unlawful processing, through the implementation of permanent, temporary, or corrective technical and organizational measures, according to best practices and local regulations; and (ii) ensuring compliance with the Client’s minimum security requirements.

11.4.2. BHUB also undertakes to make every reasonable effort to ensure: (i) notification to the CONTRACTING PARTY in a timely manner of any event that demonstrably violates the security of its information assets or exposes them to risk; (ii) assisting the CONTRACTING PARTY with the provision of information requested by the CONTRACTING PARTY, as reasonably required, in order to enable the CONTRACTING PARTY to comply with its obligations provided for by law; and (iii) compliance with the provisions set forth herein and with the other rules and policies governing this Agreement.

11.5. In the event of loss, destruction, change, disclosure, or unauthorized access to Personal Data, BHUB shall make reasonable efforts to restore said information in order to minimize any resulting impacts.

11.5.1. BHUB shall inform the CONTRACTING PARTY of the nature and scope of any impacts referred to in item 11.5, as well as any others arising, for example, from any hacker invasions, non-compliance, or suspected non-compliance with the security obligations mentioned in this Agreement, or even arising from situations of risk exposure.

11.5.2. In the cases provided for herein, BHUB shall assist the CONTRACTING PARTY by providing the means necessary to implement actions that allow for settling or responding to breaches, including, if applicable, through notifications to the competent Authorities and people involved in such breaches.

11.6. Personal Data processed by BHUB may be deleted from our database or made anonymous when requested by the CONTRACTING PARTY, at the end of the Agreement signed, by written agreement between the Parties, or when they are no longer necessary or relevant to the Service provision unless there is any another reason for its maintenance by BHUB, such as: (i) compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation; (ii) regular exercise of rights; and (iii) legitimate interests of BHUB, being certain that, in such cases, the data shall be kept for as long as the need and/or relevance that gave rise to the storage prevails.

11.7. BHUB has a customer service channel, through which the CONTRACTING PARTY may settle, among other doubts, those relating to the Processing carried out and security-related issues. BHUB shall assist the CONTRACTING PARTY in complying with requests made by data subjects concerning the Personal Data processed due to the Agreement, by providing the information requested by the CONTRACTING PARTY.

11.8. BHUB shall be liable for any direct damages arising from incidents occurring in environments owned by it, involving Personal Data processed by it as a result of the Agreement, provided that it has proven to have caused said incidents, subject to the provisions of item 8.2 herein. BHUB shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from: (i) force majeure; (ii) acts of God; (iii) events attributable to the CONTRACTING PARTY or third parties, and the CONTRACTING PARTY hereby acknowledges that it is entirely liable for any loss or damage arising from the actions or omissions of its members, representatives, employees or third party contractors, also undertaking to request the immediate exclusion of BHUB from any lawsuit brought cumulatively against the CONTRACTING PARTY, exempting the CONTRACTING PARTY and immediately reimbursing the CONTRACTING PARTY for any costs incurred, including attorney’s fees, within five (5) days from the receipt of a formal request in this sense, under penalty of BHUB suspending the services provided, regardless of prior notification to the CONTRACTING PARTY, until this obligation is fulfilled.


12.1. Any and all harmful acts, especially against the public administration and assets, national or foreign, or that violate the principles of public administration or international commitments assumed by Brazil, must be rejected by the CONTRACTING PARTY, which undertakes to guide its activities and relationships in the highest legality and morality, subject to the provisions of current legislation, including, but not limited to, the Decree-Law No. 2.848/1940 (Criminal Code), Law No. 8.429/1992, Law No.. 8.666/1993 (Administrative Misconduct), Law No. 9.613/1998 (Crime of “money laundering” or concealment of assets, rights and values), Law No. 12.529/2011 (Brazilian System for Protection of Competition), in addition to all the international anti-corruption commitments made by Brazil, especially Law No. 12.846/2013 (Brazilian Business Anti-Corruption Law), which provides for the administrative and civil liability of legal entities for the practice of acts against the public administration (i) national, direct and indirect, of any of the Powers of the Government, the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, or (ii) foreign, without prejudice to the individual liability of its officers, directors or any person co-authoring or participating in the illicit act. The CONTRACTING PARTY shall refrain from any and all practices that involve undue advantage to a public agent, fraud in contracts and/or bidding procedures, manipulation of the financial-economic balance of the agreement, blocking or obstructing investigative or supervisory activity by the competent authorities, fraudulent internal accounting controls, forgery of accounting books or records or the existence of any fund or asset that is not duly registered in BHUB’s accounting books or records, or any other related act.

12.2. Failure to comply with the provisions of this clause shall entitle BHUB to immediately terminate this instrument, as well as to be indemnified by the offending Party for any and all costs, fines, and/or damages it may be proven to have suffered as a result of such actions and/or omissions.


13.1. The Parties recognize the importance of (i) protecting and preserving the environment; and (ii) fighting negative discrimination and racial segregation, and undertake to adopt corporate practices to protect and preserve the environment, as well as to include and respect diversity, and also demand this from their officers, employees, suppliers, service providers, and/or related third parties.

13.2. The Parties declare that they comply with the provisions of Article 7, XXXIII, of the Federal Constitution, and demand the same of their officers, employees, suppliers, service providers, and/or third parties declare that they do not employ, either directly or indirectly, even through subcontractors, minors under eighteen (18) years of age in night-time, hazardous, or unhealthy activities and/or minors under sixteen (16) years of age in any type of work, except as apprentices, from the age of fourteen (14). The Parties also recognize the importance of eradicating any form of work analogous to slavery in the national territory, undertaking to fight it in any of its forms.


14.1. The Agreement reflects the entirety of the understandings and agreements entered into between the Parties concerning its purpose. Therefore, the Agreement revokes and replaces any understanding, agreement, or contract, whether oral or written, entered into prior to the signing of the Agreement, which refers to the same purpose herein.

14.2. The Agreement may only be validly amended, modified, or supplemented by express agreement of the Parties, through a duly written amendment signed by the Parties’ legal representatives.

14.3. The partial invalidity of the Agreement shall not affect the part considered valid, provided that the obligations are separated from each other. If the provision of this clause occurs, the Parties hereby undertake to negotiate, as soon as possible, the inclusion of valid terms and conditions that reflect the terms and conditions of the invalid clause, subject to the purpose and intention of the Parties when negotiating the invalid clause and the context in which it is inserted.

14.4. The tolerance of either Party concerning the requirement of regular and timely compliance with the obligations of the other Party shall not constitute a waiver, alteration, modification, or novation of any of the rights or obligations set forth in the Agreement, constituting mere freedom, which shall not prevent the other Party from demanding the faithful and full compliance with this Agreement.

14.5. No waiver of any right granted in this Agreement shall be valid unless formalized in writing by the waiving Party.

14.6. This Agreement binds the Parties and their successors in any capacity, irrevocably and irreversibly, to the faithful fulfillment of this Agreement.

14.7. The Contract may be amended if necessary. BHUB reserves the right to cancel or modify these T&C when it deems it appropriate, notifying this situation through a publication on the website

14.8. The Parties hereby declare, for all purposes, that they are independent and autonomous, so that this Agreement does not create any other type of bond between them, including, but not limited to, any mandate, company, association, partnership, consortium, joint venture, or commercial representation between the Parties. Each Party is fully liable for its acts and obligations undertaken in this Agreement. The Parties acknowledge that they have no authority or power to, directly or indirectly, negotiate, hire, assume any kind of obligation, or create liability on behalf of the other Party under any circumstances.

14.9. All taxes and fiscal charges due under this Agreement shall be the sole liability of the taxpayer as defined by tax legislation.

14.10. The Parties acknowledge that there is no labor relationship and/or legal and economic subordination in this relationship between the Parties, as well as between its employees and/or service providers, and each Party is fully liable for the labor, insurance, accident, and social security charges of all labor contracted for the performance of the purpose of this Agreement.
14.10.1. Suppose either Party is held liable for any obligations or disputes of a labor, insurance, accident, tax, and social security nature involving the employees or service providers of the other Party. In that case, the latter undertakes to immediately request the exclusion of the innocent Party from the defendant’s side of the lawsuit and if the innocent party is forced to provide its own defense, the innocent party shall be indemnified by the other party for all amounts that the innocent party has spent to provide such defense, including amounts arising from convictions, court costs and expenses, expert fees, attorneys’ fees and contracted fees (in the latter case, provided that they are reasonable). The innocent Party can further use any of the third-party intervention methods established by the civil procedural law.

14.11. All notices and communications required or permitted in the Agreement shall be sent in writing and delivered to each Party at the e-mail addresses mentioned in the Summary Table as informed in the CONTRACTING PARTY’s registration, with acknowledgment or proof of receipt.

14.12. The Parties are responsible for keeping their information for the submission of notifications duly updated, under the penalty of otherwise a notification sent to an address not updated being considered delivered.

14.13. The Parties declare, under penalty of law, that they are legally constituted and exist according to Brazilian law, that they are duly accredited to carry out their business, and that they are in good standing, under the applicable legislation, including regarding the necessary licenses and authorizations. They further declare that the signatories to this Agreement are their legal representatives, duly constituted in the form of their respective Articles of Association, with powers to assume the obligations contracted in the Agreement.

14.14. The Parties declare and acknowledge that they have perfectly understood the meaning and scope of all clauses and conditions agreed upon in this Agreement, undertaking to faithfully comply with them in accordance with the principles of good faith and loyalty, refraining from invoking, in the future, caveats, oppositions, or exceptions that imply modification of the agreements entered into or that intend to construct them in a manner different from that literally agreed.

14.15. The Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties and their successors in any capacity.

14.16. The Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws applicable and in force in the Federative Republic of Brazil.

14.17. The courts of the Judicial District of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, are hereby elected to settle any doubts or disputes arising from the Agreement, expressly waiving any other, however privileged.


15.1. These T&C shall be valid for an indefinite period from September 25, 2023, until their general termination is published via the website



1.1.      The expressions below, whenever used in this document, in the singular or plural, shall have the meaning attributed to them as follows:

(i)        “BHUB” means BHub Serviços e Tecnologia Ltda, a limited liability company, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde n° 2365, Pinheiros, CEP (Zip Code) 05407-003, registered with CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration) under No. 42.330.545/0001-06 (“BHub Tecnologia“) and, as applicable and when acting jointly with BHub Tecnologia (a) for the purposes of providing accounting and financial products, BHub Contabilidade Ltda., a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 43.618.130/0001-03, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 31, Pinheiros, CEP 05407-003 (“BHub Contabilidade“)     ; and (b) for the purposes of providing paralegal services, BHub Serviços de Paralegal LTDA, a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 51.097.182/0001-00, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 33-Parte, Pinheiros, CEP 05.407-003 (“BHub Paralegal“);

(ii)       “CONTRACTING PARTY” means the individuals or legal entities indicated and qualified in Clause 1 of the Summary Table ;

(iii)       “Agreement” jointly means these T&C, the BHUB T&C, the Summary Table and the Business Proposal sent to the CONTRACTING PARTY; and

(iii)       “Summary Table” means the Summary Table of the Service Agreement signed by the CONTRACTING PARTY and BHUB.


2.1.      Accounting as a Service (“CaaS“)


3.1.      The CaaS services to be provided by BHUB to the CONTRACTING PARTY (“Services“) comprise the activities described in Clause 3 of the Summary Table, and may include, among others, those indicated below, according to the contracted scope:

(a) Personnel Department (“DP“):

  • Generates information and calculations relating to Payroll and Salary Advances, as well as their respective charges within their terms: Payroll, Net Wages, Receipts, and Vacation Scheduling.
  • Provision of severance calculations, according to the collective agreement and legislation: TRCT (Termination Agreement), GRRF (Payment Slip for Termination) FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Length of Service) FINE (when applicable), FGTS Statement, FGTS Movement Key, SD – Unemployment Insurance (via web since 04/01/2015) and Homologation (when requested by the CONTRACTING PARTY – Consult Amounts for this service).
  • Carry out recalculations when requested by the CONTRACTING PARTY (for an additional charge): FGTS, Payroll, Salary Advance, Vacation, Termination, etc.
  • Availability of vacation calculations and Vacation Receipts.
  • Provision of admission contracts: Admission KIT (registration form, employment contract, and label) as provided for by Law.
  • Forward the income report of employees, interns, and freelancers who have been processed through the payroll.
  • Transmitting eSocial events.

(b) Accounting:

  • Bookkeeping;
  • Reconciliation of tax, DP and Financial Integrations;
  • Trial Balance Sheet Preparation;
  • Preparation of DRE (Income Statement);
  • Balance Sheet Preparation;
  • Delivery of Monthly Closing Documentation;
  • Delivery of the Annual Closing Documentation;
  • Delivery of accessory obligations (ECD/ECF/DIRF/IBGE Equivalent Circulation Density/Equivalent Circulation Density/Individual Income Tax Return/Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics).

(c) Tax:

  • Importing invoices (Services taken, services provided, goods receipt and issue invoices, bills of lading);
  • Bookkeeping of invoices in the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning);
  • Calculation of federal/state/municipal taxes (ISSQN – Tax On Services of Any Nature, PIS – Social Integration Program, COFINS – Contribution for the Financing of Social Security, ICMS – State Goods and Services Tax, ICMS ST – Tax Substitution, IRRF – Individual Tax Return, CSRF, INSS – National Institute of Social Securit), CSLL – Social C ontribution on Net Income, IRPJ – Legal Entity Tax Return, IOF – Tax on Financial Operations, CIDE – Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Domain, IPI – Tax on Manufactured Products, TFE – Operating Tax, Fees);
  • Preparation and delivery of accessory obligations at federal, state, and municipal levels (Sped fiscal EFD ICMS/IPI, EFD Contribuições, EFD Reinf, GIA, DCTF Web, DCTF Original, DIRF, DSTDA, Sintegra, Assessment of the Simples Nacional, DASN, DEFIS, GIA ST).


4.1.      The amount referred to in clause 4 of the Summary Table (“Price“) considers the following criteria: (i) number of employees; (ii) tax regime; (iii) type of activity carried out; (iv) number of tax documents (relating to sales, purchases and services); (v) monthly turnover; (vi) number of branches, among others, previously communicated by the CONTRACTING PARTY, and may be adjusted according to the business proposal sent to the CONTRACTING PARTY.

4.2.      In the case of services based on previously established assumptions, according to the Summary Table, the amount(s) owed by the CONTRACTING PARTY to the BHUB may be revised automatically and at any time, should these assumptions change.

4.3.      The Price may be readjusted annually at the beginning of each fiscal year by the positive variation of the IPCA (National Extended Consumer Price Index)/IBGE or another that replaces it and is appropriate, as understood by BHUB to correct the Services.

4.4.      Should any change occur that influences costs and/or makes it economically unfeasible for BHUB to maintain the plans and/or the agreed amounts, BHUB may adjust the said amounts and/or the plans, or even terminate them.

4.4.1.   If this happens, BHUB shall notify the CONTRACTING PARTY about this adjustment thirty (30) days in advance, so the CONTRACTING PARTY can choose one of the existing plans. If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not express its acceptance within the aforementioned term, i.e. within thirty (30) days from the date of communication, BHUB shall automatically migrate to the plan which, at its sole discretion, is the most appropriate, and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall be charged according to the new amounts.

4.4.2.   If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not agree with the new plans, it may terminate this Agreement, without entailing any compensation and/or fine, at which time only the amounts relating to the services provided up to the date of termination shall be due.

4.5.      If the CONTRACTING PARTY becomes inactive (no movement) or has low movement, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall not be exempt from paying the monthly fee, nor shall it be entitled to rebates. This happens because the accounting, tax, and labor obligations continue to exist, regardless of movement, and, therefore, BHUB shall continue to provide the aforementioned Services as usual, until their cancellation is requested and/or any contractual termination occurs.

4.6.      The CONTRACTING PARTY acknowledges and agrees that if the CONTRACTING PARTY fails to make the payments due under this Agreement, the SERVICE PROVIDER may terminate the Agreement and charge the CONTRACTING PARTY the overdue amounts and applicable fines.

4.7.      The overdue amounts shall be subject to a late payment fine of two percent (2%), interest on arrears of one percent (1%) per month, and monetary restatement by the IPCA/IBGE, all calculated pro rata die, and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall not be liable under any circumstances for damages caused during the period of default.

4.8.      Non-payment of two (2) consecutive monthly fees (in the case of services contracted in the form of a monthly fee) shall result in automatic termination of the Agreement, regardless of notification without prejudice to the provisions of item 4.6 above.


5.1.      All possible charges, costs, expenses, guides, taxes, fees, and other expenses paid by BHUB on behalf of the CONTRACTING PARTY, including, without limitation, those required by City Halls, the Internal Revenue Service, Trade Boards, State and Municipal Finance Departments, sworn translators, notary publics, among others that are not expressly included in the Price shall be charged to the CONTRACTING PARTY in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which payments are made.

5.2.      Any amounts spent on materials to perform the Services, such as books, postage, stamps, file folders, CDS, copies, etc. may be paid in advance by BHUB, but must be reimbursed by the CONTRACTING PARTY in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which the payments are completed.

5.3.        Additional services may, from time to time, at the sole discretion of BHub, be contracted by e-mail, at the prior written request of the CONTRACTING PARTY, the provision of which is subject to collection by BHUB. It is the CONTRACTING PARTY’s sole responsibility to inform its members, agents, employees, and/or service providers about this form of contracting the additional services in question, understanding as a request duly formalized by the CONTRACTING PARTY, for all legal purposes, any requests for additional services forwarded to BHub.

5.4.      Demands that are not described in Clause 3 of the Summary Table and that involve monitoring inspections, Due Diligence, and/or delivery of any written document related to social security, accounting, and/or tax consultations are not included in the scope of the Services, nor the Price, and shall be charged separately to the CONTRACTING PARTY in the month immediately following the month in which they are completed.


6.1.      The Services shall not be provided to companies: (i) trading in import and export activities; (ii) whose employees’ pay is calculated in hours (hourly), days (daily), weeks, or intermittent agreements.

6.2.1.   Should any of the conditions listed in Clause 6.1 come into existence during the performance of the Agreement, BHUB reserves the right to terminate the Agreement immediately, regardless of prior notice.

6.2.2.   If, during the performance of the Agreement, the CONTRACTING PARTY sets up new subsidiaries, the CONTRACTING PARTY hereby acknowledges that the performance by BHUB of the Services related to such new subsidiaries shall be subject to additional costs in the amount of the Agreement.

6.3.      BHUB shall not be liable for the understandings given by class representation or regulatory authorities regarding the activities carried out by the CONTRACTING PARTY.


7.1.      For the proper and correct provision of the Services, the CONTRACTING PARTY undertakes to:

(i) Acquire the Digital Certificate Template A1, if it doesn’t have one yet. Without it, BHUB is unable to provide the Services that depend on it, in particular, to deliver a statement, the failure of which shall subject the CONTRACTING PARTY to penalties which, under no circumstances, shall be reimbursed by BHUB;

(ii) Provide, MONTHLY OR WHEN REQUESTED BY BHUB, the tax-accounting documentation requested, electronically, through the BHUB Platform or other means indicated by BHUB, within the term previously informed by BHUB.

(iii) Send electronic invoices via the BHUB Platform (if available for your location) or import said invoices into the BHUB Platform, where applicable;

(iv) Import into the BHUB Platform or other means indicated by BHUB the monthly bank statement, in OFX format or another applicable format, as directed by BHUB;

(v) Send proof of payment of taxes and other expenses through the BHUB Platform or other means indicated by BHUB;

(vi) Respond to all requests from the BHUB for documents and information relating to financial transactions that may have an impact on the accounting information. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for the transmission of incomplete or inaccurate information in the event of not receiving the necessary and/or requested information in time;

(vii) Keep available and up to date with BHUB, especially on the BHUB Platform, all your users and passwords for the City Hall and Internal Revenue Service systems, and the Digital Certificate for transmitting the company’s accounting information to the necessary authorities. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for the failure to send said information if the CONTRACTING PARTY changes the user data and passwords of the systems referred to in this item (vii), including the Digital Certificate, and/or fails to update them with BHUB, in particular on the BHUB Platform.

(viii) Respect all terms indicated by BHUB to enable the correct provision of accounting Services or pay the amounts related to processes for “reopening” the provision of Services due to non-compliance with the term.

(ix) Report every month on payments received, taxes paid and invoices issued;

(x) Before the end of each financial year, read and accept the Management Responsibility Charter, according to Article 3 of CFC Resolution No. 1,590/2020 of the Federal Accounting Council, which shall be made available on the BHUB Platform or other means indicated by BHUB;

(xi) Accessing the BHUB Platform monthly to check the information and communications relating to the company, as well as complying with all the requirements of the terms signed with the BHUB Platform;

(xii) Send employee payrolls to the BHUB Platform or other means indicated by BHUB, where applicable;

(xiii) Take responsibility for the correct filing of all documents, including receipts for expenses and invoices received;

(xiv) Take responsibility for identifying the income and expenditure corresponding to the imported documents;

(xv) Comply with any and all requirements, whenever necessary and requested by any public authorities, within the term allowed by the competent authority;

(xvi) If necessary, register the company with the authorities that regulate its commercial activity;

(xvii) Keeping your registration active and up to date with City Halls and other public authorities.

7.2.      If the BHUB Platform is unavailable, the CONTRACTING PARTY must send its documentation, within the term set out in Clause 7.1, item (ii), by e-mail to This shall only be accepted in exceptional cases of systemic unavailability. The unavailability does not, under any circumstances, extend the term for delivery or the CONTRACTING PARTY’s obligation to deliver the documents.

7.3.      BHUB shall be liable for any fines arising from the submission of statements after the legal term and the payment of late taxes, in case its due to the failure to provide the Services, due to the sole and proven fault of the BHUB.

7.3.1.   BHUB is exempt from paying the fines referred to in Clause 7.3 if the CONTRACTING PARTY has given cause, for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to delays in the delivery of documents and statements or the actions and omissions of external entities and persons who are not employees or service providers of the BHUB, as well as in cases where there is not enough time to perform the Services and/or BHUB does not own the information and documentation necessary to carry out the activity, within the term indicated by BHUB.

7.4.      The CONTRACTING PARTY hereby declares that:

(i) is responsible for its business decisions and its company’s internal controls, and that these are appropriate for the volume of transactions and the type of business activity;

(ii) its activity is not illegal according to the current laws;

(iii) all the documents it generates and shall generate and forward to BHUB for the provision of the Services are suitable, and the CONTRACTING PARTY is liable for the accuracy and legality of each one of them;

(iv) manages stock, counting it, evaluating it, and physically surveying it, and informs and shall continue to inform the BHUB about said stock, accurately, according to the law and with the correct measurement criteria, consistent with reality;

(v) the information recorded in the management and internal control system is controlled and validated with appropriate supporting documentation, and the CONTRACTING PARTY is fully liable for all the contents of the database and electronic files generated;

(vi) is not aware of any facts that have occurred during the period that may affect the financial statements or that may affect the continuity of the company’s operations and undertakes to keep BHUB informed of any and all events that may arise during the contractual relationship to which this instrument refers;

(vii) there was no fraud or violation of laws, rules, or regulations whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements, or even give rise to the recording of a provision for contingent liabilities, or even fraud involving third parties or practiced by the CONTRACTING PARTY, by any member of the administration or employee in a position of responsibility or trust whose effects should be considered for disclosure in the financial statements, or even give rise to the recording of a provision for contingent liabilities;

(viii) is aware that it is its responsibility to issue invoices, as well as to maintain and update its registration with the municipal authorities and on the BHUB Platform – when and if applicable;

(ix) is aware that it SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXERCISE BUSINESS ACTIVITY BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE REGISTRATION, pursuant to art. 966 of the Civil Code, nor shall it be able to exercise activity that requires prior licensing before obtaining the respective necessary license.

(x) is aware that bookkeeping and the submission of ancillary statements must, by law, be carried out from the “Date of Opening” shown on the CNPJ Card, and, if monthly advisory services are contracted (“Monthly Advisory Services“), BHUB will have to issue retroactive declarations of non-movement, and may therefore charge retroactive monthly fees (between the date the CNPJ was issued and the moment you can operate), to guarantee your accounting and tax regularity.

(xi) BHUB is authorized to store and change the CONTRACTING PARTY’s passwords, logins, and/or registrations with public bodies, as well as to create new accesses required by law. This authorization includes the possibility for BHUB to generate and sign powers of attorney, including in favor of BHUB, and for the fulfillment of any regulatory, fiscal, or accounting obligation, including those subsequent to the signing of the Agreement, either on behalf of the company or its members (when necessary), in particular, but not limited to, municipal governments (this authorization does not transfer responsibility for issuing invoices to BHUB).

7.5.      Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any investment, costs, lost profits, third-party claims, or costs of supplying substitute goods or services, should the CONTRACTING PARTY commence the activities referred to in item ix above prior to the conclusion of the company opening process, nor shall BHUB be liable for any downtime costs, or any event which may result in damage to the CONTRACTING PARTY.



8.1.      In the event of termination, the CONTRACTING PARTY’s documents and Accounting Books, as applicable, shall be made available for delivery to the new technical manager, and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall be responsible for carrying out such delivery, and the technical responsibility of BHUB’s professionals shall not persist from the date of termination, pursuant to CFC Resolution 1590/2020.

8.2      The CONTRACTING PARTY acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for the payment of any and all fees to be paid before any and all public or governmental authorities whenever necessary for the regular operation of the company, and its attendance and external personal services (due diligence) in these authorities (notary offices, trade boards, city halls) are not included in the services provided by BHUB and may, if available in your area of activity, be contracted separately.

8.3.      BHUB reserves the right to cancel or modify these T&C when it deems it appropriate, notifying this situation through a publication on the website


9.1.      These T&C shall be valid for an indefinite period from September 25, 2023, until their general termination is published via the website



1.1. The expressions below, whenever used in this document, in the singular or plural, shall have the meaning attributed to them as follows:

(i) “BHUB” means BHub Serviços e Tecnologia Ltda, a limited liability company, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde n° 2365, Pinheiros, CEP (Zip Code) 05407-003, registered with CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration) under No. 42.330.545/0001-06 (“BHub Tecnologia“) and, as applicable and when acting jointly with BHub Tecnologia (a) for the purposes of providing accounting and financial products, BHub Contabilidade Ltda., a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 43.618.130/0001-03, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 31, Pinheiros, CEP 05407-003 (“BHub Contabilidade“)     ; and (b) for the purposes of providing paralegal services, BHub Serviços de Paralegal LTDA, a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 51.097.182/0001-00, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 33-Parte, Pinheiros, CEP 05.407-003 (“BHub Paralegal“);

(ii) “CONTRACTING PARTY” means the individuals or legal entities indicated and qualified in Clause 1 of the Summary Table;

(iii) “Agreement” jointly means these T&C, the BHUB T&C, the Summary Table and the Business Proposal sent to the CONTRACTING PARTY; and

(iii) “Summary Table” means the Summary Table of the Service Agreement signed by the CONTRACTING PARTY and BHUB.


2.1. Finance as a Service (“FaaS“)


3.1. The FaaS services to be provided by BHUB to the CONTRACTING PARTY (“Services“) comprise the activities described in Clause 3 of the Summary Table, and may include, among others, those indicated below, according to the contracted scope:

(a) Daily Accounts Payable activities, including:

  • Including payments in the bank for approval;
  • Classification of the nature of payments for accounting purposes.

(b) Bank reconciliation of bank accounts informed at the time of hiring.


4.1. The amount referred to in clause 4 of the Summary Table (“Price“) considers the following criteria: (i) monthly revenue; (ii) number of accounts payable (“CP”) and accounts receivable (“CR”) entries; (iii) number of credit card payments; (iv) number of checking accounts; (v) number of service invoices and slips issued; (vi) number of gateways; (vii) number of transactions on gateways, among others, previously communicated to the CONTRACTING PARTY, and may be adjusted according to the business proposal sent to the CONTRACTING PARTY.

4.2. In the case of services based on previously established assumptions, according to the Summary Table, the amount(s) owed by the CONTRACTING PARTY to the BHUB may be revised automatically and at any time, should these assumptions change.

4.3. The Price may be readjusted annually at the beginning of each fiscal year by the positive variation of the IPCA (National Extended Consumer Price Index)/IBGE or another that replaces it and is appropriate, as understood by BHUB to correct the Services.

4.4. Should any change occur that influences costs and/or makes it economically unfeasible for BHUB to maintain the plans and/or the agreed amounts, BHUB may adjust the said amounts and/or the plans, or even terminate them.

4.4.1. If this happens, BHUB shall notify the CONTRACTING PARTY about this adjustment thirty (30) days in advance, so the CONTRACTING PARTY can choose one of the existing plans. If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not express its acceptance within the aforementioned term, i.e. within thirty (30) days from the date of communication, BHUB shall automatically migrate to the plan which, at its sole discretion, is the most appropriate, and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall be charged according to the new amounts.

4.4.2. If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not agree with the new plans, it may terminate this Agreement, without entailing any compensation and/or fine, at which time only the amounts relating to the services provided up to the date of termination shall be due.

4.5. If the CONTRACTING PARTY becomes inactive (no movement) or has low movement, the CONTRACTING PARTY shall not be exempt from paying the monthly fee, nor shall it be entitled to rebates. The accounting, tax, and labor obligations continue to exist, regardless of movement, and, therefore, BHUB shall continue to provide the aforementioned Services as usual, until their cancellation is requested and/or any contractual termination occurs.

4.6. The CONTRACTING PARTY acknowledges and agrees that if the CONTRACTING PARTY fails to make the payments due under this Agreement, the SERVICE PROVIDER may terminate the Agreement and charge the CONTRACTING PARTY the overdue amounts and applicable fines.

4.7. The overdue amounts shall be subject to a late payment fine of two percent (2%), interest on arrears of one percent (1%) per month, and monetary restatement by the IPCA/IBGE, all calculated pro rata die, and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall not be liable under any circumstances for damages caused during the period of default.

4.8. Non-payment of two (2) consecutive monthly fees (in the case of services contracted in the form of a monthly fee) shall result in automatic termination of the Agreement, regardless of notification without prejudice to the provisions of item 4.7 above.


5.1. All possible charges, costs, expenses, guides, taxes, fees, and other expenses paid by BHUB on behalf of the CONTRACTING PARTY, including, without limitation, those required by City Halls, the Internal Revenue Service, Trade Boards, State and Municipal Finance Departments, sworn translators, notary publics, among others that are not expressly included in the Price shall be charged to the CONTRACTING PARTY in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which payments are made.

5.2. Any amounts spent on materials to perform the Services, such as books, postage, stamps, file folders, CDS, copies, etc. may be paid in advance by BHUB, but must be reimbursed by the CONTRACTING PARTY in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which the payments are completed.

5.3. Additional services may, from time to time, at the sole discretion of BHub, be contracted by e-mail, at the prior written request of the CONTRACTING PARTY, the provision of which is subject to collection by BHUB. It is the CONTRACTING PARTY’s sole responsibility to inform its members, agents, employees, and/or service providers about this form of contracting the additional services in question, understanding as a request duly formalized by the CONTRACTING PARTY, for all legal purposes, any requests for additional services forwarded to BHub.

5.4. Demands that are not described in Clause 3 of the Summary Table and that involve monitoring inspections, Due Diligence, and/or delivery of any written document related to financial consultations are not included in the scope of the Services, nor the Price, and shall be charged separately in the month immediately following the month in which they are completed.


6.1. The Services can be provided to trade companies provided that: (i) they are opting for the simple national system; (ii) they issue electronic invoices (nfc-e and nf-e); (iii) they have active state registration; and (iv) they operate within the area served by BHUB (available on our website).

6.2. The Services shall not be provided to companies: (i) trading in import and export activities; (ii) whose employees’ remuneration is calculated in hours (hourly workers), days (daily workers), weeks, or intermittent agreements; (iii) that carry out industrial activities or activities treated as industrial; (iv) that operate on a cash basis.

6.2.1. Should any of the conditions listed in Clauses 6.1 and 6.2 above change during the performance of the Agreement and provision of the Services, BHUB reserves the right to terminate the Agreement immediately, regardless of prior notice.

6.3. BHUB shall not be liable for the understandings given by class representation or regulatory authorities regarding the activities carried out by the CONTRACTING PARTY.


7.1. For the proper and correct provision of the Services, the CONTRACTING PARTY undertakes to:

(i) Provide, MONTHLY OR WHEN REQUESTED BY BHUB, the tax-accounting documentation necessary for each payment and receipt carried out, electronically, through the BHUB Platform or other means indicated by BHUB, within the term previously informed by BHUB.

(ii) Respond to all requests from the BHUB for documents and information relating to financial transactions. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for the transmission of incomplete or inaccurate information in the event of not receiving the necessary and/or requested information in time.

(iii) Respect all terms indicated by BHUB to enable the correct provision of financial services or pay the amounts related to processes for “reopening” the provision of services due to non-compliance with the term.

(iv) Accessing the BHUB Platform monthly to check the information and communications relating to the company, as well as complying with all the requirements of the terms signed with the BHUB Platform;

(v) Take responsibility for the correct filing of all documents, including receipts for expenses and invoices received.

(vi) Take responsibility for identifying the income and expenditure corresponding to the imported documents.

(vii) Comply with any and all requirements, whenever necessary and requested by any public authorities, within the term allowed by the competent authority.

(viii) If necessary, register the company with the authorities that regulate its commercial activity.

(ix) Keeping your registration active and up to date with City Halls and other public authorities.

7.2. If the BHUB Platform is unavailable, the CONTRACTING PARTY must send its documentation, within the terms described in Clause 7.1, item (ii), by e-mail to This shall only be accepted in exceptional cases of systemic unavailability. The unavailability does not, under any circumstances, extend the term for delivery or the CONTRACTING PARTY’s obligation to deliver the documents.

7.3. BHUB shall be liable for any fines arising from the submission of statements after the legal term and the payment of late taxes, which are due to the failure to provide the Services, due to the sole and proven fault of the BHUB.

7.3.1. BHUB is exempt from paying the fines referred to in clause 7.3 if the CONTRACTING PARTY has given cause, for any reason whatsoever, including delays in the delivery of documents and statements or the actions and omissions of external entities and persons who are not employees or service providers of the BHUB, as well as in cases where there is not enough time to perform the Services and/or BHUB does not own the information and documentation necessary to carry out the activity, within the term indicated by BHUB.

7.4. The CONTRACTING PARTY hereby declares that:

i) is responsible for its business decisions and its company’s internal controls, and that these are appropriate for the volume of transactions and the type of business activity;

ii) its activity is not illegal according to the current laws;

iii) all the documents it generates and shall generate and forward to BHUB for the provision of the Services are suitable, and the CONTRACTING PARTY is liable for the accuracy and legality of each one of them;

iv) the information recorded in the management and internal control system is controlled and validated with appropriate supporting documentation, and the CONTRACTING PARTY is fully liable for all the contents of the database and electronic files generated;

v) is aware that it is its responsibility to issue invoices, as well as to maintain and update its registration with the municipal authorities and on the BHUB Platform – when and if applicable;

vi) is aware that it SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXERCISE BUSINESS ACTIVITY BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE REGISTRATION, pursuant to art. 966 of the Civil Code, nor shall it be able to exercise activity that requires prior licensing before obtaining the respective necessary license.

7.5. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any investment, costs, lost profits, third-party claims, or costs of supplying substitute goods or services, should the CONTRACTING PARTY commence the activities referred to in item vi above prior to the conclusion of the company opening process, nor shall BHUB be liable for any downtime costs, or any event which may result in damage to the CONTRACTING PARTY.

7.6. The CONTRACTING PARTY declares that it is fully aware that bookkeeping and the submission of accessory declarations must, by law, be carried out from the “Date of Opening” shown on the CNPJ Card.


8.1. The CONTRACTING PARTY acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for the payment of any and all fees to be paid before any and all public or governmental authorities whenever necessary for the regular operation of the company, and its attendance and external personal services (due diligence) in these authorities (notary offices, trade boards, city halls) are not included in the services provided by BHUB and may, if available in your area of activity, be contracted separately.

8.2. BHUB reserves the right to cancel or modify these T&C when it deems it appropriate, notifying this situation through a publication on the website


9.1. These T&C shall be valid for an indefinite period from September 25, 2023, until their general termination is published via the website

Termos e Condições de Uso BHUB PAY

Olá! A BHUB SERVIÇOS E TECNOLOGIA LTDA., com sede na Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, nº 2365, 3º andar, Pinheiros, CEP 05407003, inscrita no CNPJ sob o nº 42.330.545/000106, bem como as demais empresas do grupo BHub (“BHUB” ou “Grupo”) gostariam de lhe dar as boasvindas à BHub Pay (“Plataforma”)!

Os serviços de soluções de pagamento por meios eletrônicos, gestão e custódia de recursos e outros serviços financeiros (“Serviços de Pagamento”) da BHub Pay serão prestados por intermédio da nossa parceira DOCK SOLUÇÕES EM MEIOS DE PAGAMENTO S.A., sociedade anônima com sede no Município de Barueri, Estado de São Paulo, à Avenida Tamboré, n 267, 26º andar, conjunto 261A, sala 01A, Alphaville, CEP 06460000, inscrita no CNPJ/ME sob o nº 08.744.817/000186 (“Instituição de Pagamento” ou “Parceiro”).

Antes de iniciar a sua jornada na BHub Pay, pedimos, por favor, que leia atentamente estes Termos e Condições de Uso (“Termos BHub Pay”), bem como os demais termos e políticas da BHUB e do nosso Parceiro, em especial, a Política de Privacidade e Proteção de Dados Pessoais, disponível no link (“Política de Privacidade”), os Termos e Condições Gerais, disponível no link / (“Termos Gerais”), a Política de Cookies, disponível no link (“Política de Cookies”) e os demais regulamentos que regem as atividades da BHUB.

Os Serviços de Pagamento englobam a abertura de conta de pagamento em nome do usuário (“Conta de Pagamento”), perante a Instituição de Pagamento, que será utilizada na disponibilização do BHub Pay. Os Termos BHub Pay têm como principal finalidade regular as condições de acesso e utilização da nossa Plataforma, trazendo esclarecimentos sobre seus
recursos, funcionalidades, serviços, produtos e/ou benefícios..

Agradecemos, desde logo, a sua visita, desejandolhe uma jornada inesquecível rumo à simplificação do seu backoffice!


A BHUB esclarece, desde já, que, ao acessar e/ou utilizar quaisquer recursos, funcionalidades, serviços, produtos e/ou benefícios da BHub Pay, o usuário estará automaticamente aderindo e concordando com os presentes Termos e Condições e demais regulamentos que regem as atividades da BHUB, bem como com os Termos da Instituição de Pagamento (“Aceite”).

O que isso significa?

O Aceite significa que o usuário declara e atesta a total e integral ciência sobre a forma com que se dará a sua interação com a BHUB, inclusive no tocante ao tratamento de dados pessoais, ao usufruir dos recursos, funcionalidades, serviços, produtos e/ou outros benefícios ofertados pela BHub Pay.


A concordância com estes Termos BHub Pay e/ou com os demais termos, políticas e regulamentos da BHUB, assim como aos Termos da Instituição de Pagamento é indispensável para a utilização dos Serviços de Pagamento; de modo que, caso não concorde com qualquer das disposições, o usuário deverá interromper, imediatamente, o uso do site, aplicativo e/ou da Plataforma, não efetuando qualquer cadastro nos referidos ambientes, tampouco consumindo qualquer recurso, funcionalidade, serviço, produto ou outros benefícios ofertados
e/ou fornecendo, de qualquer outro modo, quaisquer informações à BHUB.

Nós envidamos todos os esforços razoáveis, de acordo com a técnica atual, para garantir a segurança dos nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas em prol da privacidade e da proteção dos dados e das informações que tratamos, em especial os dados pessoais.

As informações sobre acesso, segurança, navegação, tratamento de dados e cookies de terceiros/parceiros constarão na Política de Privacidade e na Política de Cookies da BHUB e no Portal de Privacidade da Instituição de Pagamento. As Partes se comprometem a adotar as medidas que lhe são cabíveis de acordo com a legislação vigente, em especial a Lei nº 13.709/2018 (“Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados pessoais” ou “LGPD”), para a proteção da privacidade e de quaisquer dados relativos a pessoas naturais identificadas ou identificáveis. Em
A BHUB não se responsabiliza pelas políticas, termos e/ou regulamentos dos sites/aplicativos/plataformas de terceiros, tampouco pelo tratamento de dados
por eles realizados.



Os Serviços de Pagamento serão prestados pela BHUB em conjunto com a Instituição de Pagamento, para: (i) abertura de Conta de Pagamento; e (ii) gestão e custódia de recursos mantidos na Conta de Pagamento de titularidade do usuário (“Funcionalidades”).

Para possibilitar a prestação dos Serviços de Pagamento pela BHUB, bem como a utilização das Funcionalidades, o usuário está ciente e concorda com a abertura da Conta de Pagamento, individual e exclusiva, de sua titularidade, perante a Instituição de Pagamento.

O usuário, neste ato, constitui a BHUB como sua bastante procuradora, outorgandolhe poderes especiais e específicos para, em seu nome e por sua conta e benefício, abrir a Conta de Pagamento e gerir os recursos nela aportados, com a finalidade de, por sua conta e ordem, executar as tarefas comandadas por meio das Funcionalidades disponíveis na Plataforma, nos termos do item 5 do Quadro Resumo.

O usuário autoriza a BHUB a utilizar as informações cadastrais coletadas por estes Termos de Uso ou por outros contratos celebrados perante a BHUB para compartilhamento com a Instituição de Pagamento, visando cumprir com os procedimentos necessários à abertura e manutenção da Conta de Pagamento.

A partir do acesso à Conta de Pagamento, a BHUB prestará serviços relacionados a viabilização de transações autorizadas/solicitadas pelo usuário (“Transações”), para: (i) emissão de instrumentos de cobranças do usuário perante terceiros tomadores de serviços (“Contas a Receber”); (ii) o pagamento de faturas emitidas por terceiros beneficiários em face do usuário; e o pagamento de contas de utilidade pública, documentos de arrecadação de tributos e demais cobranças que tenham o usuário como contribuinte ou responsável tributário
(“Contas a Pagar”), pelos meios de pagamento disponibilizados pela Instituição de Pagamento.

Os serviços de Contas a Pagar dependerá da disponibilidade de recursos suficientes na Conta de Pagamento, que deverão ser carregados previamente pelo usuário conforme instruções divulgadas pela BHUB.

As cobranças emitidas no módulo de Contas a Receber terão o usuário como beneficiário, sendo que os recursos gerados pelos pagamentos serão creditados na Conta de Pagamento no prazo previsto pela Instituição de Pagamento.

O usuário se responsabiliza pela exatidão dos dados informados sobre os valores, dados e contas dos tomadores de serviços; isentando a BHUB de qualquer responsabilidade pelas Transações realizadas em razão de informações imprecisas ou inexatas que venham a ser informadas pelo usuário.

As Transações deixarão de ser acatadas pela BHUB ou pela Instituição de Pagamento quando: (i) não houver recursos suficientes na Conta de Pagamento para o pagamento dos Fornecedores e/ou terceiros beneficiários; (ii) o usuário deixar de fornecer as informações suficientes ou fornecer informações incorretas para realização da Transação; (iii) houver indícios de fraude ou suspeita ou ato ilícito, de acordo com a legislação vigente; e/ou (iv) estiver em desacordo com as políticas internas da BHUB e/ou os critérios exigidos pela Instituição de Pagamento.

O usuário está ciente de que a BHUB atuará nos Serviços de Pagamento como mera intermediária, executando apenas as ordens que lhe forem comandadas pelo usuário; de modo que o usuário será integralmente responsável pelas informações repassadas à BHUB e aprovação das Transações, comprometendose ressarcir todo e qualquer prejuízo causado e isentar a BHUB de qualquer responsabilidade relacionada a erros nas informações.

As regras para a utilização, carregamento e cancelamento da Conta de Pagamento serão definidas pela Instituição de Pagamento e repassadas pela BHUB ao usuário, por meio da Plataforma.

A BHUB, diretamente ou por solicitação da Instituição de Pagamento, poderá determinar limites de valor mínimo e máximo para o carregamento das Contas de Pagamento e para a realização das movimentações, que poderá variar de acordo com as informações do usuário, tipo da movimentação, ou outro critério definido pela BHUB e/ou pela Instituição de Pagamento.

Os recursos creditados na Conta de Pagamento do usuário serão mantidos em conta bancária de titularidade da Instituição de Pagamento, em instituição financeira de primeira linha, e, nos termos do art. 12 da Lei 12.865/2013:

(i) constituem patrimônio separado, que não se confunde com o da Instituição de Pagamento;
(ii) não respondem direta ou indiretamente por nenhuma obrigação da Instituição de Pagamento, nem podem ser objeto de arresto, sequestro, busca e apreensão ou qualquer outro ato de constrição judicial em função de débitos de responsabilidade da Instituição de Pagamento;
(iii) não podem ser dados em garantia de débitos assumidos pela Instituição de Pagamento; e
(iv) não compõem o ativo da Instituição de Pagamento, para efeito de falência ou liquidação judicial ou extrajudicial.

Os recursos mantidos na Conta de Pagamento, salvo se expressamente pactuado de modo diverso, não sofrerão qualquer tipo de acréscimo ou alteração, tais como correção monetária e juros; e nem haverá o pagamento de qualquer remuneração ao usuário, independentemente do período que ficarem depositados.

Os valores depositados na Conta de Pagamento devem ser utilizados para pagamentos e transferências, sendo considerados pela Instituição de Pagamento recursos em trânsito de titularidade do usuário.

O usuário não poderá ceder ou onerar, a qualquer título, os direitos sobre os recursos depositados em sua Conta de Pagamento, sem a prévia e escrita autorização da BHUB e da Instituição de Pagamento, sob pena de ineficácia da cessão.

O usuário terá acesso ao saldo, histórico de movimentação e às Transações realizadas ou pendentes de pagamento, mediante acesso à Plataforma ou por solicitação enviada à BHUB. A disponibilização do saldo e do extrato das movimentações caracterizase como prestação de contas, para todos os fins legais.

O usuário declarase ciente de que os Serviços de Pagamento se destinam tão somente a efetivar Transações em moeda nacional, bem como assegura que todos os recursos movimentados em sua Conta de Pagamento serão oriundos de fontes lícitas e declaradas, isentando a BHUB e a Instituição de Pagamento de qualquer responsabilidade.

O usuário reconhece e concorda que a BHUB e a Instituição de Pagamento, em conformidade com as disposições deste Termos BHub Pay, terá o direito de: (i) reter os valores mantidos na Conta de Pagamento do usuário para garantir, de forma integral, quaisquer pagamentos que sejam devidos ou para o resguardo contra riscos financeiros relacionados às obrigações do usuário; e (ii) compensar, com os valores mantidos na Conta de Pagamento, os débitos do usuário perante a BHUB, de qualquer natureza e ainda que originados em razão da contratação de serviços previstos em outros instrumentos contratuais.

Todas as movimentações na Conta de Pagamento serão realizadas por conta e ordem do usuário, de acordo com as informações enviadas à BHUB. A BHUB e a Instituição de Pagamento não poderão ser responsabilizadas por eventuais erros ou inconsistências nas informações prestadas pelo usuário.

Para utilizar os Serviços de Pagamento, o usuário, dentre outras obrigações previstas nestes Termos BHub Pay, deve ser: (i) pessoa física, maior de 18 (dezoito) anos e possuir inscrição válida e regular perante a Receita Federal do Brasil; ou (ii) pessoa jurídica devidamente constituída, com sede ou escritório no Brasil e possuir inscrição válida e regular perante a Receita Federal do Brasil.

Os Serviços de Pagamento poderão ser prestados pela Instituição de Pagamento ou por outra que venha a substituila, parcial ou integralmente, ou, ainda, diretamente pela BHUB, desde que em estrita observância à regulamentação em vigor. Eventuais alterações poderão ser promovidas a qualquer tempo e a critério da BHUB, mediante comunicação prévia ao usuário, hipótese em que o usuário deverá cumprir com todas as providências indicadas pela BHUB para a transferência dos Serviços de Pagamento, caso necessário.

Na hipótese de mudança no prestador dos Serviços de Pagamento, o usuário desde já autoriza a BHUB a, por sua conta e ordem, proceder com a transferência dos recursos disponíveis em sua Conta de Pagamento e cumprir com os demais procedimentos necessários.


O usuário poderá, a qualquer momento, desde que possua saldo suficiente para arcar com as respectivas tarifas aplicáveis e o pagamento de eventuais débitos contraídos perante a BHUB, solicitar o resgate integral dos recursos mantidos na Conta de Pagamento, bem como encerrála, mediante solicitação à BHUB.

O resgate de recursos será realizado a pedido do usuário, mediante o repasse do valor líquido e em moeda nacional exclusivamente para domicílio bancário de
mesma titularidade do usuário, de acordo com as formas estabelecidas para utilização dos recursos mantidos em Conta de Pagamento.

Os procedimentos de resgate e encerramento da Conta de Pagamento obedecerão às regras impostas pela Instituição de Pagamento.

A verificação de fornecimento de informações imprecisas ou incorretas, bem como a identificação de transações fraudulentas ou em desacordo com a legislação em vigor, poderá ensejar o encerramento da Conta de Pagamento e necessidade de resgate dos valores custodiados, a exclusivo critério da BHUB e da Instituição de Pagamento.


Em contrapartida à prestação dos Serviços de Pagamento, o usuário pagará à BHUB as tarifas disponíveis para consulta na Plataforma.

Para a cobrança das tarifas, inclusive por serviços adicionais que vierem a ser contratados pelo usuário perante a BHUB, a BHUB poderá, alternativamente: (i) realizar lançamentos de débitos na Conta de Pagamento; ou (ii) compensar o valor dos débitos com quaisquer outros créditos, presentes ou futuros, que vierem a ser creditados ao usuário em sua Conta de Pagamento.

Sem prejuízo da suspensão dos Serviços de Pagamento, caso o usuário deixe de realizar o crédito em sua Conta de Pagamento, haverá a incidência dos encargos moratórios previstos na Plataforma.

A BHUB poderá efetuar o reajuste ou alteração do valor das tarifas cobradas, informando previamente o usuário, por email ou divulgação prévia na Plataforma.

Caso o usuário não concorde com as novas condições das tarifas, poderá encerrar os Serviços de Pagamento sem a incidência de quaisquer ônus ou penalidades. O não encerramento será interpretado como anuência com relação aos novos valores das tarifas cobradas.


A Plataforma, bem como os recursos, funcionalidades, serviços, produtos e/ou benefícios oferecidos por meio dela, são gerenciados pela BHUB, podendo esta, eventualmente, conceder tais poderes e direitos a terceiros/parceiros, nos termos da lei e em conformidade com os acordos firmados entre a BHUB e os respectivos terceiros/parceiros, sem a necessidade de anuência prévia do usuário.

A BHUB se reserva o direito de incluir, excluir ou alterar os conteúdos, os recursos e as funcionalidades da Plataforma, bem como suspendêla temporariamente, a qualquer momento, independentemente de avisoprévio. Da mesma forma, poderá modificar estes Termos BHub Pay, cuja versão mais recente estará sempre disponível para consulta em nossos canais de atendimento.


O acesso e o uso dos nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas, incluindose a Plataforma BHub Pay, são direcionados apenas a pessoas maiores de 18 anos. Qualquer pessoa que não se enquadre nessa classificação será automaticamente banida da nossa Plataforma.

Ao acessar, usar ou, de qualquer outra forma, interagir com os nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas, incluindose a Plataforma BHub Pay, o usuário declara atender as condições supra. Caso esteja acessando, usando ou, de qualquer outra forma, interagindo com os nossos ambientes em nome de alguma organização, o usuário declara, desde já, possuir todos os poderes legais para vincular a referida organização a estes Termos BHub Pay, à Política de Privacidade, bem como aos demais termos, políticas e regulamentos da BHUB e aos termos e políticas do nosso Parceiro.

A realização de cadastro em nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas é sempre opcional. No entanto, para que seja possível usufruir de todos os recursos, funcionalidades, serviços, produtos e/ou outros benefícios oferecidos pela BHUB, inclusive os da Plataforma BHub Pay, é imprescindível realizar o referido cadastro.

Para fins de cadastro na Plataforma, a BHUB coleta dados empresariais do usuário (tais como, razão social, CNPJ, domicílio bancário e endereço), dados pessoais dos seus representantes (tais como, nome/sobrenome, CPF email, telefone/whatsapp), bem como cópia dos documentos cadastrais, a exemplo da identidade, carteira de habilitação e selfie.

Para fins de acesso à Plataforma BHub Pay, o usuário deverá, ainda, criar login e senha de uso pessoal e intransferível, devendo o usuário mantêlos confidenciais e seguros.

O usuário reconhece e declara que as áreas restritas da Plataforma contêm informações de interesse particular do usuário e da própria BHUB e não deverão ser acessadas ou transmitidas a terceiros, motivo pelo qual é responsável pelo sigilo e correta utilização da sua senha e login de acesso por seus representantes, devendo aplicar medidas de segurança e tomar as precauções necessárias para evitar a divulgação de tais informações a pessoas não autorizadas. O usuário é o único responsável por todos os acessos e operações online realizados por ele ou em nome dele na Plataforma e deverá arcar com qualquer dano e/ou prejuízo, seja de que natureza for, decorrente da utilização indevida de seu login e senha por interlocutores e terceiros.

O usuário deverá informar à BHUB, mediante comunicação formal, por meio da Plataforma ou, ainda, por outra forma de comunicação que venha a ser disponibilizada pela BHUB, acerca do nome e qualificação de seus representantes autorizados a praticar todos os atos relacionados à Conta de Pagamento, tais como acesso, solicitação e aprovação de transações. Na hipótese de desligamento de qualquer dos representantes, o usuário deverá comunicar o fato imediatamente à BHUB.

As informações fornecidas no momento do cadastro deverão ser verdadeiras, completas e atualizadas. A BHUB, em hipótese alguma, será responsável por qualquer resultado e/ou prejuízo decorrente de erros, da falsidade das informações fornecidas e/ou de sua não atualização. A BHUB poderá, a qualquer momento, a seu único e exclusivo critério, solicitar a atualização e/ou o fornecimento de dados para a complementação do cadastro.

Sempre que necessário, inclusive para possibilitar a utilização dos Serviços de Pagamento, a BHUB, diretamente ou a requerimento da Instituição de Pagamento, poderá solicitar que o usuário forneça informações complementares àquelas indicadas no cadastro, bem como poderá, a qualquer momento, e ao seu exclusivo critério, solicitar cópias de documentos para averiguar a veracidade das informações prestadas pelo usuário.

Na hipótese de a BHUB ou a Instituição de Pagamento verificar dados incorretos ou inverídicos fornecidos pelo usuário ou, ainda, caso o usuário se recuse ou se omita a enviar as informações e documentos solicitados, a Instituição de Pagamento, diretamente ou por solicitação da BHUB, poderá suspender temporariamente o acesso aos Serviços de Pagamento até que haja a regularização.

O usuário será responsável pela veracidade e legitimidade de todas e quaisquer informações que seus representantes, interlocutores e colaboradores venham a prestar à BHUB. O usuário é responsável, ainda, por fornecer, por meio de seus representantes, interlocutores e colaboradores, informações verdadeiras, claras, precisas, legítimas e completas sempre que efetuar qualquer procedimento relativo aos Serviços de Pagamento, por qualquer meio de comunicação disponível, sendo passível de responder criminal e civilmente por qualquer informação falsa ou incorreta que vier a fornecer à BHUB.

O usuário é responsável pelo sigilo e pela confidencialidade de todos os dados que fornece à BHUB, bem como sobre as ações e/ou omissões praticadas em nossos ambientes, inclusive no tocante ao uso do login e senha. Portanto, não os compartilhe com terceiros. Compartilhálos com terceiros configura violação expressa a estes Termos BHub Pay e às demais políticas, termos e regulamentos da BHUB, podendo, ainda, comprometer a segurança tanto dos dados, como dos nossos ambientes. Caso o usuário identifique ou desconfie que um terceiro obteve acesso ao seu login/senha, deverá alterála, imediatamente, nos nossos sistemas ou solicitar auxílio para fazêlo por meio dos canais indicados nestes Termos BHub Pay.

Se a BHUB constatar, por meio de testes, que as credenciais do usuário (login/senha) foram comprometidas (tornadas acessíveis por terceiros), por segurança e no intuito de impedir o acesso inapropriado à conta e aos dados do usuário, a BHUB poderá suspender preventivamente as referidas credenciais. A BHUB poderá, ainda, impedir, a seu único e exclusivo critério, a criação de novos cadastros ou cancelar os já efetuados, caso detecte alguma adversidade capaz de comprometer os seus ambientes e/ou os demais usuários.

Fica, desde já, declarada e reconhecida que toda e qualquer ação ou omissão durante o uso dos nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas, inclusive a Plataforma BHub Pay, será de exclusiva e integral responsabilidade do usuário, devendo a BHUB, suas afiliadas e/ou subsidiárias ser isentadas de quaisquer reclamações e/ou responsabilidades daí decorrentes, bem como indenizadas por quaisquer perdas, danos e/ou despesas acarretados, incluindose, sem a eles se limitar, honorários advocatícios e custas processuais, que vierem a sofrer em razão de tais ações ou omissões.

O usuário é o único e exclusivo responsável pelos meios que utiliza para acessar os sites/aplicativos/plataformas da BHUB, incluindose aparelhos, provedores de internet e/ou navegadores, sem a estes se limitar, assumindo, exclusivamente, portanto, o risco de qualquer eventual violação de privacidade e/ou segurança
decorrentes de tais meios.


O usuário declara e atesta total e integral ciência de que:

O acesso aos recursos, funcionalidades, serviços, produtos e/ou outros benefícios da Plataforma BHub Pay depende, necessariamente, dos processos previstos nestes Termos BHub Pay, bem como os demais termos, políticas e regulamentos da BHUB;

Deverá manter as suas IDs, senhas e/ou demais códigos de acesso confidenciais e protegidos de todas as pessoas não autorizadas, de acordo com as boas práticas de segurança da informação e privacidade, e conforme as disposições estabelecidas nestes Termos BHub Pay e nos demais termos, políticas e regulamentos da BHUB;

A BHUB não executa qualquer transação na Conta de Pagamento que não seja expressamente ordenada pelo usuário, nem de qualquer modo interfere em seus ativos ou passivos estando o acesso restrito à leitura e ao tratamento de dados, conforme o presente instrumento, bem como os demais termos, políticas e regulamentos da BHUB;

Em razão da natureza e da(s) finalidade(s) a que se destina a Plataforma a BHub Pay, a BHUB poderá acessar, coletar, processar, armazenar, atualizar, compartilhar, dispor, enfim, tratar os dados pessoais (“Tratamento”), nos termos da LGPD, em especial do seu art. 5o, inciso X, conforme estes Termos BHub Pay, bem como os demais termos, políticas e regulamentos da BHUB, em especial, a Política de Privacidade, observada a legislação e as bases legais aplicáveis vigentes. O Tratamento se estende a todas as empresas do Grupo,

as quais poderão, inclusive, estar localizadas e/ou sediadas fora do Brasil, sendo certo que, nessa hipótese, será observada, também, a legislação vigente nos países em que tais empresas se encontrem localizadas e/ou sediadas;

É o único e exclusivo responsável por conferir toda e qualquer informação disponibilizada na Plataforma para a prestação dos Serviços de Pagamento pela BHub e utilização das Funcionalidades pelo usuário. Em hipótese alguma a BHUB será responsável por erros decorrentes da não conferência de informações pelo usuário.

É o único e exclusivo responsável pelas tomadas de decisões com base nas informações disponibilizadas na Plataforma e pelos resultados delas decorrentes. Em hipótese alguma a BHUB será responsável por tais tomadas de decisões e/ou pelos resultados delas decorrentes.

Em hipótese alguma, a BHUB será responsável por eventuais perdas ou danos causados por hackers e/ou programas/códigos nocivos à Plataforma, tais como vírus, worms, ataques de negação, sem a eles se limitar;

Em hipótese alguma, a BHUB será responsável por produtos e/ou serviços oferecidos pela Instituição de Pagamento.

Deverá observar o presente instrumento, bem como os demais termos, políticas e regulamentos da BHUB, bem como a legislação aplicável vigente.


O usuário reconhece que a BHUB e a Instituição de Pagamento estão sujeitas à regulamentação aplicável aos arranjos e instituições de pagamento integrantes do Sistema de Pagamentos Brasileiro, devendo atender à Lei Complementar nº105/2001, que dispõe sobre o sigilo das operações e serviços prestados pelas referidas instituições.

A BHUB, a Instituição de Pagamento e o usuário obrigamse a manter, durante os Serviços de Pagamento e mesmo após o seu término, completo sigilo com relação a toda e qualquer informação, de qualquer natureza, referente às atividades das partes e/ou de suas subsidiárias ou coligadas, às quais venham a ter acesso por força do cumprimento dos Serviços de Pagamento, não podendo, sob qualquer pretexto, utilizálas para si, divulgar, revelar, reproduzir ou delas dar conhecimento a terceiros, ressalvados os casos em que a divulgação destas informações seja exigida, nos termos da lei, por autoridade competente, responsabilizandose, em caso de descumprimento desta cláusula, por eventuais danos diretos devidamente comprovados incorridos pela parte infratora.

Não obstante as obrigações de sigilo aqui previstas, o usuário expressamente autoriza a BHUB e a Instituição de Pagamento a prestar às autoridades competentes, como, por exemplo, Banco Central do Brasil, todas as informações que forem solicitadas com relação ao usuário e operações por ele executadas em razão dos Serviços de Pagamento. Ademais, a BHUB e a Instituição de Pagamento poderão comunicar ao Conselho de Controle de Atividades Financeiras, as operações realizadas pelo usuário que possam estar configuradas no disposto na Lei nº 9.613/1998 e demais normas relativas à lavagem de dinheiro, incluindo as normas e políticas internas da BHUB e da Instituição de Pagamento nesse sentido.

O usuário ademais autoriza expressamente a BHUB a: (i) verificar informações cadastrais, financeiras e transacionais a seu respeito necessárias e relacionadas com a presente contratação, (ii) compartilhar todas as informações recebidas no âmbito dos Serviços de Pagamento, inclusive cadastrais e transacionais, com a Instituição de Pagamento, (iii) consultar em órgãos de proteção ao crédito, bem como consultar e incluir informações referente a operações financeiras ativas e passivas de responsabilidade do usuário que constem ou venham a constar do Sistema de Informações de Crédito (SCR), gerido pelo Banco Central do Brasil, ou dos sistemas que venham a complementálo ou a substituílo.


A BHUB respeita os direitos de personalidade e privacidade e, desde já, comprometese a utilizar os dados/informações disponibilizados na Plataforma, conforme descrito nestes Termos BHub Pay, bem como nos Termos Gerais, na Política de Privacidade, na Política de Cookies, nos demais regulamentos desta empresa e em conformidade com a legislação aplicável vigente, em especial a LGPD, em se tratando de dados pessoais.

Considerando a natureza e a finalidade da Plataforma, serão coletados os seguintes dados pessoais e empresariais:

Informações de identificação/cadastro (“Informações de Identificação/Cadastro”): nome completo, filiação, CPF, data de nascimento, email, telefone, endereço residencial e dados de acesso dos representantes legais do usuário, bem como razão social CNPJ, endereço e demais dados empresariais necessários à abertura de Conta de Pagamento.

Documento de identidade ou CNH e selfie dos representantes legais do usuário.

(ii) Informações bancárias/financeiras da empresa (“Informações Bancárias/Financeiras”): banco, agência, conta, cheque especial, saldos, transações, investimentos, empréstimos, crédito.

(iii) Informações de navegação/dispositivo em nossos sites/aplicativos (“Informações de Navegação/Dispositivo”): endereço IP, localização geográfica, fonte de referência, tipo de navegador, duração/frequência das visitas e páginas visitadas pelo usuário. Tais informações, normalmente, são obtidas mediante cookies instalados em seu navegador. Para maiores informações, acesse, por favor, a nossa Política de Cookies.

(iv) As Informações de Identificação/Cadastro, as Informações Bancárias/Financeiras, as Informações de Navegação/Dispositivo e/ou outros dados coletados e utilizados pela BHUB poderão ser mantidos e armazenados nas seguintes hipóteses: (i) enquanto o cadastro, a conta e/ou a utilização, pelo usuário, dos recursos, funcionalidades, serviços, produtos e/ou outros benefícios da Plataforma Bhub Pay se mantiverem ativos; e (ii) pelo tempo necessário: (ii.i) à resolução de eventual disputa ou litígio, (ii.ii) por determinação judicial e/ou de
entidade com jurisdição sobre as atividades da BHUB; (ii.iii) para o cumprimento de determinada disposição legal, nos termos da legislação vigente; e (ii.iv)
enquanto forem necessários à manutenção dos interesses legítimos da BHUB, nos termos da lei.


Os dados/informações poderão ser tratados pela BHUB para as seguintes finalidades, observada a legislação e as bases legais aplicáveis vigentes:

(i) Propiciar a oferta/utilização dos recursos, funcionalidades, serviços, produtos e/ou outros benefícios da Plataforma BHub Pay, bem como para o lançamento de novos produtos e/ou serviços;

(ii) Envio de informações requisitadas em nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas, em especial por meio da Plataforma;

(iii) Envio de notícias, ofertas de produtos e serviços, anúncios e/ou outras informações, sempre relacionadas com temas de interesse do usuário cadastrado;

(iv) Realização de pesquisas/estatísticas, divulgação de eventos e outros assuntos que possam ser do interesse do usuário cadastrado;

(v) Publicidade conforme interesses e preferências do usuário cadastrado, bem como para a personalização de recursos, funcionalidades, serviços, produtos e/ou outros benefícios, a fim de adequálos a tais interesses e preferências;

(vi) Suporte, atendimento e/ou serviços correlatos.

Ressaltamos, uma vez mais, que apesar do disposto nos itens anteriores, o cancelamento do cadastro para o recebimento de mensagens de natureza publicitária pode se dar a qualquer momento. Para maiores informações sobre o cancelamento do cadastro e/ou alteração/exclusão de dados pessoais, acesse a nossa Política de Privacidade.

Salientamos, também, que a BHUB poderá compartilhar dados pessoais por ela tratados com empresas localizadas em outros países, tais como Google, Microsoft e/ou Amazon, principalmente, com a finalidade de armazenamento em nuvem, tal como consta em sua Política de Privacidade.

A BHUB informa, desde já, que, havendo a transferência internacional de dados, esta darseá de acordo com as medidas de segurança necessárias para a garantia da confidencialidade, integridade e disponibilidade dos dados pessoais transferidos, observada a legislação aplicável vigente, em especial a LGPD.


Os dados/informações poderão, ainda, ser tratados por terceiros/parceiros devidamente autorizados pela BHUB, localizados ou sediados no Brasil ou no exterior, para a execução do objeto destes Termos BHub Pay.

Os dados/informações poderão, também, ser armazenados ou operados em instalações, datacenters e servidores de propriedade de terceiros e/ou parceiros da BHUB, localizados ou sediados no Brasil ou no exterior.

Esclarecemos, desde já, que os referidos terceiros/parceiros se encontram sujeitos às normas, obrigações e deveres de confidencialidade, sigilo e proteção da privacidade das informações e dos dados tratados, coerentes com o disposto no presente instrumento, bem como na Política de Privacidade, nos demais termos, políticas e regulamentos da BHUB e na legislação aplicável vigente, em especial a LGPD, sem prejuízo de qualquer outra legislação aplicável, em razão da sua localização.


melhorar a sua experiência de navegação em nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas, estes, incluindose a Plataforma BHub Pay, poderão conter links remetendo você para sites, sistemas, aplicações, serviços e produtos de terceiros. As indicações dos referidos links não constituem um endosso ou patrocínio dos serviços e/ou produtos desses terceiros. Em hipótese alguma, a BHUB se responsabiliza pelas políticas, termos e/ou regulamentos dos sites/aplicativos/plataformas desses terceiros/parceiros, tampouco pelo tratamento de dados por eles realizados e/ou por eventuais erros, falhas, irregularidades ou defeitos na prestação dos seus serviços e/ou fornecimento dos seus produtos. Recomendamos, então, que o usuário leia atentamente as políticas de privacidade, os termos e condições de uso e os demais regulamentos desses terceiros.

Qualquer reclamação ou dúvida sobre os serviços e/ou produtos de terceiros, utilizados e/ou adquiridos pelo usuário mediante links divulgados em nossos sites/aplicativos, deverá ser encaminhada aos setores/serviços próprios dos respectivos terceiros.


Toda e qualquer técnica, ideia, conceito, método, processo, software, utilitário, dado, documento, diretório, design, interface de usuário, knowhow, gráfico, imagem, fotografia, logo, slogan, som, marca, texto, declaração, desenho, incluindo nome de domínio, interface de usuário e combinações de cores utilizadas, incorporadas e constantes dos nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas, incluindose a Plataforma BHub Pay, constituem propriedade intelectual única e exclusiva da BHUB ou se encontram devidamente autorizados e licenciados por terceiros/parceiros. Não é permitida nem autorizada a utilização, reprodução, distribuição, exibição, no todo ou em parte, de qualquer propriedade intelectual da BHUB pelo usuário ou por qualquer terceiro, sem o seu consentimento prévio, expresso e por escrito.

Quaisquer conteúdos, recursos, funcionalidades e ferramentas disponibilizados em nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas são de propriedade da BHUB e/ou, eventualmente, de terceiros/parceiros, nos termos dos eventuais acordos firmados entre a BHUB e o respectivo(s) terceiro(s)/parceiro(s), sendo certo que:

(i) em hipótese alguma, tal propriedade poderá ser reivindicada pelo usuário dos nosso sites/aplicativos; e (ii) na hipótese de serem os referidos conteúdos, recursos, funcionalidades e ferramentas de propriedade de terceiros/parceiros, a BHUB obterá os direitos, autorizações e licenças necessárias.

O usuário comprometese, desde já, a não realizar quaisquer atividades abaixo indicadas, devendo, em caso de violação, indenizar, integralmente, a BHUB, suas afiliadas e/ou subsidiárias por todo e qualquer dano acarretado, independentemente da sua natureza, sem prejuízo das sanções legais cabíveis:

(i) copiar, armazenar, modificar, preparar trabalhos, distribuir, licenciar, vender, transferir, exibir publicamente, executar publicamente, transmitir ou explorar qualquer software que faça parte dos nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas, incluindose a Plataforma, bem como qualquer conteúdo de nossa propriedade, exceto nos limites expressamente permitidos pela BHUB, em razão do uso dos recursos, funcionalidades, serviços, produtos e/ou outros benefícios por ela disponibilizados;

(ii) tentar expor o códigofonte ou tentar recriar qualquer software que faça parte dos nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas;

(iii) usar softwares, dispositivos, scripts, robôs manuais ou automatizados, ou qualquer outro meio ou processo para acessar ou rastrear quaisquer páginas da web ou outros serviços contidos em nossos sites/ aplicativos/plataformas, incluindose a Plataforma;

(iv) infringir os direitos de qualquer pessoa ou entidade, incluindo, sem limitação, sua propriedade intelectual, privacidade, publicidade e/ou direitos contratuais;

(v) tentar sondar, escanear ou testar a vulnerabilidade de qualquer sistema ou rede BHUB ou violar quaisquer medidas de segurança ou autenticação;

(vi) evitar, ignorar, remover, desativar, prejudicar, decodificar ou contornar qualquer medida tecnológica implementada pela BHUB, por qualquer de seus fornecedores ou por qualquer outro terceiro a fim de proteger os seus sites/aplicativos/plataformas;

(vii) forjar quaisquer elementos de pacote TCP/IP ou quaisquer partes de tais elementos em qualquer postagem de email ou grupo de notícias, ou de qualquer forma usar os nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas, incluindose a Plataforma, e/ou os recursos, funcionalidades, serviços, produtos e/ou outros benefícios disponibilizados pela BHUB para enviar informações de identificação de fonte alteradas, enganosas ou falsas;

(viii) tentar decifrar, descompilar, desmontar ou fazer engenharia reversa de qualquer software usado pela BHUB para o fornecimento de seus produtos e/ou a prestação dos seus serviços;

(ix) advogar, encorajar ou auxiliar qualquer terceiro a praticar qualquer uma das ações acima indicadas; usar os sites/aplicativos/plataformas da BHUB para quaisquer atividades não previstas neste instrumento e nos demais termos, políticas e regulamentos da BHUB.

Havendo indícios da prática de qualquer atividade acima indicada, a BHUB poderá, a seu único e exclusivo critério, suspender ou encerrar a conta do usuário subversivo, sendo certo que qualquer suspensão ou encerramento da conta do usuário, nos termos anteriormente indicados, não o isentará de quaisquer de suas obrigações.



A BHUB busca sempre utilizar e adotar processos, técnicas, mecanismos e procedimentos de segurança e prevenção adequados e apropriados, de acordo com a técnica atual, para assegurar a devida proteção contra eventuais incidentes de segurança, ocorrências ou suspeitas de acessos, utilizações, alterações, apropriação e/ou destruição nãoautorizada por terceiros, passível de comprometer ou ameaçar a integridade, confidencialidade, autenticidade e/ou disponibilidade das informações/dados por nós coletados.

Envidamos todos os esforços possíveis, de acordo com a técnica atual, para proteger os dados pessoais dos usuários dos nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas contra a perda, o uso não autorizado e/ou outros tipos de abusos. Por isso, não apenas armazenamos os referidos dados/informações que coletamos em um ambiente operacional seguro, inacessível ao público em geral, mas podemos anonimizálos ou criptografálos em razão da relevância, desde que tal prática não inviabilize o uso por parte da própria BHUB no fornecimento dos seus Produtos e/ou na prestação dos seus serviços.

A BHUB, a seu único e exclusivo critério, poderá banir dos seus ambientes usuários que tentem danificar ou adulterar os seus sites/aplicativos/plataformas e/ou os seus mecanismos de segurança, seja mediante o uso de vírus, bots de cancelamento, cavalos de tróia, código prejudicial, ataques de negação de serviço, falsificação de pacotes ou IP, roteamento forjado ou uso de qualquer outro método/tecnologia capaz de ocasionar danos e/ou adulterações nos ambientes da BHUB. Qualquer tentativa nesse sentido constitui violação às leis cíveis e criminais, devendo o usuário indenizar, integralmente, a BHUB por todo e qualquer dano acarretado, independentemente da sua natureza, sem prejuízo das demais sanções legais cabíveis.

Informações sobre mecanismos de segurança adotados por nossos parceiros podem ser encontradas em suas respectivas políticas, termos e/ou regulamentos, sendo da inteira responsabilidade de cada qual a adoção das medidas condizentes com a legislação vigente, em especial a LGPD, para a proteção da privacidade e de quaisquer dados relativos a pessoas naturais identificadas ou identificáveis.


O usuário da BHub Pay declara total e integral ciência de que poderá, observada a legislação aplicável vigente, em especial a LGPD, e os demais dispositivos constantes das políticas e regulamentos da BHUB e/ou de autoridades competentes:

receber, via email e/ou telefone/whatsapp informações que tenham sido requisitadas em nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas, bem como notícias, ofertas e anúncios de produtos e serviços da BHUB, dentre outras informações correlatas;

receber ligações e/ou mensagens diretas de funcionários da BHUB para o atendimento de dúvidas, a realização de pesquisas, e/ou apresentação de informações sobre produtos, serviços, eventos e outros assuntos correlatos;

receber, via email e/ou telefone/whatsapp, publicidade, conforme interesses e preferências, inclusive, de modo personalizado;

ter contato com links de terceiros/parceiros durante a navegação em nossos sites/aplicativos/plataformas, relacionados a temas de interesse.

Não obstante o disposto nos itens anteriores, é possível cancelar, a qualquer momento, o cadastro(s) para fins de recebimento de mensagens de natureza publicitária. Para maiores informações sobre o referido cancelamento, acesse a nossa Política de Privacidade.


As informações e dados pessoais que tratamos poderão ser revistos, alterados e/ou atualizados a qualquer momento pelo usuário cadastrado, podendo, este, inclusive, realizar a exclusão de determinados dados e informações, observado o disposto nestes Termos BHub Pay, na Política, bem como das demais políticas, regulamentos e relações contratuais da BHUB, observada a legislação aplicável vigente, em especial a LGPD.

Serão eliminados/anonimizados, de forma segura, os dados pessoais que:

(i) não estejam sendo usados ativamente;

(ii) não tenhamos a obrigação legal de
reter (por exemplo, para fins fiscais);

(iii) a BHUB não tenha permissão para manter por motivos legais e/ou de compliance; e/ou (iv) não estejam amparados pelo legítimo interesse da BHUB.

Os dados pessoais inexatos ou desatualizados serão destruídos ou excluídos o mais rápido possível, salvo se for obrigatória sua manutenção em razão de obrigação legal de retenção por determinado período e/ou de exercício regular de direitos.



Ainda com dúvidas? Relaxe! A BHUB possibilita o esclarecimento de dúvidas, a qualquer momento, por meio do canal

Na hipótese de a BHUB atuar como Controladora do tratamento de dados pessoais, nos termos da Política, estará ela, ainda, à disposição para que o titular dos referidos dados exerça diretamente, por meio do seu canal, os direitos previstos na LGPD, em especial no seu art. 18. Na sendo este o caso, atuando a BHUB como Operadora, nos termos da Política, pedimoslhe, desde já, a gentileza de procurar diretamente o Controlador do tratamento relativo aos seus dados pessoais para o exercício de tais direitos.


Estes Termos BHub Pay poderão ser revistos e atualizados, de tempos em tempos, pela BHUB. Todas e quaisquer revisões e atualizações somente serão válidas e entrarão em vigência no momento de sua publicação na Plataforma. Não se preocupe! Você será comunicado acerca das revisões/atualizações relevantes.

Caso não concorde com a modificação, o usuário poderá denunciar os Termos BHub Pay sem quaisquer ônus ou penalidades.


O usuário autoriza a BHUB a utilizar as informações relativas ao seu cadastro para formação de banco de dados, preservandose a individualidade e identificação de cada usuário.

O usuário autoriza a BHUB, diretamente ou por cumprimento de regra da Instituição de Pagamento, a verificar e trocar informações cadastrais, creditícias e/ou financeiras a seu respeito em âmbito nacional, com entidades financeiras ou de proteção ao crédito, inclusive a efetuar consultas a sistemas de risco de crédito sobre eventuais débitos de responsabilidades do usuário e a prestar ao órgão citado informações dos dados cadastrais e informações creditícias.

Nos termos da legislação aplicável e da Política de Privacidade, o usuário concorda que a BHUB ou qualquer de seus parceiros enviem mensagens de caráter informativo ou publicitário.

A BHUB e a Instituição de Pagamento irão auxiliar e cooperar com qualquer autoridade judicial, reguladora ou órgão público que venha a solicitar informações, podendo, neste caso, fornecer quaisquer informações sobre o usuário em relação à utilização da Plataforma.

Este documento é regido pelas leis da República Federativa do Brasil.

Fica eleito o Foro da Comarca de São Paulo, do Estado São Paulo, como o competente para dirimir quaisquer questões porventura oriundas do presente documento, com expressa renúncia a qualquer outro, por mais privilegiado que seja

Versão atualizada em 24 de julho de 2023




1.1. The expressions below, whenever used in this document, in the singular or plural, shall have the meaning attributed to them as follows:

(i) “BHUB” means BHub Serviços e Tecnologia Ltda, a limited liability company, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde n° 2365, Pinheiros, CEP (Zip Code) 05.407-003, registered with CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration) under No. 42.330.545/0001-06 (“BHub Tecnologia“) and, as applicable and when acting jointly with BHub Tecnologia (a) for the purposes of providing accounting and financial services, BHub Contabilidade Ltda., a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 43.618.130/0001-03, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 31, Pinheiros, CEP 05.407-003 (“BHub Contabilidade“)     ; and (b) for the purposes of providing paralegal services, BHub Serviços de Paralegal LTDA, a limited liability company, registered with CNPJ/ME under No. 51.097.182/0001-00, with registered office in the City of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, at Rua Cardeal Arcoverde nº 2365, 3º andar, conjunto 33-Parte, Pinheiros, CEP 05.407-003 (“BHub Paralegal“);

(ii) “CLIENT” means the individuals or legal entities indicated and qualified in Clause 1 of the Summary Table;

(iii) “Agreement” jointly means these T&C, the BHUB T&C, the Summary Table and the Business Proposal sent to the CLIENT; and

(iii) “Summary Table” means the Summary Table of the Service Agreement signed by the CLIENT and BHUB.


2.1. Paralegal as a Service (“PaaS“).


3.1. The PaaS services to be provided by BHUB to the CLIENT (“Services“) comprise the activities described in Clause 3 of the Summary Table, and may include, among others, those indicated below, according to the contracted scope:

(a) Opening of a company;

(b) Paralegal records and diligence;

(c) Accompanying registrations and paralegal proceedings;

(d) Trademark registration and procedural steps;

(e) Monitoring trademark registration;

(f) Virtual office;

(g) Legal representation.


4.1. The amount to be paid by the CLIENT for the Service provision is indicated in clause 4 of the Summary Table (“Price“).

4.2. In the case of services based on previously established assumptions, according to the Summary Table, the amounts owed by the CLIENT to BHUB may be revised automatically and at any time, should these assumptions change.

4.3. The Price may be readjusted annually at the beginning of each fiscal year by the positive variation of the IPCA (National Extended Consumer Price Index)/IBGE or another that replaces it and is appropriate, as understood by BHUB to correct the Services.

4.4. In the event of any change that affects costs and/or makes it economically unfeasible for BHUB to maintain the agreed plans and/or values, it may adjust the plans, or revise the Services, or even terminate them.

4.4.1. If this happens, BHUB shall notify the CLIENT of the fact, reasonably in advance, so that the CLIENT, in the event of an adjustment to the Price or revision of the Services, may choose one of the existing plans. The CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that, if the CLIENT does not express its acceptance within thirty (30) days from the date of the communication, in the case of Services provided in the form of a monthly fee, and within five (5) days for other “PaaS” services, BHUB may, at its sole discretion:

(i) automatically migrate to the plan that, according to BHUB’s technical criteria, is the most appropriate, and the CLIENT shall then be charged according to the new values; or

(ii) not provide the Services, without this implying any breach of the Agreement or incidence of any penalty, with BHUB being exempt from any consequences, losses, and/or damages that may be caused to the CLIENT, with BHUB being owed the amounts related to the Services already provided.

4.4.2. If the Services are provided by BHUB after the terms referred to in item 4.4.1, they shall be performed and charged according to the amounts and conditions set out in said communication.

4.4.3. If the CLIENT does not agree with the new plans, amounts, and/or conditions, it may terminate the Agreement, without entailing any compensation and/or fine, at which time only the amounts relating to the Services provided up to the date of termination shall be due.

4.5. The CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that if the CLIENT fails to make the payments due under this Agreement, the SERVICE PROVIDER may terminate the Agreement and charge the CLIENT the overdue amounts and applicable fines.

4.6. Late payment fines of two percent (2%), interest on arrears of one percent (1%) per month, and monetary restatement by the IPCA/IBGE (Consumer Price Index/Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), calculated pro rata die, shall be charged on the overdue amounts. Under no circumstances shall the SERVICE PROVIDER be liable for any damage caused during the default period.

4.7. Non-payment of two (2) consecutive monthly fees (in the case of services contracted in the form of a monthly fee) shall result in automatic termination of the Agreement, regardless of notification without prejudice to the provisions of item 4.6 above. 


5.1. All possible charges, costs, expenses, guides, taxes, fees, and other expenses paid by BHUB on behalf of the CLIENT, including, without limitation, those required by City Halls, the Internal Revenue Service, Trade Boards, State and Municipal Finance Departments, sworn translators, notary publics, among others that are not expressly included in the Price shall be charged to the CLIENT in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which payments are made.

5.2. Any amounts spent on materials to perform the Services, such as books, postage, stamps, file folders, CDS, copies, etc. may be paid in advance by BHUB, but must be reimbursed by the CLIENT in the invoice for the month immediately following the month in which the payments are completed.

5.3. Additional services may, from time to time, at the sole discretion of Bhub, be contracted by e-mail, at the prior written request of the CLIENT, the provision of which is subject to collection by BHUB. It is the CLIENT’s sole responsibility to inform its members, agents, employees, and/or service providers about this form of contracting the additional services in question, understanding as a request duly formalized by the CLIENT, for all legal purposes, any requests for additional services forwarded to BHub.

5.4. Demands not described in Clause 3 of the Summary Table are not included in the scope of the Services nor the Price. If provided by BHUB, they shall be charged separately to the CLIENT in the month immediately following the month in which they are completed.


6.1. The CLIENT shall have up to seven (7) days to withdraw (terminate) from the contracted Services, free of charge. After this term, or if the Services have already been provided, the Agreement may be canceled, but the agreed amount shall be charged in full.

6.2. In the case of Services contracted under a monthly fee, the CLIENT may withdraw (terminate) from the Services at any time by giving BHUB thirty (30) days’ notice (the period we need to bring your journey with us to an orderly end). In this case, the CLIENT must pay the monthly fee corresponding to the notice period. There are no fines or complications. We believe in good service and transparency.

6.2.1. If any payments are overdue during the notice period, the CLIENT shall have to pay all these amounts by the intended end date of our Agreement.

6.2.2. In the case of virtual office services, if the CLIENT chooses to terminate the aforementioned Services, it must provide, at its own expense, (i) the registration of the contractual amendment before the Trade Board, which shall reflect the change of its business address, as well as (ii) all the necessary registrations and updates before the competent bodies and authorities.

6.2.3. Once the contractual amendment has been registered and the registration updates mentioned above have been made, the CLIENT must present the protocol receipts to BHUB so that the price agreed with BHUB and the provision of the aforementioned Services may be terminated;

6.2.4. The CLIENT declares that it agrees and is aware that the termination of the provision of Virtual Office services by BHUB and, consequently, the collection of the amount agreed between the Parties, shall only take place upon presentation of the protocol receipts indicated above. If this is not the case, the price agreed shall continue to be due until you submit the protocols to BHUB.

6.3. BHUB shall not be held liable for the understandings given by class representation or regulatory authorities regarding the activities carried out by the CLIENT nor for any delays and/or requirements and/or terms for/in verification at trade boards or any other bodies where the process of opening companies or any other diligence is required.

6.4. The CLIENT assumes full liability for the name (Corporate and Trade Name) given to the company opened by BHUB, as well as the description of the economic activities that it will exploit, even in cases where the BHUB team makes suggestions, these shall only be implemented with the CLIENT’s authorization, which shall occur with its acceptance or signature on the Articles of Association.

6.5. The following services are NOT INCLUDED in the Agreement: i) filing of documents and processes with the City Hall (except for the feasibility request); ii) filing of documents and processes with the Internal Revenue Service (except for obtaining the DBE – Basic Document for Registration for the incorporation of the company); iii) registration of the company and/or members with class representative bodies (e.g.: CRA, CRC, CREA, CRQ, OAB, etc.); iv) coordination or monitoring of inspections and evaluations by the Fire Department and other bodies; v) technical project to obtain a license; vi) other services or activities not described in the Summary Table.


6.7. The CLIENT declares that it is fully aware that it SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXERCISE BUSINESS ACTIVITY BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE REGISTRATION, pursuant to art. 966 of the Civil Code, nor shall it be able to exercise activity that requires prior licensing before obtaining the respective necessary license.

6.7.1. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any investment, damages, costs, loss of profits, claims by third parties, or cost of supplying substitute goods or services, nor shall it be liable for any downtime costs, or any fact that may result in damage to the CLIENT, should the CLIENT commence activities prior to the conclusion of the business opening process.

6.8. The CLIENT declares that it is fully aware that bookkeeping and the submission of accessory declarations must, by law, be carried out from the “Date of Opening” shown on the CNPJ Card.

6.9. The CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that the Legal Representation services may be provided by a third party/partner of BHUB, and hereby declares complete knowledge that the latter may have access to information provided by the CLIENT to the quantum necessary for the execution of the Agreement.


7.1. The Legal Representation Service provided by BHUB, either independently or through third parties, is conditioned and limited to the supply of documents and information that are duly requested and required from the CLIENT.

7.2. BHUB shall not be held liable for any other obligation related to this Service that is not expressly mentioned in these Terms. The Legal Representation services do not, at any time, encompass the making of administrative or strategic decisions of any kind, nor do they include the recommendation of any actions on the part of the CLIENT, being limited solely to the execution of measures aimed at fulfilling the CLIENT’s legal and bureaucratic obligations.

7.3. BHUB shall not be held responsible for any delays or abstention in the provision of the agreed services that result from delays, omissions, or failures on the part of the CLIENT or third parties, and BHUB shall not be responsible for any claims, damages, fines, or losses of any kind that do not result from its exclusive fault, as per these Terms.

7.4. The CLIENT undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless any third party or partner of BHUB who may act as the actual legal representative, with BHUB remaining solely legally responsible, regardless of any successor that may replace it, pursuant to the limitations set forth in this Terms.

7.5. Similarly, all acts and services performed by BHUB, as well as by third parties/partners who may act as effective legal representatives, shall be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions provided by the CLIENT, and they shall not be held liable for any losses, damages, or harms that may directly result from the contents, guidance, or information provided by the CLIENT, including, but not limited to, losses resulting from false, incorrect, or incomplete information provided by the CLIENT.


8.1. In order for the Services to be provided with quality and in accordance with the law, the CLIENT shall need to provide BHUB with the data requested, as well as the information and documents necessary for the provision of the Services, within a period that shall be informed at the time of the request, and it is the CLIENT’s sole and exclusive responsibility to keep them updated with BHUB.

8.2. The CLIENT undertakes to:

(i) Acquire the Digital Certificate Template A1, when applicable, if it doesn’t have one yet. Without it, BHUB shall not be able to provide the services that depend on it, such as, but not limited to, municipal registration, licensing, and DBE issuance. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any delays, expenses, and/or penalties arising from the non-issuance/availability of said certificate or the change of password by the CLIENT, without notifying BHUB.

(ii) Provide and respond to all requests from BHUB for information and documents necessary for Service provision. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for the transmission of incomplete or inaccurate information in the event of not receiving the necessary and/or requested information in time.

(iii) Keep logins/passwords for the City Hall and Federal Revenue systems and the Digital Certificate available and up to date required to provide the contracted Services. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for the failure to send said information if the CLIENT changes the user data and/or passwords of the systems referred to in this item (iii), including the Digital Certificate, and/or fails to update them with BHUB.

(iv) Respect all terms indicated by BHUB to enable the correct provision of Services or pay the amounts related to processes for “reopening” the provision of Services due to non-compliance with the term.

(iv) Take responsibility for the correct filing of all documents, including receipts and protocols received.

(v) Comply with any and all requirements, whenever necessary and requested by any public authorities, within the term allowed by the competent authority.

(vi) To engage in business activity ONLY AFTER COMPLETION OF THE REGISTRATION, pursuant to article 966 of the Civil Code, as well as to engage in activity that requires prior licensing only after obtaining the respective necessary license.

(vii) Carrying out bookkeeping and submitting accessory statements from the date of opening on the CNPJ Card, as required by law.

(viii) If necessary, register the company with the authorities that regulate its commercial activity;

(ix) Keeping your registration active and up to date with City Halls and other public authorities.

8.3. Any fines resulting from the delay in sending the requested documents after the legal deadline, which are due to the non-provision of the Services, due to the exclusive and proven fault of BHUB, shall be BHUB’s responsibility.

8.3.1. BHUB is exempt from paying the fines referred to in clause 7.3 if the CLIENT has given cause, for any reason whatsoever, including delays in the delivery of documents and statements or the actions and omissions of external entities and persons who are not employees or service providers of the BHUB, as well as in cases where there is not enough time to perform the Services and/or BHUB does not own the information and documentation necessary to carry out the activity, within the term indicated by BHUB.

8.4. The CLIENT declares that:

i) it is responsible for its business decisions and its company’s internal controls;

ii) its activity is not illegal according to the current laws;

iii) all the documents it generates and shall generate and forward to BHUB to provide the services are suitable, and the CLIENT is liable for the accuracy and legality of each one of them;

iv) is aware that it is its responsibility to issue Invoices, as well as to maintain and update its registration with the municipal authorities and on the BHUB Platform – when and if applicable;

v) is aware that it SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXERCISE BUSINESS ACTIVITY BEFORE COMPLETION OF THE REGISTRATION, pursuant to art. 966 of the Civil Code, nor shall it be able to exercise activity that requires prior licensing before obtaining the respective necessary license.

vi) is aware that it must keep logins/passwords up-to-date and available for the City Hall and Internal Revenue Service systems and the Digital Certificate required to provide the contracted Services, and BHUB is authorized, due to the Agreement purpose, to store them, as well as change them with public authorities, and may also create new accesses required by law. This authorization includes the possibility for BHUB to generate and sign powers of attorney and for the fulfillment of any legal obligation, including those subsequent to the signing of the Agreement, either on behalf of the company or its members (when necessary), in particular, but not limited to, municipal governments (this authorization does not transfer responsibility for issuing invoices to BHUB).

8.5. Under no circumstances shall BHUB be liable for any investment, costs, lost profits, third-party claims, or costs of supplying substitute goods or services, should the CLIENT commence the activities referred to in item vi above prior to the conclusion of the company opening process, nor shall BHUB be liable for any downtime costs, or any event which may result in damage to the CLIENT.


9.1. The CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for the payment of any and all fees to be settled before any and all public or governmental authorities whenever necessary for the regular operation of the company, and its attendance and external personal services (due diligence) in these authorities (notary offices, trade boards, city halls) are not included in the Services provided by BHUB and may, if available in your area of activity, be contracted separately.

9.2. BHUB reserves the right to cancel or modify these T&C when it deems it appropriate, notifying this situation through a publication on the website


10.1. These T&C shall be valid for an indefinite period from September 25, 2023, until their general termination is published via the website